
After that, he raised a loud voice that seemed to sound outside the room as well.

Pay up? That makes Senior Toto happy. There's no way I have a grieving employee with this.

"Mr. Cellia also gets one more silver coin a month. With the kind support of Franz, you'll lose your mind."

"No. Your husband is sweet, so I'm just gonna stick around."

Celia is happy to say the same. We have to celebrate this in a little expensive stores. The money has to be spent for a time like this. For that matter, the economy goes around, and it's exactly one stone and two birds.

"You two would like to continue to work as core employees of Necro Grant Black Magic. Well, because of the small number of people, every single one of them is already at the core."

The president smiles and says.

That's right. It is this company that makes each person professional. There's no such thing as a hanging employee.

"A company, like humans, is a thousand different things. I think some managers have different ideas. But I want to be a company where every employee within my sight can truly shine and smile."

"Yes, I agree"

I felt glad to be in this company again.

Gergel also said, "Glory be to the Necro Grant Black Magic Company. One!" I said barking.

I was doing some clerical work that day, feeling good after lunch.

I also had to check the paperwork and other documents before evening, and after that I enjoyed the tea for all of the employees.

"Yes, it's herbal tea. If you want sugar or milk, adjust it."

Senior Tototo brought a large teapot and cup.

Seniors don't look good and are good at cooking, but they also have pretty elaborate tea. Well, he's a ruinous man, but he's a dark elf. I guess the herbs are also deeply made.

"Yeah, it smells good ~. It makes me feel graceful! You're really good!

Originally the upper class Cellia also admires it.

"I usually live alone, so when someone drinks like this, I'm in the mood."

"The sweets have souvenirs sent to the company, so open them!

President Kerkel also comes out of the president's office and distributes the treats in the box.

Mooyang has a slightly frightened face.

"Um... do I have to do these things, being a newbie...?

"It's okay, it's okay. In the first place, it's an exception to having so many employees in this company. If only someone wanted to make tea."

Senior Toto is probably around here.

It looks confusing at first, but it could be just the right character for junior coaching.

"Mm-hmm. There should have been no tea cream in Lord Mooyan's business description either. Then there is no need for such work. Now get acquainted with your work quickly. It's time to build up drills."

Senior Leda's words are proven, old-fashioned, but what he is saying is correct.

"I really appreciate this company being able to relax so much from day one"

I also said relaxing from the bottom of my heart. Even though it's not uncommon for a terrible company to have overtime from day one.

"That and this, thanks to President Kelkel for making good adjustments. The president is quite a masterpiece among Cerberus. Straw I assure you."

If the great demon tribe guarantees it, you can believe it.

True, you're putting together a job this company can afford properly. So our employees don't have to work like carriages to get around the company and make profits.

"Ma'am, at a time when you're in a business attitude where you can't catch up without overtime, it's weird. That means the person above is incompetent. Well, it's a playful thing that people up there look great in that situation."

As President Kerkel put it, labor management is also the job of great people.

"I will continue to make sure that the company goes around even if I just relax a little bit. Loose is important in life. Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your private life going."

Gergel says, "One to try and win the chess world championship this year!," he said of his ambitions. My ambitions are too magnificent for a dog.

"I think I'll get married...... Let's go to a wedding event in Wangdu or something before the full sea opens..."

Senior Sanson Sue, you look more in the mood than you work.

"May I also develop new moves to entertain your husband?"

Serlia said something absurd and almost sprayed her tea.

I don't know if it's sexual harassment as an internal conversation, but it's probably natural because it's a sakubus.

"I have completed the Sacubus Forty-Eight Hands at school, but I also have advanced Sacubus moves called Troubled One Hundred Eight Hands. I hope you can remember that too."

Kind of sounds like a martial arts story......

"When you become a troubled, one-hundred-and-a-half master, you say you can excite a man just to remember him wherever he is. I haven't reached that skill yet."

No longer is that magic......

At this rate, the tea party progressed to nasty.

Already, just wait for the end of the day. After all, Necro Grant Black Magic, the best!

The tea was delicious and when I was replacing it, I wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Excuse me, just washing your hands"

This building is a little far away from the bathroom for a large amount of flaws in the balls.

On the way home from that bathroom, I met Senior Farfistagna in the hallway.

Normally, seniors would be in the bathroom too. This kind of thing makes it easier for others to go.

"You know, junior."

Seniors called me.

"Yes. What is it?

"When I'm done with my job, I want you to talk to me a little bit, okay?

The face of Senior Farfistagna, who seemed like the usual thing...

Hi, I felt like I was sinking.

Was it true that Mooyang cared that seniors looked less fun...?

"Yes, of course. If I may."

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