Because of this, and for once, let me explain. The system may not be the same as the demon world.

"You know, there's a company in this kingdom that collects royalties for a year at the end of the year. I think it's a company that wholesales food for business in restaurants. Well, I don't have to say it once a year, but I often pay more every six months or quarter."

"I see. Every time you collect money, you have a lot of trouble doing business. There were a lot of companies in the demon world that made payments at milestones."

Mary's attitude doesn't seem to change the boundaries even in the demonic world.

"So, among other things, the end of the year is when payments are concentrated. Moreover, banks may be closed for New Year's Eve, so there are times when gold coins are stored in large quantities in warehouses until they are deposited with the bank in New Year's Eve as a large company."

"Oh, if they steal that, it's tough, so you're being careful."

I nodded loudly.

"That's the thing. Especially, but even, at this time of year, there are a lot of guys whose employees take a break. So hard to reach people's eyes, too. The risk of getting into a thief is even higher than usual. Some merchants hire security guards on an ad hoc basis because they won't be stylish if they get away with a lot of gold coins."

Just passed next to a larger stone warehouse. A man with a big scratch on his face also stood there with his arm around him.

"One way or another, it's about as suspicious as that guy is. Whatever you think, you're not a decent looking person. A rogue has a lot of vibes."

Mary said sarcastically. Blah, so I think you're right.

"There are also a certain number of people in the world who don't have regular company employees that fit their sexes. Fluffy, I don't know what you're doing, but a lot of guys are kind of ready to eat. One of those guys' job couches is to be careful."


Something is being seen by Mary with Zito eyes.

I'm not going to say such weird things...

"Franz, come on, actually. Give it up for living like that windmill, don't you have it?

In my heart, I heard a loud noise.

"Oh, I don't know... a little bit..."

"That's right. You were a little blinded right now, weren't you? Yeah, I don't know tomorrow. You have a romantic way of life, you know, you're cool, you were the face I thought. That's the part about men, isn't it? Your brother liked that kind of Kazawa novel and read it a lot."

"Well, I don't know... I would also appreciate a job where I get a fixed monthly salary for my job, which is why sometimes the risky way of life looks special..."

Everything is a way of living at your own risk, and if you make a mistake, you lose what you eat as soon as possible. But I also think there's a thrill there.

"Of course, so do the novels that Mary's brother was reading, but the windmills that come out of that are so beautified. I don't think most guys help weaknesses and screw up strengths, and the reality is they're not that different."

So it's basically a product of the world of fiction, which may be why I can appreciate it.

"Oh well. As for the fright, I just don't think it's viable. For the most part, if you are very good and trustworthy as a caution stick, some company will hire you as an employee."

It was an honest argument with no dreams or hopes.

"Well, that's the place..."

When I was talking about that in the carriage, I heard the words of other passengers.

Why, because the name of the city we're visiting just came up.

"Next time, they're gonna be after you, like, an orgal."

"Even on a scale, it looks just right. There's a lot of constituents out there, so if you don't attack your big cousin, you won't be proportionate."

Apparently, those two are merchants. This is how merchants exchange information with colleagues they meet.

"You know, is there going to be some kind of incident in the city called Augal?

Mary just entered the conversation. At a time like this, Mary's childish appearance doesn't make her more alert than she needs to be, so it's just fine.

"Ma'am, do you know what the robbers are called 'The Underworld Chamosica'?

One of the merchants asks. Mary shook her head to the side. You're deliberately emphasizing a childish sleigh.

"They say about thirty people belong to it, it's a notorious robbery. Raid a merchant's warehouse. In some cases, people kill without a problem. So, from the neighborhoods where they've been ravaging lately, we were talking about how the city might be in danger of being an ogre around the next time."

"Yeah. But if thirty people were wandering around, you'd stand out. I wonder if he's sneaking around in the middle of the night."

"Well, there's no such thing as daytime grandeur. Enter the middle of the night and scatter as soon as things are done. The local police and army are burning their hands."

"Yeah. I don't know because I slept in the inn with my brother at night."

You're setting me up as a complete brother.

"Right. It's tough when something sees you, young lady. It's a good place to be exposed. You'd better stay in the inn at night."

"'Cause, brother"

Mary, who turned to me, was finally laughing at me.

"Be careful at night and don't walk away."

It looks interesting on that face, so it says if you want to go for a walk in the middle of the night.

What if it's because of this that President Kerkel suggested we stop by the Oral?

Indeed, if any of the robbers encounter Mary, it's the end of their luck. It is imperative that they be destroyed. So evil perishes, and all we can do is good.

But such pure good deeds? Do you think you'd do something to hurt us to make us do it...?

Well, I'm pretty sure I'll have to go to Oral either way. If anything happens, it will be obvious then.

It doesn't have to be obvious, there's no problem. This is just a little trip home.

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