Finally, it was difficult to wait until the weekend this week. Yu Wei, who had been "poisoned" by the students in the school in the past few days, was determined to take a good night's sleep and give himself a vacation.

If I don't take a good rest, how can I still have time to continue dealing with the energetic students next week?

On Saturday, Yu Wei slept directly until eleven o'clock in the morning, when every household started to prepare lunch.

If it wasn't for Yu Wei's parents calling him just now, I'm afraid he would still be sleeping in bed at this moment!

Chen Xing, who didn't need to go to work and was no longer a social animal, saw this guy slept until noon, and gave him a disdainful glance.

Yu Wei rubbed his eyes, always feeling that he was despised by a cat just now.

Finally ended the phone porridge that my mother had been nagging about for more than half an hour, Yu Wei turned on the Internet, and all kinds of message prompts sounded.

Yu Wei hurriedly opened a chat group where various messages were popping up. This was a small group he occasionally communicated with other pet bloggers on the site.

This small group, which usually has no one to talk to, just didn't watch it all morning. At this time, it has accumulated hundreds of messages, and there are still many people chatting in it.

Yu Wei rubbed his swollen face and directly pulled the news to the first one.

As a result, the more I read these news, the worse Yu Wei's face became.

What everyone is discussing at the moment can be said to be a piece of explosive news, nothing else, and it has something to do with Yu Wei.

That is the box of canned cat food and cat food that Yu Wei took home earlier!

It turned out that, starting last night, the Internet suddenly began to expose the pet food of this small well-known pet brand not only unqualified, but also called "poisonous food"!

The cause of the whole thing is actually very simple. A netizen with a cute pet suddenly found that their cat started diarrhea for no reason. After a while, the whole cat was about to collapse and was finally sent to the pet hospital. After a series of examinations, it was found that the cat's stomach contained a large amount of ascites. The doctor speculated that the possibility of food poisoning was very high.

However, netizens have always been concerned about cats at home. The cat has been kept at home by netizens and cannot go out. Naturally, it is impossible for family members to feed it poisonous and harmful food, and even cats can’t eat grapes, chocolate and other things that can easily lead to kidney failure. Existence, and other daily necessities that cannot be imported, cats have never been able to enter, and can't do such stupid things.

In other words, the only thing that cats import at home is the brand cat food that netizens spent hundreds of dollars on.

Netizens felt that something was wrong at the time.

As a result, before the netizens could determine whether the cat's illness was really related to this batch of brand cat food, the cat couldn't resist when the doctor was treating the water, and he died, leaving netizens only a embarrassing embarrassment. The corpse of the netizen made the family of netizens cry.

The pet that has been raised for so long suddenly disappeared, and it is not because of the end of life, the netizen's family is naturally uncomfortable.

As a result, angry netizens immediately exposed the incident on the Internet, plainly accusing the brand of cat food that was not right and killing her beloved cat!

As soon as the netizen's incident appeared, before the cat food brand noticed the news on the Internet, many other netizens who had also experienced similar experiences also appeared one after another, echoing the netizen who lost his love. The accusation of the brand, the group enthusiastically accused the cat food of being called "poisonous cat food".

Today is an era of peace, and everyone is basically a well-off family. The role that pets bring to everyone is completely incomparable to the value of dogs watching the house and cats catching mice in the past.

If the relationship is deeper and the time spent with them is longer, then these pets can even be said to be the family of the big guy.

Even a family that has no sense of small animals and does not have pets at home, if they see so many pets lose their lives in vain because of "poisonous cat food", it is impossible to really turn a blind eye and pay no attention to these small lives. No mercy.

As a result, this exposure became more and more noisy on the Internet, and netizens spontaneously pushed it into the hot search of the night without spending money.

By the time the brand noticed this turmoil on the Internet, the hot searches had been on it for several hours, and everything that should have been known was already known.

That is to say, the influence of this matter has become larger and larger, and the scope of the trouble has become wider and wider, and it cannot be solved easily.

Even many netizens who don't keep pets saw this hot search, and then frowned at this pet food brand, disgusting and contempt for a while.

It might be okay if the quality of the ordinary stuff is low, but it's food, even if it's just for pets!

Such "poisonous cat food" has harmed the bodies of so many pets and even took their lives. Isn't this a living sin and killing!

Of course, even though it was a little late, the brand still worked overtime overnight to drive out a so-called statement, stating that their family was not the poisonous cat food that netizens accused, and it was even less likely that it had killed so many pets, and even Secretly implying that all this is actually a black material that they deliberately framed their family, and those "netizens" who broke the news are also the navy who received the money to deceive netizens with rhythm...

All in all, how can the brand recognize the title of "poisonous cat food" just because of this incident?

Naturally impossible!

They threw the blame directly on their competitors.

However, this so-called statement cannot hide the people's doubts and anger towards their family, nor the so-called facts.

Nowadays, some people have taken their unopened cat food to a special testing agency for relevant testing, wanting to thoroughly find out whether it really contains harmful substances that may endanger the life of pets.

I believe that when the test results come out, the facts will be made public.

At that time, as long as the test results prove the netizens' words, then there is no need for the brand to admit it, and his family will be completely related to the title of "poisonous cat food" and can't get rid of it.

In this way, as long as cat owners pay attention to this point and do a minimum of research before purchasing cat food, they will not buy their own products for their own cat owners.

Without the market, their family will naturally be completely eliminated.

Although the results of netizens taking the initiative to go to the test have not come out yet, but Yu Wei, who finally watched the whole process of the whole thing through the chat group, already has the results in his heart.

Isn't this brand the cat food brand that planned to cooperate with him a while ago and let him record a promotional video!

Before this incident was exposed today, Yu Wei didn't know or thought that there might be such a serious problem behind this brand, so after receiving the products sent by their family, he immediately gave them to the two family members. A cat owner opened cat food and canned cat food.

As a result, the two little guys didn't eat any more after taking one bite, preferring to eat the ordinary cat food that the family has been eating all the time, rather than touching the fragrant canned food of this brand.

At that time, Yu Wei didn't know why, thinking that their cat owner's taste was a bit unique. "Boars can't eat fine bran." He never thought that such a thing would happen today. Maybe the cat owner at home noticed it. The cat food in their house is so tricky that it smells wrong, and that's why they show such disgust!

If this brand is really okay, it shouldn't be such a coincidence, isn't it!

Thinking of the performance of the two cat owners in the family that day, Yu Wei has basically decided that this brand may really be as exposed by these netizens. Heart enterprise!

Thinking that the two cat owners in the family almost ate this poisonous cat food because of his carelessness, Yu Wei felt scared for a while.

Although they haven't been together for a long time, Yu Wei has long regarded the two little cats as part of his family. If they get sick or even lose their lives because of this poisonous cat food, Yu Wei can be killed by himself. The guilt in my heart was drowned.

Fortunately, the cat owner noticed something was wrong at the beginning, and didn't touch this brand of cat food at all, and Yu Wei saw that the cat owner didn't like it, so he put this batch of cat food aside and continued to let it go. The cat owner at home eats the cat food that they used to eat, so that they are not poisoned by this poisonous cat food.

In the same way, it was precisely because the cat master noticed something was wrong from the beginning, which prevented Yu Wei from cooperating with this brand, the promotion video planned at the beginning, and his fans watching him. After the promotion of this brand, it hurt their own pets to increase sales.

Yu Wei suddenly felt a burst of joy in his heart!

Compared with Yu Wei who missed the promotion and cooperation with this brand a while ago, the situation of other related pet bloggers is not so good!

At the beginning, this brand proposed cooperation invitations to Yu Wei, and at the same time, their family also sent cooperation invitations to other pet bloggers large and small.

Many pet bloggers, big or small, finally chose to reach a preliminary cooperation with this brand, charged the promotion fee given by their family, and took a special promotion video and uploaded it to the account, so that they can follow them. Fans saw the video.

As a result, there was an accident with this brand in the past two days, and the pet bloggers who had cooperated with this brand also suffered instantly.

After the incident of the celebrity endorsement, the celebrity's reputation has deteriorated, becoming a black history on them, not to mention these little bloggers who can't compare with the celebrity at all?

The comments of these bloggers became worse in an instant, and many fans even cancelled their attention because of this incident.

It may be because these fans also have pets at home, but because of the promotion of these bloggers, the fans believe what they recommend and buy cat food of this brand to feed the cat owners at home.

As a result, what happened today, no matter what happened to the cat owners at home, they will inevitably blame the bloggers who let them buy these poisonous cat food!

As a result, the reputation of these bloggers has directly deteriorated, and a small number of fans have also lost their fans directly, which is not a big loss.

Compared with these bloggers whose reputation has deteriorated, Yu Wei who did not accept this promotion is undoubtedly an enviable one. In fact, the promotion fee is only a little bit, but these bloggers are mainly diligent in the video shooting location. Point, fans are still there, and these promotion fees can still be earned back through videos soon.

As a result, it has become such a mess now that the promotion fee is not worth it at all, but the reputation and fans who depend on it for survival are lost. This is obviously not a good deal!

That is to say, the cat owners that Yu Wei saw at home didn't like the cat food, and didn't force them to eat it, and he wasn't greedy, so he didn't agree to this cooperation, otherwise he would become these bleak clouds. one of the bloggers.

After swiping his phone enough, and there was no update on the situation for the time being, Yu Wei got up. The first thing he did was order a pound of fresh prawns for the two cat owners at home.

The prawns were delivered half an hour later, and Yu Wei carefully packed the fresh prawns. He simply made a steamed prawn in the kitchen, and peeled the prawns and fed them to the two cats. Master, even Wang Cai, the stupid dog, rubbed off the snacks of the two cat masters.

It was the first time in my life that I ate fresh and sweet prawn meat. Both Chen Xing and Zhu Zhu felt extremely satisfied. I wished that my stomach would grow bigger so that I could eat more delicious prawn meat!

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