The family welcomed Jared back to the mansion with a general welcome.

I could realise that I was back in King's Capital again.

"Welcome home, Mr. Jared. Thank you for your time."

On behalf of my family, Hannellone gave me the words of the nebula.

Jared thanked her and smiled, even though she believed that she apologized for her safe return and worry.

"I'm glad you're okay. So, brother!

It was my cousin Yennie who followed me around. When I took my younger sister's share and held her up, she turned her eyes moistened with tears and told me she was worried over and over again, glad she was safe.

"Sorry to bother you. But I'm back."

"I believed...... but I was still worried"

Yennie, who rarely showed a year-to-year attitude, seems to have worried me, as she herself says, and she reaches out to see if Jared is hurt.

Outside the mansion, and when I managed to tell him that he should not be stripped of his clothes in front of his family, he succeeded in calming him by putting his head down.

"Hmm. It's your own fault Yenny worries. Don't take the back."

Rosa Lowen is the one with the red hair and the nose ringing. Become the sister of my mother Liz Murphy, Jared's aunt. I didn't even know it existed until recently, even if it was hostile. If I realize it, I will start living with you, even if my thoughts are on the youngest son of the Duke's family, who is at the mercy of witchcraft.

"Pfile scolded me, too. It's a retraining exercise. Almeida, please again."

"Fine. I've been so worried about you, I'll work out to make sure this doesn't happen in the future."

Almeida, a benefactor and master of witchcraft and combat, was also welcoming Jared.

She prefers peachy hair and a dress with tons of frills, a beautiful girl who at first glance looks out of touch with the fight, but boasts so much strength that if you let her fight, Jared and others are neither hands nor feet.

Almeida was there for me so I could open the mansion. For Jared, he's an unconditionally trustworthy man.

Welcome home, brother.

"Thanks for being away, too, Misakura."

It was only when I met Li Cherry Blossom, the princess of Dragon King's kingdom, that it was the raid, but now he completely missed it. She is adored as the family of this mansion if she realizes that the dragon is of nature, a transcendent being. Li Cherry also thought of everyone as a family again and promised to protect the mansion while Jared was away.

When I give him the head of the dragon's sister, which he began to call his brother at some point, he narrows his eyes so that he feels comfortable. It seems more like a cat than a dragon, and my mouth gets loose.

"Dear Jared, everything was fine. Master Olivier, of course, but I was also worried."

"Sorry to bother you - thank you Trane"

I can tell that Trane, the maid in charge of the mansion's chores, was also showing me about Jared again. I could feel him guiding me as he put it, in a neat face that looked faceless, peeking through thin blue hair of pigment.

Initially I didn't know, but when I found out that her emotions were on her face, albeit slightly, she didn't look the same as before.

I apologized for being as long with Olivier and the others, for worrying about Trane as well.

And -,

"I'm out of time, Master Jared. I'm so glad to see you're safe. I apologize for coming here without you."

"Long time no see, Emilia."

Last but not least was Emilia Alway, Olivier's sister. I knew she was coming to the mansion, but there was so much going on that I wasn't sure when it would be. I didn't think this was the right time, and I was surprised.

Unlike the last time I saw him, it must be because of his mind that his possessions have fallen and he has no heart or a sunny look.

"I think you're surprised by the sudden, thank you for coming today."

"No, that's not true. Nice to meet you."

I was reassured that Olivier had finally come true because of course he knew Hannellone strongly wanted the silver-edged girl to live with him.

If you ask, I hear she has narrow shoulders in the Duke's house. Cornelia, his real mother, continued to aim for Hannellone's life for a long time and failed. There was no other reason why all the evil deeds were revealed. There was Emilia's cooperation.

But it is also true that she also once joined my mother. I was never convicted of a harsh crime like my mother, but a de facto house arrest life except to attend school. The family, of course, were cold-blooded by the family, and the only few allies were their father, their brother, and their youngest brother and their mother.

Hannellone, who worried about Emilia, who Cornelia abandoned and became an unfavourable situation, decides to raise her as my son, and she will be right.

Jared prayed that now some of Olivier and Emilia should get along just like they did in their childhood, which is all we can talk about.

"Come on, whatever you're out there forever, let's make it tea in the mansion. Jared has a meal for you, so eat up."

"Thank you, Hannellone."

"If you want to thank me, tell Olivier and Trane. Because you're coming home, you and I have been working so hard on it."

"Were you?

When I accidentally turn my gaze to Olivier, she turns that way, blushing her cheeks.

"As my fiancée, I wanted to do something for you."

"I'm glad, Olivier. Thank you. Thanks for everything Trane does, too. Glad to have your meal again."

"I am delighted to take care of Master Jared, too."

When I also told Trane I was grateful, she smiled so clearly that I could tell.

"Pfile's not back yet, so let's celebrate at night"

Pfile's mobility would have him back in the mansion at night.

Jared, who saw and relieved his unchanging family, felt tired slipping out of his body.

Trying to get back to the mansion,

"Wait, Jared. You'll have something to say."

"Uh - oh, yeah, I was"

I remember forgetting to mention something important, and when I turned to everyone, Jared spoke out clearly.

- I'm home.

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