"There's no reason for us to disagree, so we're off work from February 15th."

"Yes, so please"

The president told me to smile. It's too exceptional for a president to smile here.

"Because of this, and when your black magic job stops, you can spend it checking to see what happens to society. Perhaps in a relatively short time the trade association's Central Black Magic Committee will try to show a compromise"

He can also read more or less scenarios to President Kerkel.

"In the part where we just have to improve the conditions, we also know the Central Black Magic Commission. It's not your job to disappear, is it? It just means I'm complaining because the conditions are slower. So I'll fix it."

"Black magic work is what I do is use the imp to manage swamps, graveyards, plow farmland, or one plain job, but is that so much trouble to stop...?

I may be masochistic, but I feel like I'm going to be put up with it even if it stops for a few days.

"To be clear, the president has been an active promoter of the new 3K workplace in Beautiful Kaiteki Kaihooteki One. That's where the president worked really, really hard one."

Gergel praised the president instead of him.

True, President Kerkel would have had such a hard time in an era where we don't know.

"Well, it's true that you've been collecting good jobs, jobs that make money. Besides, the creepy Kitanai Kiken's 3K job is both bullied by a big black magic company, and it can be hard to get a new job. It doesn't make a lot of money, so it's not good."

"Making money by doing something innovative is the basic attitude of a latecomer."

I know there are a lot of factors, but as far as I'm concerned, I want to continue to respect the president.

"So take your time on February 15th. That would be a big deal in the paper."

As the president said, checking the newspapers being delivered to the company, there was more coverage of the strike as February 15th approached.

The paper says that the formula for strikes to run has become higher.

It may be irresponsible, but I'd like to see what impact it actually makes when I get here.

And February 15th - the fourteenth day before.

This is a day to celebrate the great white wizards such as Valentine's Day, where the white wizards celebrate with parties and drinks.

When I was a student, I partied in the dorm, except for the last year when I was still alive. I mean, Lisa used to open it for me.

Because of this, walking in Wang Du on the night of the 14th, I felt that the rate of couples and drunk people was higher than usual. However, when I told him that, I got a scratch on Calm Mary.

"You know how many white wizards there are from the population of the King's capital. I don't think it's that noticeable."

"That's right, it's been a day of celebration for the general public as well as the White Wizard lately. It's not enough for a holiday yet."

More noisy days are also appreciated by the general public, so unless there's a problem with how much of it comes from, it's something we'll take in fine.

"What kind of wizard was that Valentine? I'm a demon, so I don't know the details, so I want you to tell me."

I did learn at magic school, too, but until then, I had no idea.

Then explain as you walk through the King's Capital at night. I'm not a historian, so there may be holes and mistakes, but that means you're adorable there.

"It was a long time ago, but once the demonic world and this world were about to merge into one. That's what superior wizards did."

I don't know what magnitude, what special magic it would be if I used it, but I can't help it because it belongs to the realm of legends.

"Oh, brother, if we had about twenty demons in our class, and as many guys as we could arrange on the human side, we might not have to do that either."

"When Mary says, the legend suddenly brings realism..."

"If this world connects to the demonic realm, I think humans will probably perish or have almost degenerated into something else. But it didn't. A white wizard named Valentine has joined forces to prevent the demon kingdom from getting too close - giving up his own life."

This legend is quite a sad story.

He's dead, isn't he?

Gentle Serlia can also conjure up thoughts about the death of historical figures.

"There is nothing in common white magic that requires sacrifice or offering. But when it's a super advanced dimension of secret law, it seems there's something like martyrdom in justice. Using it, he stopped the demon world and this world from pulling together completely."

Most importantly, such magic has been lost as a matter of course, and I do not know the details.

"And the day after Valentine sacrificed Mizu, the demonic world was closest to the human world and it affected a lot of the human world, but it didn't pull off, and away from it again, to this day"

Sometimes, I turn my face to both of them. I guess that means you're asking me that Mary hasn't talked about anything either.

"Since then, the White Wizard has celebrated the day Valentine died, while the Black Wizard has made Feb. 15 his anniversary as the closest day for the demonic world - but I've learned more about Black Magic Day since I got a job too..."

At least the average person wouldn't know this one at all.

"And tomorrow is February 15th as an example, right? I wonder what the hell will happen."

"Well, because of that, we'll hang out with Wang Du tomorrow to see how it goes."

I'm not working, so this is a passive strike, too.

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