When the staff found that an unfamiliar adult giant panda appeared in the venue where the cubs were active, the big guys were shocked and nervous.

They began to worry that the sudden emergence of an adult giant panda might be detrimental to the cubs, and even cause the cubs to be injured, so they naturally became nervous, and some began to blame themselves for their work failure today. The adult giant panda was not discovered in advance, and now the adult giant panda is still allowed to stay with the vulnerable cubs.

However, the matter of accountability can only be dealt with later, and the current priority is naturally to deal with the scene at this time, lest the cubs be injured.

Several staff members have not encountered similar things before, so after discussing it for a while, the big guy can't give a definite idea for a while.

After all, in the eyes of these staff members, this adult giant panda who suddenly appeared is holding a cub in his hand, and there are cubs surrounded by a circle. If they make a hasty move next If this adult giant panda is angered, then the cubs in its hands or around it may be attacked indiscriminately by it.

It is naturally impossible for the staff to joke about the safety of these cubs, so this matter can only be considered carefully.

When the staff were discussing countermeasures, Chen Xing here also noticed their arrival.

However, Chen Xing was a little angry with these staff at the moment.

If Chen Xing had not discovered something wrong with this cub through the live broadcast room just now, I am afraid that in a minute or two, this cub, who is only a few months old, would most likely have lost his life completely because of this small hidden danger on the climbing frame. !

The cubs who only play around naturally don't understand anything, so today's accident is undoubtedly the dereliction of duty by the staff.

If the worst result really occurs, I am afraid that their own work and even the reputation of the base will be greatly affected.

Whether it is the staff who maintain the infrastructure of this event venue, or the parents who usually take care of these cubs, they cannot escape this heavy responsibility!

Chen Xing was holding the cub that escaped just now. He has always been very friendly to parents and nurses. This is the first time he is so angry with the staff of the base.

Therefore, when Chen Xing saw that the staff were standing not far away and talking and discussing but did not dare to approach rashly, he still sat on the lawn and did not move. If this incident hadn't happened just now, he would be afraid Will be obedient and not looking for trouble!

Before waiting for the staff present to discuss an exact result, another group of staff suddenly rushed to the scene.

Several middle-aged men in casual clothes and glasses rushed over, one of them was panting, and hurriedly yelled at the parents and nurses beside him: "What are you still doing here? I didn't see anything. Something happened to the cub?"

"Something happened?" Several parents thought they were talking about an adult giant panda that might threaten the cubs. "But I haven't figured out the situation yet. If it is suddenly stimulated, What if it hurts the cubs around?"

"By the way, why are you here too? Shouldn't you be watching the surveillance in the monitoring room now?"

One of the men in a striped shirt frowned and replied, "I didn't understand the situation? What else is there to consider in this situation? Why don't you hurry in and save the cub! If we hadn't found something wrong in the surveillance just now, this No one is there to guard the side, why are we running over so anxiously?"

The men in striped shirts happened to be in the daytime monitoring room shift, and nothing happened at the beginning. The big guy was a little relaxed in spirit, and he devoted some of his energy to talking about home affairs as usual.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, a scene that made several people feel frightened suddenly occurred in the monitoring.

A giant panda cub had its neck stuck on the wire of the climbing frame while playing. It struggled for a while but could not break free. It was about to lose its strength and even suffocate.

And in this scene, there is actually no staff guarding it!

Seeing this, the men in striped shirts couldn't help rushing over immediately. Fortunately, they were only a few dozen meters away. They were afraid that if they moved a little later, the cub would be strangled by the wire!

The striped shirt choked angrily at the mom and dad who were wearing blue protective suits. He didn't have time to care about them anymore, and looked up at the position of the climbing frame in the lawn.


The man in the striped shirt immediately noticed something was wrong.

A large adult giant panda was unusually conspicuous on the lawn, and the cubs, who were usually very naughty and playful, were all around the adult giant panda, scrambling to scramble and rub on the ground.

The man in the striped shirt took a closer look and found that the adult giant panda was still holding a cub in his arms, and his other paw was holding a wire.

Obviously it was the iron wire that was wrapped around the neck of the cub that they saw on the monitor just now!

The man in the striped shirt first breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it seemed that the crisis that he saw in the surveillance just now had been resolved unexpectedly, and the cub looked fine at this moment. Started tossing and turning in the arms of this protruding adult giant panda to find a comfortable position.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the striped shirt thought about the source of this unfamiliar adult panda.

At this moment, a dad wearing a protective suit asked: "You also found this adult giant panda in the surveillance just now? You have been monitoring it for so long, but you haven't seen how it got in? "

They have been standing here for a while, but this unfamiliar adult panda still didn't attack the cubs around him. The mood of the parents eased a little.

If they could know where the adult giant panda came from and how it got to the venue where the cubs were active, it would be helpful for them to drive the adult giant panda away from the cubs and protect it. Safety of the cubs.

The man in the striped shirt shook his head, "I saw that the cub was going to have an accident just now. We rushed over here, but we didn't realize that such an adult giant panda appeared!"

"But it seems that the cub was rescued by this adult panda, and it did a good thing."

"What do you mean by that? Could there be something else happening? What is it that this giant panda saved the cub?" The parents still didn't know the thrilling scene that happened just now, and thought that the cub was just mentioned by the striped shirt. The accident means that an adult giant panda came to the venue!

The striped shirt turned to look at them, still frowning, "What do you mean? Didn't you see that the cub was almost strangled by the wire on the climbing frame just now?"

"What?" These parents were all shocked and excited.

"What wire? What nearly strangled?"

"Which cub? What the **** happened just now?"

"So this adult panda saved the cub?"

Several people kept asking.

A colleague standing next to the man in the striped shirt couldn't see it, and his attitude was even worse than the striped shirt, "You guys are too embarrassed to ask now? Who is in charge of maintenance and inspection of this climbing frame, why did he even get one? The wire went up, but it was not tied tightly. The cub was strangled by the wire just now when he was playing, and his body was directly suspended in the air. Wasn't it suddenly rescued by this adult giant panda, at your speed, maybe our base lost a cub today!"

This colleague is also angry. He himself is very fond of giant pandas, such a cute and silly national treasure. Otherwise, he would not have been committed to working in the base all these years. As a result, such a thing happened today. I almost watched a few months old cub completely lose his life due to such an accident, not to mention that until now these parents who are responsible for taking care of the cubs still haven't figured out the situation. Ask them!

I was angry in my heart, don't even think about how good this colleague's attitude towards the batch of nurses and nurses in front of him is.

After being said so rudely, the mothers and fathers looked at each other in dismay, and they felt a little scared in their hearts.

Just listening to this colleague's words made me feel pain and anxiety for the suffering cub, not to mention that this happened right under their noses.

If this really happened, based on their negligence, the cubs lost their lives because of a wire, then they would not only have problems with their work, but they would not be able to bear it well.

Among the employees who can work in the base, who doesn't like such a cute creature as the giant panda?

Chen Xing saw that the cub in his arms had begun to nibble on his own paws reluctantly, as if putting aside the danger it had just encountered, and his mood slowly calmed down.

Holding the wire in his hand, Chen Xing thought for a while, then gently placed the cub in his arms on the ground, found a space to get up from the group of cubs surrounding him, and moved towards the staff. Walk in the direction.

The cubs who reacted behind also chased after Chen Xing with short legs, intending to continue sticking to him.

Arriving in front of these people quickly, Chen Xing did not do anything else, but threw the iron wire in his hand directly to them with anger!

The wire followed Chen Xing's outstretched claws and threw it parabolically towards the nurses and nurses until it hit a nurse and finally fell to the ground.

Watching this scene with satisfaction, Chen Xing turned around and took the cubs behind him back to the middle of the lawn to continue to rub them one by one.

Chen Xing was content, and the little cubs who were slapped were also happy, and both parties were very happy.

As for the other end, the staff who suddenly encountered the iron wire thrown by Chen Xing were stunned for a while, and then they came back to their senses.

The dad who was still caught in the wire sighed: "He is really smart, and he even loses his temper at us. Knowing that we are not optimistic about the cubs, the responsibility naturally rests on us."

"Yeah, no wonder he was able to save the cub just now!"

"I was startled just now, I thought he was going to attack us, but even if he was angry, he just threw the wire that almost killed the cub at us."

The man in the striped shirt also said: "We all have to thank him, if it weren't for him, maybe the cub would have an accident, and the situation would be irreversible! It's nothing."

The colleague of the man in the striped shirt then snorted coldly and said politely: "This matter has to be clearly written and reported to the leader and the base. Who knows if there are other omissions in other parts of the base, don't be like the iron wire on the climbing frame today. It almost killed the cub!"

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