By the way, there were all kinds of black magic companies involved, but none seemed to have a higher rate of beautiful girls than my company. From another company guy.

"That Necro Grant is a man of the company, aren't you jealous?"

"Too bad I can't use the explosion magic"

"What, you can't surprisingly cross the line with someone nearby?"

I'm sorry, I'm over it.

I'm going to be forced to remember the red magic about the explosion, so let's shut up.

Eventually, the venue sounded an announcement: 'It is the opening word'. Sounds like you're magnifying your voice with magic or something.

On the altar in front stood a man with his whole body covered in white hair. Looks familiar somewhere.

"The president of the Black Magic Society," Ezelred of Incineration ". Let me state the opening words. Whoo-hoo."

Ah! Someone who was there when I was training!

"This athletic meeting is early, too, and I've already, uh... forgotten a few times, but anyway, congratulations"

The conversation is cluttered. Do you really want to congratulate me?

"Sweat me thoroughly and use it as an anti-metabolism measure. By the way, I'm not fat enough to eat."

I don't know! And frustrating information!

"Well, then, every company is going to stick to it. The next program is not to walk a hundred meters... but to act on each team because we baked the meat of sheep dedicated to sacrifice for the tournament"

Don't eat meat before you run! There are too many problems with the order!

- After that, I really got to eat the lamb grilled meat.

"Oh, it's so good. Excellent grill."

"The sauce fits pretty well too ~"

I do soothing and grilled meat, is this okay......

"I will leave the next hundred meters."

Serria said while eating meat.

Mary and I had planned to participate in anything that would involve more than two people in advance. So ask Celia and the president to do something that leaves alone.

Hundred meters. It's so neat that I don't think it's the black magic industry - I thought it was sweet.

The contestants on each team, including Serlia, were running in a very complicated move.

At least, there's a goal tape far in front of you than a hundred meters away, and all the contestants have canes.

"This is a competition where you have to draw a magic formation and activate black magic while running over a hundred meters."

"Mr. President, that's quite a hassle, isn't it!

I don't know if you can just run there, but I guess there are parts of it that you can't give way to.

Serria ran a hundred meters while casting the magic of exasperation, ranking sixth among fifteen participants. That's a bad grade.

Next up is the "Occasion Cover" that you and I are going to do.

Me and Mary will be joining in on this, so we're heading to the contestants' rendezvous point.

"But what the fuck is an 'octopus'? If it's" ball rolling, "I know."

"I don't know much about these things, because I've hardly experienced them."

Then a large black egg was installed such that there were two meters behind each lane.

On the altar stands the president of the Black Magic Society.

"These are bird eggs that live in the demon world. Each team shall work hard to hatch this egg for both of us. I'll win in turn from where I put the chicks out."

Really? "Octopus" is "spherical hatching"...

"Well, let's get started - when I say start. Oh, all teams are out!

We jumped out, too, like ignoring the chairman's classic gag. They keep going because all the teams are moving.

"Franz, what's this supposed to do?

Mary asked me, but I don't know that either.

"Anyway, I have to warm you up, so why don't you give me a hug for a second"

Other teams hold onto eggs as well. It still seems like something that does.

We reach for the eggs and stick to them, too, but they're eggs, so we lean toward them. So I go back to my original position. I feel like I'm on a tremendously rocking ship.

"Wow, Franz, shake, shake!

"Patience, Mary!

Reaching out to each other makes it feel like my arms overlap Mary's.

"It's kind of like we're having a weird hug, straw, that's embarrassing..."

"Get over here, Mary! Focus on the fight!

I felt strange when I said that, too. Sounds like a hug, and you're not. The only subject I hold is a black egg.

But it also makes me feel kind of yummy.

Besides, since the eggs shake around, do you think the suspension bridge effective action works......

"Hey Franz... this is our strawberry egg, right?

"That's some misleading statement... Mostly, you're not an egg raw. But... don't let that happen on the word."

"Well... wow, let's get serious..."

I could see the force in Mary's hand.

"Come on, be born, be born! I'm working with Franz!

I feel like something's different again, but it fits as a word.

Oh, my God, it didn't feel like a ride at first, but Mary's already tried everything she can.

I need to get to that, too.

"Give birth, give birth! Mary's working so hard, I don't know what bird it is, but give birth!

Whether our enthusiasm was for eggs, the shell cracked along with the sound of pisci - a big black chick appeared from inside.

"I was born, Franz!

"You did it!

The chairman declared from the stage, "First place is not the Necro Grant Black Magic Company".

All right, get first place!

Me and Mary smiled cheerfully and hi-touched in front of the chick trying to get out of the egg.

"Ah... now, he looked so brotherly and sisterly..."

Mary stared at her slapping hand like she noticed something.

"Yeah, no. It was like she was interacting with her boyfriend. - Oh, my God."

In a good mood, Mary gave out her tongue.

It was a weird event, but the distance to Mary, I think she shrunk.

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