The president and Vanitazar called each other because they are like nicknames to each other.

Does that mean you two know each other!?

"Wasn't Vanny working in the demon world for a while? So if there's a problem with working conditions, you should have been charged and you should have been ordered to stop working."

The president still says it with a smiling face in his eyes.

This Vanitazar guy, he's been a mess for a long time.

"That was over a hundred years ago. That's when I was convicted, too, and I reflected. Let's not get caught up in the law, let's make sure it works in the lawless zone from the start."

I'm not even reflecting, this guy!

And because of the mask or the face of the character thing, the gender is unknown. From the way you talk, I think you're a woman......

I held that hand softly as Gabella was about to sift in amazement.

I'm not scared, I'm not scared. That's what I tell them with my eyes.

Gabella also sent me a thank you sign with her eyes.

"Compared to the demonic world, the world over here is lagging behind in the legal development of the working environment. I poked it there. Even if you use the undead in large numbers, it's part of the Necromancer. The law was filled with gaps because there was no assumption that many undead people would be involved in labor in this world."

"If you don't have a problem with the law, so you can have a humanitarian problem. After all, Vanny's gone scum."

"It's strange to say bad things about people who haven't broken the law. On a non-legal basis, if you're going to punish us, that's a sin. The logic of self-salvation is already in the past."

Villain characters are all around the mouth, but what this Vanitazar guy is saying is not wrong. If you attack someone just because they're annoying, that becomes just violence.

Nevertheless, I'm absolutely certain that this guy is a bad guy already.

"The truth is, I wasn't even planning on coming to this Necro Grant Black Magic Company. I just came because of what an undead there was like being protected here"

I see Gabella seeing something horrible again.

Isn't this about slaves and their wicked husbands? No, is that exactly what it is? You haven't even paid for it, so it's not even an employment relationship.

"Again, you know where the undead is"

"Keroux is right. Well, I also have the right to ask you to give it back because it's supposed to be mine, but because of that, I'm gonna give it to you."

Oh, you're a better talker than I thought?

"That undead, it's not very efficient, and the company gets around a lot better to refill the others."

"You! It's rude to treat someone with proper emotions with thoroughness!

Serlia vandalized her voice when she couldn't stand it any longer.

"You can say whatever you want. I threw my mind away a long time ago."

I can't see the look on your face, but it probably hasn't worked at all.

I know this guy is evil, and he's making evil. Now there will be no reproach of conscience or anything.

"Kerru, I make roughly fifteen times the net profit of this company of yours. That proves I'm right."

As provoking, Vanitazar also looked at the president.

"I can't create a big organization in a system that cares about your employees. That means that there may also be influence and the number of people who can be happy with it."

"That's fine. Because the company is what people come together to make. Everyone in there is unhappy. The company is already getting weird about victory conditions."

Apparently, Vanitazar is laughing.

"After all, I don't think it's right with you."

"It doesn't fit, rather, we're relieved."

"At best, you just have to say the strengths. Anyway, my company Vanitazar Development is going to be a big company, and it's going to tear this world apart! And take revenge!

And Vanitazar left with the two undead. They both looked so lucky.

First, Mary was sighing.

"Huh. Somehow, I'm really glad you didn't tell me to give back Gabella"

The words eased the air that was going to be heavy on me. Mary must be intentional because she's smart.

"At that point, the winning conditions over here are like met, aren't they? I'm so glad."

"That's right...... If they told me to sue or something, I almost didn't know how to respond..."

Garbera seems relieved, too, and hangs out on the couch.

"I was scared ~. When I'm in the space with that guy, I can't breathe anymore ~. I'm not breathing anymore."

Gabella's undead gag popped up. Maybe he's just a tough kid. Normally, you wouldn't be able to escape. At that point, I have the ability to act.

But there was still something left to worry about.

"Um, President Kerkel... you know a guy named Vanitazar, right?

"Yes, a long time ago, there were times when we incited to create a good company together. He was quite a celebrity in the venture world. If anyone was in trouble, they'd hire more and more, and sometimes they'd call them saint princes."

I swallowed your spit.

Then I wonder how bad it was in that Vanitazar.

"The part-time kid I hired was actually a member of a large burglar group, and he said he took the company's money, and set the company on fire. He lost everything in one day."

"Oh, my God, it's going down!

I don't mean the wallet snagged or anything like that dimension. Have you been mercilessly shaken by absolute evil?

"In addition, after that, he also stopped by like a suspicious broker deceiving that guy who was burning to rebuild the company, and he got away with even more of the money he collected... to say that he shouldn't run a business thinking about no one else, the human mind, etc..."

"The evil-stained guy often has sad episodes and stuff, but he's pretty good too..."

"But we met again, and we made up our minds."

The president's eyes were so shiny that even the flames were on.

"I will stop Vanny...... Vanitazar!

Squeeze your little hands tight and the president goes on like this.

"Because the undead have a heart. The bigger that company gets and the more undead it gets put to work, the more unhappy it will be. Such a future must be stopped!

The president can never be manipulative.

I may be weird to say, but I'm relieved.

When I stood up, I approached the president and wrapped my hands around him.

"I'll help you too."

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