"Ahhh, your body is dahl..."

When I woke up in the morning, I came to the dining room with my arms around me.

"I knew traveling home would accumulate fatigue... Humans get tired of just moving..."

"Oh, you're worn out every time you go to Mr. Vanitazar."

Serlia, who was in the kitchen, comes and massages my shoulders. I can't imagine it coming from Celia's white, thin fingers, firmly in force, and it feels good. The power of a powerful demon clan is considerable.

"You went home yesterday and fell asleep right away. Is inspecting so intense?

"Uh... when asked if it's intense, inspections are very easy..."

That Vanitazar also started offering decent salaries and vacations to his employee undead, and the company is on track again. Human beings in the same county have also begun to hire and have also played a role in increasing local employment.

"It's just... you're tired of communicating with the president..."

I mean, we're doing a lot of succubus stuff.

I think there's probably nowhere in Vanitazar's body I haven't touched.

I've heard people say that the more serious the root, the more maniacal the sexual part, but it's not a mistake, though.

"I see, I see. Perhaps I'm at the end of the blame."

Now Serlia says as she pressures her back.

"What? There's nowhere else to blame it on Celia, is there?

"Look, my lord, you've been doing a lot with me, haven't you?

"... yeah, a lot of things"

Serlia is a sacubus, so naturally she gets a sacubus job at night. Rejecting that thoroughly is an insult, so I accept it, except for the day when I'm too tired to do it too.

"I'm not proud of you, Sacubas is a night play specialist. So your husband, who has experience with the sacubus, probably exercises that technology on other women without knowing it."

"Was it supposed to be like an achievement that went on training!?

That was a hell of a story, but on second thought, it's not impossible. It's a sport, in a way, because it moves the body.

"Even so, my tiredness stays tough and I decide to have it reduced one by one..."

Actually, Vanitazar won't be the only one on the bad side because he also tells stories like those directed at employees of executive candidates. Though other companies, the President's words are worth a lot. but the problem of fatigue is still huge.

That's where Mary came up.

Then he looked me in the face and turned his white eyes, "I look tired from traveling again," he said.

As for Mary, I don't exactly complain, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't really thought about it in her heart. You're gonna find out what you're doing, and I can't help that. It would be absolutely unclean.

"Sorry, Mary"

"I didn't say anything about the woes, but why are you apologizing?

Oh, did you get that reaction?

Celia blurts at me.

"Mr. Mary, you're going to be baking a mochi. I really want to be your husband more, but I don't have a reason to do that, and I miss more people in the meantime."

"It's a hard topic for me to admit, but I guess so"

I'm aware of Mary's favor, too. But Mary, somewhat catty, has whims and high pride, and she doesn't actively pack the distance from herself.

As a result, there's a part of me that hasn't had enough Mary here in a while. It was the same when Arienol, but it was because of a number of more urgent cases.

"All right, I'll try to be as conscious as I can to skin with Mary"

"That's your husband."

Serlia stretches her arm out in front of my chest.

"Because if you're not a gentle person with a heart, it's hard to serve the user demon as well. Celia is so happy to meet your husband!

Don't run out of manhood for kids like Celia to say this to you.

On my way to work, I was thinking of doing something outdoors the next holiday.

So you entertain Mary as lightly as you entertain her. Then Mary might be in a better mood, the summer's over and autumn's getting deeper and deeper, and it's not a bad time to move her body.

When I got out of the office thinking about that, I was summoned to the president's office.

"Remember, we have these events next Friday"

This is what the paper President Kerkel gave me said.

Black Magic Corporate Joint Grand Games!

November 13th is just Friday, Friday the 13th. It's the best day for the black magic industry to have an athletic event, wearing it all in the fall of physical education. I know some black wizards have a lot of deskwork because it's about now, but let's sweat enough to squeeze it with robed sweat this day!

Of course, it's something that even people who don't like exercising can enjoy. Join us!

"An event has come to move your body at the pinpoint!

I stuck with it and put in a scratch.

Sure, I mean the fall of physical education, but isn't sporting events and black magic as bad as desperate eating together?

"I've never heard of anything like this before. I thought athletic events were only about school..."

"Wasabi was skipping school's too. 'Cause, Dahlia."

Serria looked unexpected, too. Mary is out of the question. No, if Mary didn't like exercise, my operation would collapse itself, so it's a big problem.

"You can't help wondering. See, there's been an increase in the number of black wizards in the metabolic belly these days. We started organizing athletic events to raise employees' health awareness."

A black wizard with a stomach bubble is not a good idea. Rather, the gully seems better.

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