"You don't want to live there. Come to my house today."

"Oh, but... the user demon lives there too...?

Sonto is a common sense person around here, so I don't mind properly.

"I don't know, you, you don't even have a place to sleep. How can a rainstorm roll over? Even in winter, it's cold, but you'll freeze to death!

"Ugh, yeah, okay..."

Sonto would have known he had no other choice. In the end, I agreed and followed us.

When I brought Sont home, I knew it, but Mary surprised me.

"Who the hell is that? Slightly dirty..."

"Explain it properly. For one thing, Sonto needs to take a bath."

Sonto went to the bathroom looking sorry. I spoke to Mary in the meantime.

"- So I brought him home because there was nothing I could do. It doesn't seem like a problem to solve by giving them one or two nights' worth of accommodation."

"I see what's going on. But if you're convinced, you're not."

I can see that from the look on Mary's face.

"Because! The room that he uses will mean the room behind the fridge! What do you mean, there's a guy sleeping in that back room of a girl who doesn't know!

"No, that's right... but he's a knowledgeable guy with me for once... and you can't be capable of being attacked in the first place..."

"Reasonably so, even if you're strong enough to destroy this country, you're a girl too."

After all, he's angry that he hasn't been treated like a lady. I can't help this. I also know how Mary feels.

"So, does Mary sleep with you in my room? Then we can avoid the problem now."

The look on Mary's face suddenly turned out to be as much fun as cash.

"I hope so. I can't help it. In Franz's bed, it's narrow, but I think I'll put up with you."

"Yes, yes...... You can take me instead of a pillow..."

"You don't have to tell me. I will! Now you have a good night's sleep!

Mary's mood was so much lighter, but now, what's wrong with Sonto?

The fact that you don't have a place to live can be avoided first by using this house.

But naturally, I can't let you live here forever. This is an emergency evacuation. I have to work somewhere, save some money, rent a room by myself, and get people to live.

I realized that it was hopelessly difficult to think about it again.

First of all, I don't have any money. I can't rent a room with this.

In a state where there are no rooms or anything, it is not usually possible to carry out a job offer either. No way, you're going to wake up in bed on the ground and go to work. And then when I say "It's like I don't even have a room" in the first place, they drop me at the interview...

Residences are also necessary to carry out decent employment, and any dirty, small room would have three pieces of silver coins a month to rent in Wangdu. Considering all the necessary costs at the time of the contract, nothing can begin without a minimum of ten pieces of silver coins.

How many hours does it take for a person without a dwelling to make ten pieces of silver coins...

As eight or nine copper coins an hour on a part-time basis...... I work eight hours a day and the amount I can save is five or six copper coins at most, except for the cost of food...... Let's take the day off in, and it'll take a month...

So, even though we were just friends, we can't have Sonto stay in this house for a month. It would be nice if I lived alone, but it's an environment with more women. Serlia and Mary will take extra notice, too.

Mostly, the end of the year comes before it does. Then I'm going home, too, and it's going to be another mess...

If I had my head about the future, Celia brought me some tea.

"If I were you, I wouldn't mind having that Sont. Your husband's alumni."

"Thank you, Celia. But with its serbian tenderness, we can't continue this state of affairs..."

This takes the form of putting into the gentleness of Celia.

That's where the bathing sont came in.

You refreshed yourself in the bath, and the tired atmosphere was pretty out. I don't know if this will succeed by numbing in Wang Du, but it won't be a problem enough to go to a part-time interview and pass.

"You really bothered me...... But I'm relieved because of you. I haven't felt comfortable living in the last few days..."

Sonto's words would be pure heart. If you have no place to live, nothing to eat, and you're grand, you're scared the other way around.

"Tomorrow, I'll find you a part-time job right away so you can get out of here. I don't know how much to thank you."

Less than a year after graduation. I live in a decent house, and I get paid quite a bit.

On the other hand, Sonto has even lost his place of residence.

It's even creepy that what used to be the same student a year ago would change the boundaries so far.

That's why I wanted to at least put Sonto back in the crowd a little bit.

"Why don't you tell me more about your story as you look for a part-time job? If the part-time job didn't last, you ran out of money, too. Why didn't it go on?

If that was due to my personality that I would quit immediately, I was going to tell you soberly. Regardless, there are some phases that you have to put up with because you don't need to continue with black bytes, but there won't be any bytes that have only fun.

"Uh, first sign up for a white magic day job where you need a head count and it's over soon... and then with the help of the white magic business. This is also in ten days... And I wonder if this is over in five days with a part-time job putting up a defensive junction of white magic at the construction site..."

More and more bytes of names came up. And none of this is unusually short term!

"What's going on...? You didn't quit right away...?

Sonto relaxed and distracted himself.

"I don't mean to..."

Uhm...... That could be more troublesome than I thought......

Well, if you've changed your bytes so often, you'll also be poor because you won't generate income for the period until the next byte is decided. Things will happen that you can't pay rent for.

What is the fundamental problem?

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