"What!? Fantrand is my land!

Why is there booze here in such a place...?

Even if I look like this, I'm a nobleman on the end. Even so, it wasn't the house that was aristocratic or anything, it was the status of the baron and the land he got from his classmates. It's the price of a duel.

Clearly, there's nothing serious about it, such as the countryside in the countryside, but the only thing that seemed proud of was the white, cloudy local liquor called Dobron.

So, it's been a few months since I suggested that if I make that dobron, it would be a local industry.

"Franz, do you hear there was a store like this?

"No, it's my first ear... Let's go in anyway."

I don't think there's such a coincidence. It's full of mysteries, but if you ask at the store, you'll know everything.

And when I slowly opened the door...

"There you are. Your seat is empty, wherever you want, but"

A familiar, tall, brunette girl stood. He's in an apron, and he's a clerk.

"It's a howa howa!

"Maybe, Franz? haha!

He was also more surprised by Howa Howa, who was really jumping on the spot. Swamp Troll's emotional expression is somewhat primitive.

"What, the lord is here!

The cook-like guy who came out of the back is also the only face I've ever seen in Fantrand.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you right after the store opened...... Well, take a seat there. We have so much to talk about."

As I was told, we sat in the most spacious seats. Even so, because the store itself is stubborn, it is not a place like luxury.

"I'll introduce myself once again. I'm Macolibe from Fanland."

He has a slightly thick body hair of about forty years of age, how he worked out in farming.

Mr. Macolibe explained Dobron's whisper.

"After that, Dobron is well on track as he finds his sales route. Thank you very much."

"That's good. I'm honestly happy as a lord, too."

It's a small village, but that's why it would be a lot easier if there was one industry.

"It's just that the liquor itself, Dobron, is still barely known to the public. People don't really try to drink the unknown, do they? If you don't know it in the first place, you don't even feel like drinking it."

"That's right."

Even the local ones, if the land has a large population, simply because it has a large population of locals, it spreads.

However, it is still difficult for Dobron, which is consumed in Fanland alone, to diffuse.

"Of course, I tried tasting in Wangdu and other things, but each time a rep leaves for Wangdu, it costs money, doesn't it? Then we talked about creating a base in Wangdu. It was a while ago."

"Ha. So now we're going to do a shop that offers dobron."

Mr. Macolibe nods to my words.

"Yes. I thought that would be fine if I could rent a place to be an office, but there was this place on Thief Bridge Street in the vacant property."

"So I thought, you know, you ran a tavern."

"That's right. Dobron naturally tastes good even if it stays intact, but it's still best to drink it with the intensely flavored dishes of Fantrand. Dobron wins too much when paired with thin, urban flavored dishes. That's why I thought the food was going to come out because of the flavoring of Fantrand."

Serria was also hammering deep beside him.

"That makes sense. What has developed on that land bears the history of that land. Dobron's sticky palate will give your tongue a strong taste of alcohol, too."

"Exactly! In fact, alcohol was also too powerful for tastings in Wang Du, which was said to be difficult for the light class to take. To enjoy Dobron, there are dishes for Dobron."

Mr. Macolibe embarks on himself.

Kind of sounds like a culinary discussion... Then you'd better have Celia in charge.

After that, the culinary story is getting more detailed, so if you have--

He's pretty confident in the food, and that means that Mr. Macolibe, who is quite young in the settlement, came to Wang Capital and opened the shop for a few days. I mean, he said we were here somewhere else when he was ready.

And as that clerk, I followed you to Howa Howa.

"I was interested in what the Wang Du was like. This is my chance. but"

Sounds faceless, Howahowa, but you're more actionable than I thought.

"Besides, I wondered if Wang Du would see Franz again. but"

"I'm glad to hear it."

I stroked the head of Pompung and Howa Howa.

"Glad to hear it."

His expression hasn't changed much, but he's happy for me.

"Ah, Franz's womanhood activated again"

Mary said something weird.

"Oh my god, stop saying it like people used special black magic..."

But I can't get out too strong because it's an occupational influence or there's a surge in doing sacubus things with women......

"I hadn't told my lord because I was just getting started and I had no idea what would happen ahead at all... I should have told you in advance if this were the case... Excuse me..."

"No. I'm not directly in control of Fantrand either, it's nothing, so do whatever you want."

No matter how small the village is, if you try to manage it all, you can never do it while you work. In the end, I can only do enough to loosen up and have rights.

"More than that, I hope this store will thrive."

Mr. Macolibe slapped on the thicker and thicker chest plate.

"Yes! I hope I preach well Dobron and local cuisine! Have a full stomach today!

Damn, you're canceling laddering the tavern. But you're welcome for an incident like this.

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