Eventually, a slight grin dwelt on Vanitazar's face.

Though it was contentually self-derisive to talk about.

"I guess by now, the undead are getting more and more human."

"Right. At least it would be a clear crime to make them work in a working environment like the one they've been working in."

"For a while, I have enough savings to pay my salary and run the factory, but it's up to the undead to decide."

Vanitazar glanced up at the ceiling.

Rather than being relieved, it felt like the tension was relaxed.

"We'll get you back from scratch again. If you do something unscrupulous, you'll be crushed like this one..."

"You can give me back as much as you want."

I didn't pay much attention, I said.

"You're so easy to say because you're young."

Hey, vanitazar looked at me with a grumpy face. Conversely, you're looking at me as an individual to talk to.

Vanitazar has been thorough with you for a long time.

"Because you have a tremendous talent for both black and purple magic. Doesn't that mean there's a lot of ingredients you can use?"

As far as I'm concerned, that's normal, so the word came out quickly.

"Now you just have to start working to make people happy. You're smart, and you should be able to do that."

I said as I looked into Vanitazar's eyes.

Vanitazar turns away a little bit as if he can't do it.

"Damn, I say it like I've seen such a job..."

"I've seen it. Under President Kerkel."

Perhaps President Kerkel and Vanitazar started almost identically.

Then Vanitazar could also be like President Kerkel.

"Keroux was more right."

Relax, Vanitazar said.

That was her declaration of defeat.

"Shit, I'll do something about it. No one believes in me like this anymore, but I guess I deserve that, too."

Because of the lack of a mask, I know Vanitazar's face well.

Negative if you do. I guess that's because I've been betrayed so many times.

But that's why I thought it might be time to be upward.

I got up off the couch and wrapped Vanitazar's hand in both hands.

"If no one believes that much, I believe you. Is that all right?

Did you forget what they did to you?

"So it's up to me to believe it or not. I'm gonna start over. I'm gonna believe in your life. Even if everyone else suspects, I'll believe you. Even if you suspect, I'll believe you!

Vanitazar was dismayed.

But tears came through those eyes.

"I haven't had a word like this in a hundred and fifty years..."

Vanitazar has stood up and deposited his body with me.

All I can do is hug.

If they say it's irresponsible, that's it.

Still, I thought I was right to say this.

The world is too fucking gay to admit the next challenge just because you failed.

President Kerkel saved me from losing my job.

So reach out to someone instead.

"Cry as much as you want. Even new employees can take it."

"Ugh, yeah...... Oh, humans are so warm..."

Vanitazar has been clinging to me.

You're a strangely aggressive person...... He's a cute guy, and I don't hate him.

But that aggressiveness wasn't like that.

I was suddenly kissed.

Besides, for quite a while......

I could say it was intense.

Oh, isn't this guy, originally, a dependent physique, or a personality that leans too close to the other guy?

So I think the damage was also huge when they betrayed me.

If you lean over and get away with it, it's a falling thing......

"Oh, I'm sorry...... With…"

"I'm not on a level..."

Then Vanitazar looked up to me.

"More, okay?

With twisted eyes, she went on like this.

"I want something to live for besides making money."

I can't say no if they say so far. Yeah, if I refuse here, it'll air like I betrayed you again...

"I'll tell you what, even if you tell me to move to this company or be my boyfriend, there's a lot going on there, so maybe I can't...?

"I know. I just miss my human skin right now..."

You're a direct teller......

"Well, then, go ahead... I think there will be time..."

Then I closed the key to the president's office, and on the couch, I did something intensely succubus.

Or Vanitazar was somewhat rich in blasphemous knowledge. Maybe I'm more familiar with it than Serlia in Sacubus.

"The old black wizard, that was a lot. Let's not have more, more fun!

"Um, I'm the better limit..."

Severe physical drain. This guy is too aggressive!

"Then I will give you this health so that your time of vice continues."

The magic of Vanitazar made me recover a little.

"And why should I use purple magic as well? What about this phantom?

Somehow the surrounding view turns into a schoolhouse-like place.

Besides, me and Vanitazar wore something that looked like a uniform.

"Situations are after school. You can also feel the thrill of someone coming to class."


"The limiter has been cancelled. Not bad."

The rest of it is too blasphemous for anyone to talk to.

But after it was all over, Vanitazar had a sunny look on his face, so I guess this is it.

"I blew it off. We'll do it from here again."

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