This Time, I Became the Fiance of a Duke's Daughter. But She is Rumored to have Bad Personality

6. Days in the territory of the Duke of Lüdiger 4. Ernesta's awake.

Under Jared, who woke from a shallow sleep, the family of the Duke of Lüdiger told me that Ernesta woke up.

Get up to speed and we'll head to her room. When I knocked, Lily glanced at me.

"Morning, Jared. Ernesta's awake."

"Morning. Good. Can I see you?

"Yeah. Come on, come on in"

Lily prompted me to advance my foot inside the room and I saw Ernesta waking her body up on the bed.

When she finds herself weaving a cardigan over a light sleeping dress, she exhales unexpectedly in relief.

"I'm glad you're safe, Mr. Ernesta."

"I'm sorry for your concern"

Ernesta, with her head down small, looks no different as far as I can tell.

As he lowered his hips to the chair by the bed, Jared asked her.

"What happened?

"Excuse me. I don't remember anything. Even myself, I have no idea how I lost my mind."

Even if I lay my eyes down trying to remember, I would shake my neck to the side and cloud my expression.

From Ernesta's mouth, I remember going around in the night breeze, but I don't remember what happened from there until I woke up in the mansion room.

I heard from Lily, who was by my side all night, and she was most surprised by herself like no other. After that, he can't think of anything to follow his memory.

"I don't think someone did anything to you because the doctor said there was nothing at all... but I'm also afraid you have vague memories"

Jared nods at Lily's words, as well as Ernesta.

The world is not full of good people. There are people who think about what it would be like if a woman walked alone. But there's no way she can resist anything in the Royal Sorcery Division. The trauma is more than I can say at all, nor is it possible that he was attacked by a thug.

"I hope it doesn't seem important, but I'm really anxious... when I get back to Wang Du, I want you to take a full test at the hospital. Nice, Mr. Ernesta."

"Yes, I will"

You don't seem to have a heart or energy because you must have no memory while falling.

"Maybe fatigue accumulated in one of the cannibals. I've caused a lot of trouble, and I don't think it's weird if I'm tired or stressed out before I know it."

"Maybe Jared's right. Because if you do something unusual, you're really tired, and there's been a lot going on in the last few days, not just physically, but mentally. It's a good opportunity, so I hope you get some rest now."

"Thank you, Mr. Lily. Let me spoil your words."

"Then I'll bring you breakfast. What about Jared?

"I'm fine. Thanks."

Saying so, Lily tells Ernesta to wait a little while and leaves the room lightly.

She is also delighted that Ernesta has woken up safely.

When Jared, who was left, asked for Ernesta, he called from her side. But that look is dark.

"I'm disqualified as a secretary."

"Why all of a sudden?

"I can't believe I didn't just bother Jared or Lily, but I don't remember what happened..."

"I don't care. Even I was in danger of losing to the Orthodox Mage Army. If it weren't for Mr. Ernesta and Lily, he could have been dead."

If it bothered you, it would be each other.

Indeed, both Jared and Ernesta may have failed. But he's still alive. Then you can save it in the future.

"I'm getting help from the Ernestas. So I hope you don't think too much of it"


"If you really think you're disqualified as a secretary, I want you to keep up the good work. I'll tell you what, I don't easily discern or abandon anyone. Together, we'll do our best."

Ernesta tears at the words of encouragement, but rubs her eyes with the sleeves of a cardigan and wipes her tears.

Moistened eyes at Jared, she nodded forcefully.

Lily shows up there with breakfast in her hand. They prepared cold tea for Jared, and when handed to him, he takes a sip to moisten his dry throat.

When you go out into the hallway to get in the way of the two people, including the meal schedule,

"Jared, do you have a minute?

There was a pfile leaning against the wall.


"Oh. You've apparently woken up safely"

"I'm glad nothing seems to be going on for now. I saw the magic flow, but nothing unusual. It's just... I don't seem to remember why he was down at all."

"I see... odd, but not without possibilities. Humans, you don't know when you're going to be sick, and sometimes your memories are obscured. It should never be uncommon for it to be pulled back by tiredness or stress."

"Well, that's true."

It's true that a lot has happened over the past few days. Then I can also understand the possibility that Pfile is right.

But Jared still remembers the scratch. Unfortunately, it's just an intuition, and there's no certainty.

"If you're anxious, that's fine. There is a chance that the Orthodox Mage Army will do more to you and the surrounding area than it can see and move. Just in case you think about it, pay attention to that woman."

"Oh, I will. Thanks."

"... what's the sudden matter?

"No, the same goes for coming to the Duke of Rüdiger's territory, but I appreciate your help with Mr. Ernesta, too"

"Hmm... I came here because you asked me to. That woman is a coincidence. If it weren't for your secretary, I would have left it. Not that you care."

Pfile to reply without hesitation, but Jared knows.

It's not as cold as he himself says. When we met, we had the impression of ice, but we found it different when we started living together. Or maybe it's changed.

"Still, I wanted to thank you."

"Be my guest."

Pfile turns himself over and leaves, doing nothing to thank Jared, including for the advice he gave me.

Maybe he worried about Ernesta and came to see how it went.

I laughed at some puffy-looking attitude even though I didn't think it was honest.

With his advice in his chest, he prayed to Ernesta, who finally smiled at me with Lily, who seemed to play a pleasant voice, for nothing.

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