"That's right, Doctor! I've just been fired for sexually harassing both men and women equally!

That place is equal, but it's not worth anything!

Damn! You don't have that many things you can attack as white magic... So there are aspects of being taught extensively in educational institutions...

Well, fine. I'll repeat the same magic.

Holly Light is the magic of defeating the wicked. It won't be fatal to the enemy, but if you pass out, you'll be able to aim for it one day!

But the enemy was the same to think about.

I started making holly light chants and magic formations!

I'll be in action as soon as I lose.

Which can hit first, and that determines the battle!

But he's a real white wizard. In the chanting habit, the other side is wandering.

Slightly faster enemies!

Damn it! This is it and you're under attack!

"Eat, you evil one! Holly Light!"

A man unleashes magic.

The next moment...

The white, shining light of that holly light uttered and struck the man directly in the chest!

No way reflux!?

"Bu, gu... gu... gu..."

As it were, there was damage to the man that seemed critical.

Plus after my chant, the second holly light hit the man with the caution stick, and the man was completely silent.

"I won...... But why did you reflux...? - Oh, well."

If it's magic flying to the wicked, don't fly to this guy no matter what you think...

We're definitely more just, aren't we?

"Sankiu, Franz. The surgeon passed out and the scufflers were able to move."

Mary was spinning her arms around.

A nice, wide man left was trying to escape, but he was as much Mary's magic bait as he wanted. Sounds like a natural dish. There's no way I can beat the advanced demon clan.

"Hey, you've managed..."

I went to the spot a little bit. I crossed a pretty dangerous bridge, but it turned out to be Aurai.

and there came the next attack.

Even so, though the means of attack was chest.

Mr. Lydia jumped in.

"Thank you, Mr. Franz! Thank you so much, Franz!

"Yes, seriously, I'm glad. Hey, I'm having a hard time hitting my chest..."

Even so, Lydia's chest compresses this one.

"Fine, fine! Never mind the details! And..."

It looked like Mr. Lydia's shadow went all the way into his smile.

"The idol debut has gone bad, too."


As for Lydia, my dream broke down. The shock is natural. Nothing. This is not a happy solution for 10,000 people.

"Um... I wasn't your in-laws who could have said this, but don't be discouraged"

"I know, I know. Instead, you mean I got on too light a sweet story. Everyone's anxious, so this is how you've been waiting, isn't it?

"Yes, that's what I mean"

There's no way I stumble into a place like this.

"I'll watch out for good stories from now on. Seventy percent is just fine enough to doubt it. It's okay, it's okay. Looking for yourself isn't going to be over soon. So let me thank you, Franz, rather than let you down now."

Hey, Mr. Lydia's stuck around and she can't leave. There are two other women out there, but this place, well, you can be jerked off.

"Damn, there's a place like darkness in the idol industry after all. Now I've crushed a shitty organization in one place, but I'm sure there's still one in the king's capital alone. Oh, you're gonna hate it."

Blurring, Mary was ready to tie the two firmly knocked down with rope and stick them out as criminals.

"Right. Maybe this king's capital is more terrifying than the demon world."

Maybe you can become famous. I might be tempted.

Some people try to exploit the very ordinary aspirations of such humans.

"White magic is good, too. I guess I'll just remember."

Serlia said that, but can you use white magic even in Sacubus...?

There was a lot going on that day, so good luck with your evening, Mr. Lydia. We had a meeting.

I made a good baking winner, too. I'm probably the best at baking winners at home. Others were in charge of cooking small plates.

"All right, next time I'll do my best to be heard by a safer looking entertainment office!

"Sister, you didn't come over here for anything idle, did you?

Serlia seemed to be my sister, and I put in a proper scratch.

"Well, that's true... but sometimes I get angry at myself for floating around that I might be able to be some kind of idol... When I'm properly idle, I can't help but be wrong... If we can't be idols now, we'll just be called out by the first guys..."

I don't know how that feels. I'm glad to be an idol. I guess Mr. Lydia has it now, like an embarrassment to herself.

"But I wonder what Sacubus Idol is... In your favor? Or you can't because you look like you're playing a lot...?

"That's a tough problem there..."

Seems like the sisters are about to think "Mm-hmm," but they don't really get the answer.

"If you want to be loved by a lot of people, you should go for idols, and if you don't, maybe you can look for some other way."

"Oh, well, well. A little, I think the clouds are clear! That's right, sister!

Yeah, I'm glad it looks like we've got our way.

I just thought you two had been looking at me better together...

That night.

When I was trying to do something succubus with Celia...

"Wait a minute, please"

"Oh, if there's any inconvenience, you don't have to..."

The door opened properly and Mr. Lydia came in.

"Evening -! Actually, you didn't leave."

I closed my eyes. This development…….

"First, I have to show Franz a sign of gratitude. It took me a while to idle. So it's Celia and the three of us today, right?

I swallowed a saliva.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Well, master, today with your sister and me -"

"- I'll have plenty of fun! Hehe, there are a lot of things you can't do without two girls ~"

That day turned out to be an unspeakable and intense night.

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