"Hey Dad, what are you doing here!?

I stuck screaming in a voice that sounded so far away.

Sorry if it's a neighborhood nuisance......

"Huh! Even Mary to Franz!? Dude, I'm so jealous of men and women walking out in the middle of the night like this...... I'm not impressed!

You almost said I was proud of you. Instead, I almost told you.

"I don't want my dad standing here watching me go out in the middle of the night. Let me know what's going on. Hopefully, it's not a crime."

I don't like it when my dad becomes a criminal. Well, if it's a better reason than stealing a woman's underwear and arresting her or something, then I also feel good about it at this time... I don't expect anything from my father other than accounting work.

"Oh, was it Lord Franz's father? What a coincidence. I was just in the middle of an interview right now."

Senior Leda was putting out his notebook and was there entirely as a writer.

From the looks of it, my father didn't seem to have done anything wrong.

"Franz, you know there's talk out there that this ancient ruin of lightstone is a key hole that brings out magic, and it's a great power spot?

My father turned to me and started explaining.

"Oh yeah......"

It's supposed to be Gaseneta, but let's just shut up for a second.

"When I heard that, my father thought. I was wondering if I could be a black wizard myself if I practiced black magic on this keyhole!

My father had a book in his hand.

When I looked closely in the dark, I could read The Book of Black Magic for Beginners and the title.

"If you're on the power spot, your father might be able to call Sacubus all of a sudden! Believe it or not, sometimes I climbed this ancient ruin in the middle of the night and practiced chanting!

"That was the worst reason I ever thought of!

I knelt on the spot.

I can't believe the truth about the rumors was my own parents, and the purpose of it was such a shame...

I want to go in if there's a hole...... Don't apply mud to my son's face......

"By the way, Mr. Corta, I don't think that chanting would produce anything, even if this was the power spot. Your pronunciation is at a perfectly ordinary level. I don't have the foundation for pronunciation."

My father was not allowed out by Senior Leda and was normally snagged. You're not normally caught. And then, Corta is my father's name.

"Really...... Actually, I also wondered if you might have a great talent just by calling Sacubas..."

"You can't be... Rather, where did that confidence come from......?

"That would be up to you because you could summon such a cute Mr. Cerulia of Sacubas! It's not strange to have a father who is a parent if he's ever had a child!

"Where the muscles are subtly through, it's unnecessarily annoying......!

I can't believe I summoned Celia around and cause this problem locally... Would you call this a butterfly effect? Didn't I?

"Besides your thoughts, Mr. Corta, it sounds like your practice is resounding in the middle of the night and is based on the anxiety of the local residents. I won't stop practicing, but do it at home or somewhere less noisy"

Senior Leda made a very straightforward point.

"Ha ha, my wife will kill me if I can practice black magic calling Sacubas at home ~"

Then, when I'm going home, I guess they'll kill me...

"Franz, your father is... unique..."

"Oh, Mary, you could say more terminally, 'You're stupid' or 'You suck'. Because I'm not angry at all."

Because it's all true that it's stupid and sucks......

"But now we've cleared up all the ancient ruins issues, and we can have a nice New Year. Let's think positive."

"Right. It's true that one thing is settled."

Be positive thinking with force moves. Let's do that.

"Really... Leda, by the way, isn't there a suitable school around here for practicing black magic?

Why, I'm trying to learn with bees! I admire that willingness!

"Instead, if you can give personal guidance to a beautiful person like Mr. Ledda, I'll pay you ten silver coins a month for the monthly thank you!

The magic of life absorption has made me want to defeat my father. I don't really want to absorb it from my father.

"I'm sorry, but the awkward is the writer. I can't because I'm traveling everywhere."

My father was seriously discouraged. I'll put some more on my face, I want you to refrain.

"Also, can you lay down your name, etc. and let me make it an article?

"If you can keep my wife from spreading it, I'll be fine"

"Okay. Now, we will pay the coverage fee as stipulated."

"Senior Leda, I would never give money to such an idiot..."

"Lord Franz, it's against the rules not to pay here. I don't care how much you cover as a parent of an employee of the same company."

It's the truth itself, but he said my heart still wasn't convinced.

After that, I explained the situation to my mother, so my father even had grasshoppers in the garden on the last day of the year.

I want you to think it's cheap if that's all you're allowed to do. Don't worry about some of your neighborhoods in real life...

And the morning sun of the New Year greeted Mary and the coast.

"" I hope this is a good year ""

Me and Mary said in solidarity.

Well, with Mary and Serlia, it'll almost certainly be a good year.

"Nice to see you again this year, Franz"

"This way."

We smile at each other.

Lightstone powerspot scams were also featured in newspapers.

The scammers seem to say that the money they cheat will be refunded, and for one thing I'm glad they didn't cheat the money even though the locals are weird.

"Oh, yeah. Franz, there's also an inn around here because it's a tourist destination...?

Mary blushed and said.

"Oh, well, there will be, but what's wrong with that?

"Hih, princess, here we go... don't do it? If it's special today and Franz wants to... it's okay to be frightened...?

You're not a man if you say no here, are you?

After this, me and Mary enjoyed it early in the New Year.

At that point, I'm pretty sure this year is better than last year.

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