Luck seems to be on our side. The building had lights on.

We walk into a thin alley next to the building and dive into it.

"Sound, can you hear me?

I ask Senior Leda.

"I'm fine. There are many gaps in old buildings. You're gonna hear me right."

I can barely hear the words because the windows are close, too. Apparently, there are two men inside. It's a landscape room with almost nothing. At best, the brochure I saw at the tourist information center next to the ancient ruins is on the wall.

"Oh, that sounds good. Your budget's down, Mr. Zagooner."

The taller man said it better. So the other guy is Zagooner?

Zagooner's face looked like a clever rat at first glance. Perhaps you shouldn't judge people by their faces alone, but you get the impression that they have both a single habit and a lid habit.

"Four thousand and five hundred silver coins is the budget for this fiscal year? You know, first things first. I just want to ask for about 7,000 pieces to be advertised as a full power spot next fiscal year. It's still time for the people in the hall to dream."

"Right. If you don't make another buck, it won't fit."

Senior Leda said, "After all, was it an organization that assumed to wind up money from the municipality!" He broke the window and nearly stuck it inside, so he stopped it with me and Mary.

We still don't have enough evidence of a crime. It's premature.

"Nogos, what about the cost of building an example tourist information center?

Apparently the tall man is called Nogos. I think it was written somewhere in the brochure as the name of the person concerned.

"Yes, I altered the invoice from the vendor so that it cost two thousand and five hundred silver coins"

"Hmm, such a small cabin, a thousand pieces of silver coins would make it. The people in the hall don't know the world, so they can fool as much as they want."

Right after Zagooner said yes, Mary said, "Okay, now it looks like we have evidence to catch you".

"Right. If you find out you're misleading the amount, the obvious crime - oh, wait yet, seniors!

I stopped the seniors again.

"When you see evil in front of you, your body takes its own..."

Senior Leda is very short-tempered, or you have somewhere to try to jump when you find an enemy...

"All you have to do is burn down one stupid professor and a Lightstone rep. It's an easy job. That's all it takes to get that kind of money in."

"The bureau doesn't come to check out the actual business situation. Even if you come, there are no experts in the hall, so you can include as much as you want."

"Do you want me to make money in a business that deceives municipalities for a while? How much more money it would be to fool a simple idiot than to fool a bad guy. And the risk of retaliation is small. Excellent."

Looks like fun. Those two laughed. Somewhere, I felt a laugh intersecting mockery of the bureau as well.

Well, you've got quite a bit of evidence.

All we have to do is figure out how to take this to a solution.

However, Senior Leda will stick it in as it is, as not to be included in the choice.

Oh, it's a powerspot scam, so do you want to do the punishment in a way that goes with it?

"Um, both of you, I have a few suggestions."

I did the trick. With these two, most things would be doable.

The two of them agreed.

This would be the way to avoid later rot.

Then you'd better move before the killer leaves.

I don't know how to break in, but the part where Mary puts the key to the window frame was tapped with her hand so that it would open forcefully. You solved it with physics. With the power of Mary, normal door tightening means nothing.

Then, he opened the window with a glimpse and Senior Leda, wearing a robe with a black headscarf, went inside. You won't see your face first because of the headscarf.

"Hey, what are you!" "What the hell!?

The men scream. You'd be surprised because the mysterious presence came in.

Senior, do as you're told. Stop hitting me all of a sudden and failing or something......

"The Awkward... is the spiritual soul of a black wizard who was prevented from sleeping in the powerspot experiment you guys did..."

I thought I'd stay awkward, but they don't seem to care, so let's keep going.

"That's silly..." "That should be bullshit..."

"Because of the magic, I was enjoying my sleep slowly, but you guys made a scene and even built an inexplicable facility right next to me... No more forgiveness..."

"No way, what that Tondemo professor said was right?" "Is it the ancient black wizard who slept in the ancient tomb...?

All right, you seem to believe me pretty much.

Here Mary chanted a little black magic from the alley.

The room they were in gets dim all at once.

Clearly the air is turning into something horrible.

Besides, something like a dead spirit floats around them.

This is due to the Mini Demon that Mary is using. You can even look so scared.

Thanks to this, the two con artists are no longer able to afford to doubt it.

"Let it be, the awkward were to gain magic a thousand more years away and be fully resurrected. But there's a risk that that magic will be plundered because of you. Bad deeds like rotting your ears just to ask, threesome! Even if heaven forgives, the awkward will not forgive!

Senior, you have a sense of righteousness on your side along the way! You can do it!

"No, I don't care if it's an evil deed at this time... Oh, let's kill you guys here and be a distraction! You can exorcise the bad guys, two birds a stone!

The content is unnatural, but other than that, the seniors had quite the atmosphere. In a way, he's a professional prostitute, so he's releasing auras that the catfish humans can't get out, so even if he's a role, he's different in power.

No wonder the other two, who are just ordinary con men, sift up.

"Ha, help me......" "All life...... I was just flirted with by this guy named Zagooner..." "Hey! Nogos, don't just say something seco about yourself!" "Shut up! If he dies, he won't be able to use his money!

Whoa, they're starting to break up.

These guys are done. If scammers suspect each other, they can't do anything anymore. Bad guys are bad guys, which is why internal cohesion is important.

"It's time to stop, Mary."

"I get it. Minidemons, we're moving to phase two."

The poster in the room peeled off.

The table then moves out rattled.

Sounds like a strange phenomenon, but it's all just the work of a mini daemon.

The two scammers didn't even seem to be comfortable alive anymore, and went into the spot.

It feels good to deceive someone who's in the business of deceiving you.

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