"Now, Franz, how can I retaliate against you?

"I thought Mary would say that."

In a way, I was relieved. I wasn't going to end up like this either.

"Definitely, because they're the bad ones. You have to be punished."

"Right. I can't pull this one either. Because the baron's inhabitants were hurt."

Let us fight here as lords of Fantrand.

"Nevertheless, the other person is an organization, not an individual. I don't think I can do it to destroy it, and I need to think about the operation."

"Right. I'm going to put away a spear in front of you."

Incidentally, the broken shop was to take a day to repair and then open again.

I felt scared. Howahowa decided to let me live in my house for a while. If you feel safe, there is no place in Wang Du where you can beat here. There's too much room in the back of Mary. It's the room Arienol used.

The next day, I told President Kelkel the whole story.

"Ho... Also, that turned out to be tricky..."

The president also made a difficult face.

"After all, is it a troublesome project even for President Kelkel?

"Gangs are not the same as just bad guys. I run a company that doesn't even count legally. That's why I think even the real estate company that contracted the store's property is breathing."

That sounds possible......

"A gang is a giant evil, because it's a giant evil. I hope you can't do anything like eradicate them on the scale of Necro Grant Black Magic. That's like extincting a mosquito because it's unpleasant. And when the mosquitoes disappear, maybe the ecosystem will collapse, and it'll be weird again."

Yes, it is. Gang has entered what is also supposed to be the ecosystem of society. Can we get rid of this, that's impossible unless it's also God.

"Even for me, I'm not going to do such a weird thing. However, I was wondering if there was room for discussion if the other person was an organization. Simply put, if I could teach you to look into your painful eyes when you put your hand over here, I wonder if you could negotiate."

The gang should be doing it in business too. If that doesn't suit you as a business, unless you've been crushed in the face or something, you're likely to step back.

"This time we want to make it a victory condition by protecting the store."

"I see. Then there's going to be a lot of ways."

Pong and President Kerkel slapped their hands.

"To be honest, I'd like to make it look worse, but if it gets too big, it could be annoying for the people in Fantrand, so I'll make it enough"

Okay, so what kind of hand did you use?

I think we should use poison to control poison here.

I discussed the measures, including Mr. Macolibe.

At that time, he also spoke clearly about who Mary was.

"Huh...... Is this child such a horrible being called" The Fathers of Nostalgic Nightmares "...?

"Yeah, I am. It's a hundred million times scarier than a gangster."

This 100 million times is not a metaphor. Mary can destroy the country if she wants to...

"So, this is the way to get revenge, but I want to keep going with" Operation Hit the Gang "."

"What is it, that? Are you telling me you have a gang on your Lord's side?

As yet, Mr. Macolibe has not been able to grasp the situation.

"In a nutshell, I ask Mr. Macolibe to be a member of a certain gang"

"Yep! I don't like that! Even if you want to revenge, you can't do that! Plus if they find out I'm in a gang in the country, they'll see me with white eyes from all the other houses!

Mr Macolibe objected to the hardness. I also know how that reacts. That's not something you can easily subscribe to.

Mary was laughing a little. There's already talk going on between me and Mary.

"There's no problem there. Because it's a gang that doesn't exist. Can I just call you a paper gang?

"Huh? What do you mean...?

I've explained the operation to Mr. Macolibe, whose face I don't quite understand yet.

"I see...... But are you going to be so good...?

"I'll make it work. Believe me, lord."

Later on, me and Mary, and then the two demonic men Mary called in an extra, were coming to the headquarters of the gang, The Rockbird of Crosswounds.

When I hit him in the face and the men with the scratches showed us into the reception room. Conditioners are often luxurious. I knew you had the money.

After a while, a man came looking like the other executive.

Something like being in your forties? I can see there's style just because it came out.

"No, no, I'm sorry you came all this way. I wasn't expecting to see you from a gang of demons."

On the surface, the other executive is also polite. We haven't talked about the details yet.

"Thank you. I'm Franz, the man on the world side of the demonic gang The Fifth Goat's Roar."

I'm laughing in the face too, but not in the eyes.

"So, what can I do for you?

"As a matter of fact, the constituents of our Fifth Goat's Roar have been hurt by someone in your organization... and they want to negotiate that."

The look on the part of the executive changed.

"No way, that's..."

"This one is still anonymous in the human world, too, so I don't think you knew. I'm a man named Macolibe who opened a tavern a while ago on Thief Bridge Avenue. The three men who came after closing told me to pay in advance beat me up and destroyed the store."

An executive tells a person at the bottom, "Find out right away!," he ordered.

Now that sounds like a move.

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