When we came back home, Gabella smiled and flew.

"Everyone's coming back, it felt so long! Good, good, good!

Apparently, Gabella was very careful when she was alone. I have indeed spent a long time in a desperate environment, so I may not be comfortable with my lonely time either.

"Was Gabella in that place?

We saw the undead man who tried to disobey being taken.

So, the look on Gabella's face also changed to something dark.

"That's right. The factory itself is clean. That's only because the eagles and the undead have a better working capacity... If you stop working at all, you'll be brainwashed with purple magic spells..."

That's too distopia over there. If such a company swept the world, manufacturing companies around the world would be crushed.

There's no way it's cold. Gabella makes it look cold when she remembers the old days.

I couldn't watch very much and I gently held Gabella in my arms.

"I'm sorry. Still memorable like a trauma..."

"I'll be fine while I'm here. There's no such thing as putting you in a bad spot."

"Yeah, thanks...... He's not human. He takes care of the eagle..."

"It doesn't matter if you're human or not."

That's what I said, but you have something to do with it.

If Gabella were human, there would have been as much hand punching as there was.

If the country had a company where humans were chained and worked, it would have done enough to crush it there. It's all a problem because the undead are not legally human.

"Oh, I wish there was a way to make the Gabellas human..."

But you can't do anything like rewind time like that. No priest would be able to make a living what exists and is moving here as a dead man.

"Speaking of which, my lord, I have something to worry about."

I put my index finger on my left hand to tickle if Serlia has any doubts, I said.

"When it's the law of this country, what does it mean to define human beings?

That seemed like a very odd question.

"I don't suppose you wrote that...? Humans can only be described as humans..."

"But Howa, Howa, the swamp trolls didn't pay taxes, did they? Wasn't that legally covered?"

When they say that, I think the law in this country is a monkey or a human line is difficult.

"Those ambiguous people who are swamp trolls, goblins living in the mountains, numbers, addresses, they're giving up on the country, too. So those people don't even pay taxes."

Neither have the Goblins thought they are the people of the kingdom. I live individually with a culture or an organization of my own.

Without major clashes between them and humans, they would have been thru from the country.

"But you're walking in the King's Capital with both cat beasts and Lizardmans, right? Although those people seem to live as' humans'. Sorry, I can't tell the difference from the demonic feeling..."

"No, that's okay. I know what you're trying to say. They are... human beings, for sure..."

The more I think about it, the less I know the difference between a legal person and someone who isn't.

"Maybe that means they're paying taxes, with proper registration, like they live in Wang Du... For that matter, you can also receive administrative services…"

Gabella moved her body around. Oh, you kept it tight all the time.

"Dokan. I wonder if the eagles and the undead could live easier."

Right. If the undead were to be treated as human...

"Is there a decision that undead can't be human?

Very naturally, Serria asked.

"Maybe, but doesn't it say that the rules don't recognize you as human if you're undead?


I saw Celia's face with serious eyes.

"Oh yes... did I, again, say something out of the ordinary...?

"Thanks! I'm sure Serlia's right!

Me and my ex-human Gabella had unconsciously decided somewhere.

The undead are not human because they are dead, he said.

But that's just really a sensory problem.

Legal treatment and feeling are different again.

"As soon as possible, I'll find out more about the law! Vanitazar's making me serve you. There may be a way to help the undead! Go to the library and document the law."

Franz, the goldsmith is a goldsmith.

Mary gave out a proverb with something from the demon world.

"If it's about the law, it's quicker to ask an expert. As much as the president said he was going to start a project team, let's get the president to introduce us to the law professionals."

Surely if an amateur can read a legal term or something, but can't finalize definitions or meanings, it won't do anything, and you're inefficient.

We immediately went to President Kelkel to introduce him to a legal expert whom the company was cordial with.

The lawmaker was an uncle with a look like an ancient philosopher, but the way he spoke was in the atmosphere of being an expert, and the gap was quite intense.

"- So in law there is no definition of human beings. In a nutshell, I think that if we claim that we are human, in many cases, we will come through. In fact, some goblins become legally human, and others are active. It would be inconvenient not to engage in social activities."

"Doctor, so if the dead claim themselves to be human, does that mean OK?

"Yeah, because the law doesn't recognize the dead as the dead who can have a conversation in the first place and carry out a full range of human activities. The rules may change in the future, but there won't be any problems at this time."

I mean, Gabella can be human!

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