This Time, I Became the Fiance of a Duke's Daughter. But She is Rumored to have Bad Personality

9. Days in the territory of the Duke of Lüdiger 7. Ernesta and...

Jared was taking a breather after a busy dinner party. Trying to get to bed early for tomorrow, I found an ernesta in the mansion yard, one tapping through the window.

When I head to the garden concerned, I speak to her who hasn't noticed this one.

"Don't you sleep?

"Master Jared?

Ernesta, who looks the same as she did at dinner, has a little red cheek because of her wine.

"It's not convincing to me, but I'm sick, so I need to rest."

"Sorry, I don't think I can handle it myself, but I'm anxious because I don't remember... I couldn't sleep trying to sleep"

"I don't think I can do it either"


It was Ernesta with her face up trying to say something, but she mumbles if she got lost in the words.

But soon he opened his mouth again.

"Why don't we talk a little bit, if you don't mind?

"Of course."

The two lower their hips to line the abyss of the fountain.

Turn up and the stars were beautiful. The territory of the Duke of Lüdiger is located in the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Weather, so it is cooler than the King's capital. Is the air clear too? The night sky is different from the one I've seen before.

Waiting for Ernesta's words, looking at the stars for a while,

"When I first met you, I left it to my emotions, Jared, to say all sorts of things. I'm sorry."

It was words of apology that spilled out of her mouth.

"I don't care. Whatever the reason, I'm the perpetrator and you're the victim's family. It's weirder to be emotional. But why all of a sudden?

"I saw you fighting the other day, and I remembered my old brothers-- No, I remembered my brothers"

Ernesta narrows her eyes as she nostalgic.

"I still think of my brother, who was burning in justice and dreams as a candidate for court magician. Torres and his other friends were speaking for the country, for the magicians, for the people."

"I have no sense of justice or dreams. I fought, I fought. That's all."

I have never dreamed of becoming a court magician like Barnabas Kaif, nor do I have a noble purpose. Jared will be able to change his mind as much as he finds it unfortunate, even if he could not be a court magician.

He couldn't and ran for revenge. The fall of Count Brawell also fuelled his anger.

I can't say I know how you feel, but it's not like I don't understand. Barnabas would have been there for himself, but he was also thinking of the country and the people. But it was all lost by the nobility and the staff of the Societies of Mages, who were supposed to protect the country and the people. I guess the more thoughtful you are, the greater your anger.

I wonder where the element that reminds me of him like that was in me.

"But - Jared saved many people. Without you, there would have been many lives that couldn't have been saved."

"If that's what you can say, I'm glad"

"My brother was ambitious, but he was a low self-esteem person. It's still similar to you."

I don't mean to underestimate myself, but to Ernesta's eyes it seemed similar to my old brother's.

Every time she talks about Barnabas, a small pain runs in her chest.

"I don't resent you anymore, Jared."


"I'm so sorry I bumped into your selfish emotions. And again - thank you for stopping my brother."

Ernesta smiled gently before raising her head.

Jared finds himself bewildered by her smile like a possession fell somehow.

"... why?

Ernesta responds to an unspoken inquiry.

"Master Jared suffered about my brother. Everyone will say you're not bad, it's actually nothing but. Still, I feel guilty and suffering for us, for my brother. That alone will save us."

But she continued.

"Don't feel guilty about my brother anymore. Jared gave me the wrong brother. I appreciate that. But if - Jared can't erase his guilt, be a court magician for the good of the people. It's the ideal my brother once aspired to."

"... I'm not sure I can be such a good person - but I promise I'll try."

"Yes, that's all I'm happy about"

I see Ernesta give a gentle look, and Jared's heart lightens up just a little. I'm sure it's way ahead of you to feel less guilty, and maybe never disappear.

Still, as I promised, I hope that by going for a good court magician, I will be good for him and the bereaved family.

"Hey, Ernesta -"


I was taking Lily's advice, so I'm determined to call it out and throw it away.

Suddenly I look surprised, but I don't feel disgusted.

"To fulfill my promise, and to continue to do so as a secretary. And, Jared, you don't have to be so tough to call me."

"... thank you. Well, outside of public spaces - well, let me call you Jared."

I finally felt my distance from Ernesta shrink, and Jared smiled gently and nodded.

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