Even after Mr. Lydia left while skipping, Mary could be armed and ready to go.

"Mary, you may not know much about the world over here, but the New Ocean Performing Arts Office is really a top notch company. If Lydia looks like her, it's a perfectly possible story."

"I don't even suspect you're frightened there. I think a good company exists. But, you know, I've decided to be suspicious. There were a lot of people who looked like slaves when they came over here, but some of the humans have terrible sexual roots."

What kind of person is Borocus going to tell the legendary Demon Clan...

The next day, Mary went to the office first thing in the morning and asked President Kelkel if he had any material about the New Ocean Performing Arts Office.

"There are no fine materials because the industries are completely different, but I think it's a famous company."

That was just a very normal answer back. Well, the president won't even know the details of the entertainment industry.

"Mary, do you feel better about this?

"Yeah. Because you still have to check with the company to find out. I'll show my face to the entertainment office next holiday and ask."

If Mary is so motivated already, will I cooperate? I wouldn't feel good if I thought I'd been doing this all by myself.

"Okay, well, I'll follow that, too."

Mary flashed her face a little happily, but soon returned to the original pale atmosphere.

"Nothing will change if Franz follows me now, but I won't stop him."

Interpret this as a pleasure to be here. Probably not a mistake.

And on holiday, me and Mary went to the New Ocean Performing Arts Office in the morning.

Apparently the sister of the kid who lives with him was scouted, but it won't be a problem for me to ask him if he's okay. Many companies say this kind of industry is weird, and even if you come to ask me anxiously if it's a scam, it's not as unlikely.

I told the receptionist what was going on.

"I see. If it's a scouting act in town, our company is going. That's what producers do."

All right, now you've solved Mary's anxiety, too.

But Mary took a step further.

"Are you renting a room at" Seventh and Fifth on North Wandering Mercenary Street in Wangdu External Department "or something?

That's where the receptionist's face became unbearable.

"You don't owe my company anything in that place. It's also a pretty despicable place in the Wang capital...... Either that or it's a land with a lot of bad rumors..."

"What!? Really!?

"Yes...... Having an office in such a place can also reduce the overall image of the company..."

Mary was looking at me with her face.

"Franz, there are bad guys in the world. Bad guys cheat about the name of the company."

"If so, I need to tell Mr. Lydia ASAP! And then they'll stop!

"But you'd be more certain of arresting the current offender anyway. It's not a hundred percent black yet."

Indeed, it is unlikely that Lydia misheard the name of the company, and it is possible that other entertainment offices used the phrase "involved with the New Ocean Performing Arts Office". Not a very decent solicitation at that point.

"Fortunately, you have time. Mary, can you hit my hand?

So Mary laughed with pleasure.

"There's a way to do whatever it takes. I'm in trouble for you to lick my womb."

After that, Mary used her mini demon to work on the building, which seems to be her office.

Specifically, they brought magic items from the demonic realm that would allow the sound inside to be heard often on the outside.

Me and Mary, and of course Celia were sticking around outside.

The building was indeed run-down, and the surroundings were slowly littered, an environment that could never be described as clean.

By the way, I was worried about telling Mr Lydia beforehand, but after consulting with Serlia as well, I decided not to talk.

There were a lot of places in the entertainment relationship in Kaiqian Mountain Thousand, and it was difficult to determine whether it was okay to judge this as a complete cro. Even in the foam office, Lydia could shine there, and she decided to see how it went until she decided she couldn't tolerate it.

Mr. Lydia was fine without noticing us lurking in the shadows and walked into that office. By the way, the entrance doesn't even have a company name on it.

Me and Celia take a hard spit and see what's going on inside.

Replace the empty box with a window high up, and look softly inside.

It was almost like having a little desk and chair in it.

Whether you're an interviewer or a manager at your desk. There's a guy with the right width and another guy with a slightly worse eye.

"This is Lydia from Sacubus. Scouted by the New Ocean Performing Arts Office, here I am!

Nothing. I can hear you. I don't need a magic item or anything. Normally the windows are poorly lit and the sound leaks, but I hear voices.

"Thank you for coming, Lydia. My company will make you a famous idol, not just for the King's Capital, but for the whole kingdom. Of course, I'm going to give you dance lessons and song lessons to get you strong."

A man with the right width says it better. The other badly eyed man is just nodding.

"Yes! Regards!

"Yeah, so, you know, there's one important condition for going up in this industry."

"What the hell?

I heard Mr. Lydia try to stick his neck forward.

"Well, it's all about getting a human tattoo with the power to make decisions. To be specific..."

I felt a man with the right width smile on his face.

"Pillow sales."

Yes, out!

You're definitely a bad company already!

"I wonder if you could entertain me and the producers next door with your body first."

Mr. Lydia will obviously have a flickered face.

"Um... I'm a succubus... but I rather thought there might be other possibilities, so here I am... I have trouble with that...... That's the same as Sacubas..."

Totally. Given how Mr. Lydia feels, there's no way he can be allowed to do this.

Then the face of a man with the right width suddenly grabs on.

"Huh? Now you're in trouble even if you get out of it. Doctor, please."

Then the man who was originally blind stood up.

There is a wand in his hand. Is that a wizard!?

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