Senior Farfistagna nodded in my words.

"Okay. Mr. President, if you have a sudden illness that might be postponed, I'll contact you here, and I'll send you the verdict papers."

"Thank you"

"I mean, you don't have to take time off in the first place. He's at the office."

"That's probably true... anyway, I have extra..."

Mary and Serlia quickly gave me the situation, too.

"I'll do your job using your husband's imp."

"As much as Franz's work, I can do it with tease. Spare, spare."

"Thanks. Well, I'm gonna go down to the president's room in the basement."

When I carried the president, I went down the stairs.

"It will be heavy and hard..."

"No, because the president is small and light!

No, I wonder what happened to Gergel, the user demon. Even though this is the time when the user demon works.

"Gee, it could have been just fine because Gergel is going to the demon world for the chess tournament...... Kokoho..."

Only at times like this, they overlap...

Gergel is unusually chessy, so I guess he was called by an invitee or something.

When I got to the president's living space in the basement safely, I searched out the bedroom with the bed and had him sleep there.

Start by putting a towel soaked in water on President Kerkel's forehead. There is nothing like medicine, so this is the only treatment I can do.

"If you have a cold, if you stay still, I'm sure you'll recover one of these days, but I'm anxious. Why are you on today?"

I don't think it's going to be until Cerberus takes you to the doctor because it's just impossible for you to die about this, but if you were still alone, you'd be anxious.

"Yes... it's a little cold to sleep... I'm sure you'll be feeling better tomorrow... sometimes I do..."

"Okay. I believe in the President's words there. Did you eat in the morning?

"Actually, nothing..."

That's not good. If you don't eat something, you won't even get the strength to get rid of the cold.

"I'm coming to make bread porridge! You'll rent the cooking area!

Bread porridge is an easy dish to chop bread off and punch into the soup, so I can make it without difficulty. You should definitely keep something in your stomach.

Let's keep the taste a little dark. It will also take sweat, so you should take salt.

Or take care not to be spicy because irritants are not good......

The soup felt better for me. If you tear the bread here and put it in, it's the bread porridge.

Quickly, take it to the president.

The president was resting in bed, but his eyes were open.

"Mr. President, I brought you a meal. Do you think you can eat it?

"Kehoho...... Spilling it is dangerous, could you feed it...?

The president says painfully with a flaming face.


You're embarrassed, but you can't say that.

When I put the pieces of bread and soup sprinkled in the spoon, it cooled down and then put it in the president's mouth.

"Are you all right? Isn't it hot?

"Yes, that's just not good enough"

The president was still a tired looking face but he finally gave me a grin.

"Good. Then keep eating bread porridge and go to sleep. If you have a cold, sleep is the best medicine."

"Yes, I understand...... I don't know what to do..."

"We're like each other at times like this. Even the president, if people fall in front of you, you help them, right?

"Well, that's... right..."

I mean, that's the thing. This company has helped people many times. That spirit is handed down to me.

"If you don't get the president well healed, I'll be in trouble, too. We'll do everything we can to help!

"Right...... I want to look good soon too."

I made the president eat bread porridge after that. It didn't seem more appetizing, so I was relieved there. At this rate, it's going to heal in a really short time.

"Well, I'll be in my room, just in case. Call me as soon as something happens. Basically, you should get some sleep."

"Yes, I will make sure to recover too..."

Soon the president fell asleep in bed. I sit in a room chair and read a white magic book. This is how you can spend your time studying, and it's not a bad idea to refrain by your side.

However, a little later, some inconvenience occurred.

Before noon, the president woke his body up.

I couldn't help but sleep the whole time because I slept at night. I wake up many times in a cold.

"Excuse me, Mr. Franz..."

It seemed like some way to say I was sorry.

"I'm getting a lot of sleeping sweat... could you bring me a change of clothes...?

"Ah... yes, I get it..."

"I'd also like some underwear..."

This is hard to say...... I'll open the tans and look for the president's clothes. If you look closely, it will be rude, or it's going to be hentai, so choose from what was up there as much as possible.

"Mr. President, we have a set of them for now! Wait outside until you get dressed."

"Excuse me... my body doesn't move much, could you help me change...?

It became a diagonal expansion of expectations.

But I don't know if I'm going to stick to the sick man's wishes because I'm embarrassed here...

"I don't think Mr. Franz is comfortable either... sorry..."

"Without heart. Don't bother, I'll do it...... I'll do it right..."

While I was aware of my normal mind, I took off the President's clothes. The look on the president's face is flattering, and he's just really annoying.

What's the matter, the president's nudity gets in his eyes, but this is force majeure.

Ordinary mind, Ordinary mind, Ordinary mind….

When I'm done taking it off somehow, I'll put my underwear on. Rather, this one looks more hentai than taking it off, but don't worry about it.

How can you feel colorful for some reason when you see your tail growing from your butt......?

No. Throw away your evil thoughts...

I was sweating too when I finished dressing.

One, I'm tired......

"Thank you, Mr. Franz. I feel refreshed with my sweat-free clothes!

I could see the president smiling, so let's do it.

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