With more and more plates, Howa Howa slapped him in the chest, so the cup nearly fell off! Blink!

I'll catch it somehow.

"I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, be careful..."

Still, it looks like Howa Howa isn't used to customer service. Customer service, or you shouldn't have been so good at communicating with humans, so I guess that still affects you here. The Swamp Troll society is not the same as the capitalist society of the Wang Capital.

"Ready to order? First, salted cabbage and stir-fried eggs, then beef mottled soup. Drinks are..."

Both Serlia and Mary said Dobron, so I told Howa Howa, "Three Dobrons".

"Okay. I'll get it ready. Let's wait."

Once again, in somewhat dangerous footsteps, Howa Howa disappeared into the kitchen.

"That's cute to watch. Howa, Howa might look good in a naked apron, too."

"Celia, that's going to be a different store, so no..."

And Serlia described it as cute because people are nice, but as far as I'm concerned, I was just a little concerned about Howa.

Last time, I was surprised at the store itself, and I wasn't aware of it that way.

I wish this feeling would end with concern, but after a while the store became crowded, I heard this voice.

"Hey, no herbal chickens at all. How much?!

A slightly safer voice went up from one of the tables.

There comes Howa Howa with no expression. That face, too, could have a negative impact on customer service.

"Herbal chicken? I didn't go through with my order."

"Uh, I did order it. Anyway, I asked for it on the main course of eating. I don't even drink with salted cabbage."

"Oh well. Then I'll tell the manager now."

"It's not 'so-called'. It's your mistake, so you can say you're sorry."

One of the guests was irritated by Howa's attitude. I don't know because I wasn't checking the truth, but it's likely a mistake on the Howa side. I guess I was out of my memory when I first had an order to put together.

Guests don't seem to be protesting strongly against the Easy Miss itself.

Instead, they think that Howa Howa looks like she's going to bump out and there won't be a response to it.

"Your husband... what shall we do...?

The air in the store was getting worse to the point where Celia looked at me anxiously.

Other customers seem to have noticed the discomfort, making the words whisper. This air is not nice in a tavern we can't talk about unless we have a nice drink.

Am I leaving...? But if you don't stand around well, you can amplify the trouble. Anyway, the customer's face turned red. That was due to drunkenness, not anger. Even I tend to get bigger because I'm drunk.

"In the end, don't you want herbal chickens? Are you there?

Still don't seem to know Howa better......

"No, I didn't say I didn't want it. You're selling a fight?

Oh, not good, not good! We're gonna have to break in here.

"- Oh, my God, what's going on?

A new voice came up just before I got up. I thought it was Soprano's clean, easy to hear voice.

A winged woman rises up and heads to the table of trouble. Based on the shape of the wings, is it the Demon Clan?

"No, this clerk looks great even though he missed the order. So, it's a little cute..."

The tone of the customer on the complaining side also goes down a bit due to the new human being coming in.

"I see, I see"

The woman nodded coddly, listening.

"I mean, are you sure you want the clerk to apologize for the non-?

"Oh... you will..."

Now the lady turned to Howa Howa, who was so puffy.

Howa Howa doesn't have the balls to be shocked if she gets angry. It may be better than depressing, but it's also likely that you haven't reflected, so that could be the problem.

"The clerk is aware that he made a mistake, is there?

"Yeah, I think Howa missed it, but"

"The mistake is for everyone, but it's true that the food we were looking forward to didn't come and the customer had trouble, so let's apologize for being sorry"

"I know."

He also convinced Howa Howa.

"Whew. but. I'm sorry. Let the manager make it as soon as possible."

It doesn't sound like an apology, but it must still be an apology.

"So the clerk says he's sorry, and won't we fit it round here? What do you say?

The woman smiled and now looked at the customer.

Apologies have been withdrawn, and there is no longer any reason for the customer to be rude.

It's possible to say that the apology is cluttered, but when it does, it drifts away from what I said I wanted the first apology to be, making it look like a complaint. I would have thought that the customer side could not continue to involve even a different customer any more sensibly.

"Ok...... Then you can stop talking now... Herbal chicken, now please..."

"I'll take care of it. I'll tell the manager right away."

Thanks to the woman's response, the trouble quenched the fire safely. When the woman returned to the table, she was drinking dobron alone looking chilly and fun.

"Good for you, Franz"

It seems that Mary also had a good observation of the condition. At times like this, Mary looks at the situation really well.

"Oh. I'd just like to go say thank you later when the time is right."

Now, when I go, it feels like I've treated the complaining customer as a Kramer, and I can't move yet because it hits me rudely.

After that, Mr. Macolibe was taking herbal chickens directly.

"No, I'm sorry. That kid, he's out of the country and he's still new to America. Herbal chickens, when you serve another one. So forgive me."

"It's okay that it's this big. Something's wrong..."

"Stay tuned."

Mr. Macolibe handled it well, and the group of customers who ordered herbal chickens left drunk more often.

Just now, that female customer was still there. You're the kind of person who enjoys a little alcohol.

All right, shall we go thank you?

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