Early the next morning, Sonto left toward the terminal of the Wangdu, where the long-distance carriage leaves.

"I've got the address here, and I'll write to you when I get back to the area."

"Okay. I'll be waiting."

Sonto looked a lot clearer at that time because he was able to draw conclusions in himself.

After Sonto left, Mary divulged her honest thoughts at the dinner table.

"Ah, you were a short man."

"From your point of view, every human being is short..."

"But, hey, I'm really glad you ran into Franz, too."

smudged and Mary said with a distant eye.

"As it was, if I'd been stuck with it for a few more days with no house or food, I'd have been quite likely dead. Humans, starving to death is surprisingly time-consuming, but sometimes they kill themselves before they do."

Perhaps Mary sees a lot of guys stumbling around in her life for a long time.

"Sometimes I can't fix tracks on my own, knowing I shouldn't keep doing this. At that time, it's only luck to know if someone can help you, isn't it? There's more to luck than being alive."

"The fact that I got a job at Necro Grant Black Magic itself is kind of luck."

"I have a slight objection to that."

Celia pours tea into me and Mary's cup.

"Your husband has made an effort to increase your chances of luck. There is absolutely no success or victory, but it was your husband's will that drew it on. So your husband is fine."

It's usual for Celia to compliment me, but that's not why I'm not happy.

"Thank you. I will continue to refine myself so that I may be worthy of being Serbian's master."

I was off that day too, but I had a thought, and I walked over to the office.

The Tianxiang was stopped, and Senior Tototo was dining in it.

I knew you were still there. It seems good to be able to replace the Tianxiang with a room. If you don't cover it with a cloth or something, it's hard to see it round from the outside.

"How'd it go? Did it work?

"I thought I'd report it, so I'm here."

In the Tianxiang, I thought I'd tell you what I was still doing.

First of all, I told him last night that I made it clear that you weren't fit for white magic, and that Sonto made the choice to go home with it.

"Oh, good for you. I was also worried I'd resist harder and say I was going to eat in the magic industry or something, but you didn't. Still, the wound looks shallow."

From this word, I guess Senior Tototo is also looking at someone who has gotten into the mud in a bad direction in his life.

"Right. I think if we expand the range of jobs we look for, we can have a decent life. But I still feel like I was right."

"I mean, what do you mean?

Senior Tototo brought his face closer together.

"He said that what I did, if I changed my expression, was also what made him give up on his dreams. I had that right."

Naturally, there's no way you're right to be standing up without even having a place to live.

But what I told you to ditch the magic path to stabilize your life was caught in my chest.

"Franz, that's arrogant in the opposite sense."

Seniors sneezed when they put their hands on my head and laughed. That's the only communication I have for my lover...

"I only have the right to give up my dreams. Franz, you just offered me a choice. He's the one who made all the decisions. Or even used the magic of spiritual domination?

Senior Toto's grin made me lose my way.

"If he really loved magic, I think he'd be practicing his free time when he got back to the area. Because people's possibilities are not so tiny as to run out right away. Well, Franz, you're not in control of all of his life either. Take it easy."

Reaching for my neck, the seniors have been pushing their bodies all the time.

I know it's skinship, but, you know, it's too fleshy...

Instead of getting easier, a part of it gets stiff...... This is a menstrual phenomenon, so it's nothing nasty. No, I guess it's a nasty physiological phenomenon...

I hear Senior Tototo soon found out about that.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Franz, I'm upset...?

"Right...... Seniors are really attractive..."

So the seniors laughed lusciously.

"Looks like you did your best this time, Franz, and the eagle will comfort you. In that sense."

When I saw that look, blood went up on my head all at once. I have the power to destroy reason lightly......

"That's what I meant... I knew that's what you meant...?

"I'll tell you the answer with my body. Look, it's service from seniors. Take it off. Take it off."

- After that, I reassured my senior quite firmly.

Put a cloth around the Tianxiang, in it.

"Franz, do you like eh seniors?

"I love it"

I had no problems with this and it was an instant answer. It's cash while I'm there.

"Franz, now that I've been in you, I guess I've had some troubles, too? They've already switched, haven't they?

Pom Pom and finally the seniors stroked my head.

"Your friend was dying to move, but if possible, you should talk to someone nearby before that happens. For example, eagles are fine."

And laugh in front of a man.

Glad to be in this company. Oh, not in an erotic way.

It's getting closer and closer, but I think I'll be able to work hard until I get the job done.

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