Naked Seniors Sanson Sue and Farfistagna stood.

Yeah, it's a stripper...... You have bowls too......

Ordinary mind, Ordinary mind...

Now, we both hid those breasts. Well, that's how they'll react.

"I don't know if it makes you feel obvious in the bathroom, I'm fine, but suddenly I'm surprised at the stripper..."

"I ate an unintentional hit... Might have mistimed..."

I don't think I'm guilty because you obviously see my clothes in the strip basket, but you can't just not apologize.

"Um... sorry..."

"Yeah, fine. Forgive me, junior. I tried to get in here without waiting for you to leave. There's something wrong here too."

They immediately understood there. Senior Farfistagna is a good man.

"Besides, junior you've been watching me, and I'm getting maddened. I'm starting to feel like I can be seen by you junior..."

Something's happening that I can't go through and make sense of!

"That's right...... It doesn't diminish when you're seen..."

Senior Sanson Sue, that is one way or another an expression used by a man in excuses!

"Rather, I would like to seek your opinion on this figure as a man's representative"

Senior Farfistagna stands right in front of me and takes a little of the bath towel he's been hiding.

"What do you think? Am I colorful? Anti-aging, it's working...?

said the senior in the light of most of them. Right, does Senior Farfistagna have a complex in his appearance?

"No, no complaints, I think it's cute..."

"Junior, I asked if I was colorful."

You didn't like my answer, seniors swept their cheeks a little.

"My demon, there are times when I turn into a human... because it looks so colorful..."

I see. Motori Orcuente V does indeed have adult colored incense on his mummy body. Compared to that, Senior Farfistagna has a flat body.

If you mislead me halfway here, I'll lose my credibility.

"The... colorful or not, the user demon might be up there"

"I knew..."

Seniors who will be disappointed faces.

"And you saw the human face of Motori Orcuente V."

Yes, I bowled it in the bathroom...... That's out of the question, so I want to go through.

"But it's the truth that seniors are so cute! I have such a cute senior, and I'm a fruit payer! There is not a single lie here!

Colour is just one of the women's statuses.

It's like some animals have fast legs, others can fly, and some are good at swimming, and you can't help but decide on one thing.

Would this word have reached Senior Farfistagna?

At least, I'd like to think it's okay because Senior Sanson Sue has an impressive face for me, but Senior Farfistagna is the type who doesn't get a lot on his face, so it's hard to tell.


Senior Farfistagna put his hand on his chest and became slightly more up-and-coming,

"Junior, do you want to do something like me and Sacubas?

I know what you mean. Is the color cuteness comparable, yes, seniors want to say.

But this, from me, doesn't make a big difference to being invited...

By and large, if I answer that I want to, what happens...?

Senior Farfistaña has a loud eye.

Damn, she's cute!

How can you do something that provokes me by doing so much!

I got stuck with the answer and came to the spot.

"Excuse me...... guys, I'm putting too much battle into man reason...... It's time for the fort to fall...... Give me a break! Even if we want to, we can't all be staying!

That was the voice of my heart.

"Guys, guys, it's cute or pretty, but the way Serbian bananas are eaten is obscene, there's something weird in the treasure house, it's in a room with the women, it's a vigorous dish for dinner, and it's honestly tough! He wants to do everything he can to make it succubus! That's what I'm talking about! You don't have to understand, so guess what!

I said it. I said it.

I don't care what they think. It's three big cravings. It's weirder not to exist. There is something, as there is, we have to accept and face it. What I did wasn't a mistake...... should be. Apart from what other people think...

Whatever, I meant to tell the two of you in front of me.

But the effect seemed more extensive.

- Let me talk to you.

The president stood in front of the stripper. I guess I was just about to take a bath.

"I'm sorry, I might have unconsciously overstimulated Mr. Franz"

With a bitter smile, the president says.

"Yes...... So today I'm going to sleep alone in my room..."

"You can do something succubus."


"At least with me. And I don't think Mr Cellia will refuse either, but I will listen. Because I'll tell you who and who the people with permission are. Well, it's a New Year's Eve party, and it would be nice to have a blast."

Uh, uh... I feel like the story is rolling fast in a weird direction......

"President, if it's me, it's fine...... I'm not very good at it..."

Yuzu and Senior Sanson Sue raised their hands.

Then silently, Senior Farfistagna blushed.

"This is the occasion, and I wouldn't be comfortable thinking that something is being done in the next room, and I'd be lighter too..."

Something is rapidly unfolding...

"Hehe. You guys are close. Then I'll ask the others."

After that, Senior Tototo did a light OK, "Oh, fine, fine, fine." Serlia said, not to mention, "Plenty of people are fine again!" He was thrilled.

When this happened, Mary couldn't retreat either.

"It's like you're out of company just to be frightened, it's weird... I can't help it..."

I mean, permission came out of everyone.

"Um, president, I'm the only guy, but in this case, what happens...?

"In a nutshell, it's called Harlem. It's a black magic company, and shouldn't it be about once a year?

From here on out, I can't be very specific, but I'm pretty sure it's probably been an unforgettable night.

First of all, the president said, "I'll lead you," with the president.

Then, with Senior Farfistagna, while also getting advice from the president.

Senior Sanson Sue was more aggressive than I thought.

... I got a break around here.

Equivalent, use health. But I guess it's a happy scream. No matter how much you get screwed if you're a man, you want to join.

"Damn, Franz can't help it."

With Mary, while Mary puts you up to it.

"Then I'll be next."

I asked Senior Tototo to take the lead at all times.

So at the end of the day, Celia.

"Master, it's going to be hard, but you can relax."

I did something succubus with Celia, and I went straight to sleep.

The next day, I was feeling like I was out of my shell.

Until just before I checked out, I was depressed.

"Mr. Franz, are you okay? Was that just the limit?

The president worried me. That's about it, I guess I was out of my mind.

"You had a hell of a thing waiting for you at the end of the year..."

I'm glad today is a holiday.

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