"Yay! Is that true? I knew I couldn't do nashi or anything right now!

Seniors' eyes sparkle. It was like they told me I'd buy you a jewel, too. You wanted to suck that much blood!

"I took great care of you, too, and that's in return. By the way, where do you suck blood from?

"Sucking from the neck muscle is dangerous, so please use your left arm. So, can you take off your clothes and sit in bed?

Something tells me you're sick.

For a long life, do vampires ever suck blood?

"Yes, to prevent anaemia, could you have a glass of water beforehand?

"Around there, you're decent..."

"And I'll wipe your arms with a disinfectant gauze,"

My arm soaked.

"Then I'll go. If you feel bad, tell me."


The pain ran only at first, but soon the pain disappeared.

While they're sucking, of course, seniors can't talk about anything. So silent time will continue.

Hi, I'm not comfortable...... For me, there's a woman right next to me in the ladies' room, so I'm pretty nervous. It's weirder that I don't feel anything about this.

"The... Blood sucking is out-of-the-box plain and long... Sounds like a medical practice..."

It takes longer to silence, so I talk about something. Even so, seniors can't talk about anything while they're smoking, so there's no response.

"Oh, it's a hobby, so you mean smoke it carefully, little by little? I don't even feel like I'm losing much blood."

I hope you get back to me... I can't help it, shall we see it in the room? It's so messy, it feels like a room for women.

And I'm starting to feel better, too.

Close to mellow. I feel like I've been given sleeping pills. Well, if you inflict severe pain or make them feel uncomfortable, that's all they resist, making it harder to suck blood, making them comfortable.

And I'm finally done sucking blood.

"Thank you! For once, I'll put gauze on the bite marks!

"What? Was it over? Didn't notice at all......"

I didn't know my senior mouth was away. After all, does it work like anesthesia?

The senior also took good care of the bite marks.

"Hey, Mr. Franz, you have really good blood. It's superb blood! Vampires to hotties!

"It's delightful or subtle information!

"Tasty for vampires often means that they are a likable physique for the Demons in general. Is there something like pheromones out there, or is there some demonic neighborhood among humans?"

"Demonic neighborhood? No, I'm just a human being. My parents are very normal people."

"Maybe our ancestors hundreds of years ago had more demons"

It was the ancestors of Ciscon that came to my mind.

That ancestor, you made a child with the demons...?

No, 'cause it's Cisco. I wouldn't have had the consciousness or anything to do with the Demon Clan.

"By the way, with demon blood in it, they say it's often in favor of black magic."

That means...

Isn't it possible that even older ancestors than that had demon blood mixed in?

Because it contained the blood of the Demon tribe, it is possible that he was a great Demon tribe and could have summoned Mary's brother, "The Dove of the Underworld Darker than Darkness". So, the same reason I could summon Mary.

Nevertheless, there's no way I know what happened 2,000 or 3,000 years ago, and it seems like an error. The truth is in the twilight.

And then there was a change that I had to do something about sooner than that.

"Oh, did Franz, too, get murky?

I found Senior Enterya's gaze pointing toward my lower body.

Even from the top of my pants, you know...

The tension should be stronger than excitement, but it's still a unique time, so he was having an effect on his body.

"Well, what can I say thank you for, but shall we smoke that one too? It's give-and-take."

"Oh, then just fine - what are you saying!

I was puzzled when they offered me a hell of a suggestion.

"It's absolutely dirty and fine..."

"Then I'll be fine. Because I also have gauze for disinfection. Of course, I don't get fangs up. I'm generally good at smoking."

That's not the realm of Sacubas......

If they say so much, you can't say no anymore.

"So... can you please...?

"Yes. Now, take off your pants."

After that, I was sucked by seniors for something different than blood. Instead, I'd say they sucked it all up.

"I knew it tasted weird...... I wish this tasted better too."

After it was all over, my senior told me.

"Well, it's supposed to be for making offspring, so it doesn't make sense because it feels delicious..."


A senior voiced that he noticed something. What the hell do you notice in this situation?

"Mr. Franz now, you look very riddled. You look some percent more intelligent than you did the first time we met! Eyes that are as clear as a future all the time!

Glad to hear it, but why am I getting Rin...?

"Oh shit, this is the one called Sage Mode"

If it was put to words, I'd be embarrassed as soon as I could......

"Oh, well, Mr. Franz, you just sat there, so you wouldn't sweat or mess up your hair like you did after exercise. It's just a state of pure liberation from desire."

"You don't have to bother telling me!

After that, I went home.

"Master, you look so cool when you wake up drunk."

"Franz, you look like a hero with aspirations. Is something wrong?

The two of us told me something I couldn't wait to do.

"I'm sure you've been told a story by your predecessors about being brave. You've had a great experience!

"Yeah, it was a good experience..."

I can see the guilt in me swelling up... No more compliments, Celia......

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