"Mr. Ernesta never opened his mouth in front of Mr. Torres, did he?

"... I'm sorry. I appreciate that you noticed me, and I appreciate your help earlier, and so is my family - and I still can't forgive Count Brawell for what he did to my brother."

On her way home from the stuffing of the Royal Sorcery Division, Jared noticed and voiced one of the secretaries, Ernesta Kaif, with a dark face, but her reply was one that had trouble with words.

Another secretary, Allie Fell, was actively involved in the conversation, even in a conversation with court mage Tres Browell, who had been with him until earlier. Waving words to Ernesta once in a while only gives me a short reply: "Yes," "Yes," and "Right."

Allie was also a bitter laugh at this.

"Mr. Allie, I'm sorry you were so careful."

"I don't mind. I know your circumstances, so please don't push me. But let me give you one piece of advice."

"... Yes"

"Mr. Torres is your brother's friend. What Count Brawell did will never be forgiven, but isn't that why you feel sorry for Torres for being so stubborn? You've known him for a long time, haven't you?

Unexpectedly stop, nagging ernesta. White hair hid her face and I don't know what look she has.

"I know, I'm here. Torres was my brother's friend, and to me he was like another brother. That's why I'm screaming that my emotions are unforgivable!

No matter how little Torres fell into Barnabas, her mood is more complicated than his father being the main culprit.

Maybe the story would have been different if he hadn't gotten involved with Ernesta, but there was no way he could have seen and pretended not to see the situation between her and the clan, and he used the power of the court magician to protect me.

The better he is, the less Ernesta can wholeheartedly resent anything he says with his mouth.

It is painful and sad to have ambiguous emotions and be a plank of gratitude and resentment.

"If I can do it, I'm like before, I think. But I can't do it yet."

"... sorry. I said too much. But I'm scared that Ernesta's going to do something more than Tres."

Allie was right.

Ernesta's heart is about to be crushed right now. I lost my brother and have no place in the Royal Sorcery Division. I can't even sincerely resent Torres.

Jared wonders if she can relate to herself, who killed her brother, amid unstable emotions.

"It's okay. I'm fine."

Jared, of course, can't hide his anxiety in what he's telling himself.

But I didn't know how to say any more to her, and the three of them started walking home silently.

Returning to the mansion, Ernesta told the family that she had returned home. The story also went back to her room there and lay her body on the bed.

I know my family is worried about my daughter who is in a bad position within the Royal Sorcery Division, but now that realization is hard.

I want to be heartless without thinking about it, but when I'm alone in a quiet room, I think about nature and my brother.

For Ernesta, his brother Barnabas was a good brother and a proud magician.

Even when he was selected as a candidate for court magician, Ernesta has not forgotten, of course, that all of his family were as happy as they were about themselves.

Even if I can't be a court magician, I thought my brother would be able to join the Royal Sorcery Division and go up there.

But - my brother gets into an action he never expected.

Shame, remorse, and cursed myself for not being a court magician.

The words of her comforting sister didn't even reach her ear, and when she apologized to her family, she disappeared.

I didn't know where he was, and Tres, who became a court magician, searched me for a place, but I couldn't find him in the end.

Barnabas was able to reunite with his family only after he was defeated by Jared. In the end, it didn't come true to be reunited alive.

I found out after it was all over that my brother, who had fallen prey to Count Brawell and failed to become a court magician, became a vengeful man.

The fact that he hurt many people, glanced at one, murdered a candidate for court magician, and nearly even killed Torres, who was a friend, had a huge impact on Ernesta.

And she reunited with her stoned and turned brother, and wept.

Whatever you did, you should have searched for your brother and taken him home. I regretted my actions that I should have supported you as a family.

Subsequently, he resented Torres, the son of a man who took everything away from his brother because of my son's cuteness, Adelina Bishoff, who helped disparage his brother even though there were circumstances.

Above all, I hated Jared for killing my brother.

"... but in the end it's just my self-satisfaction"

Count Brawell has already been punished. The same is true of the man who gave it to him. No matter how much Ernesta resents, hates, the culprit is gone.

The result - I couldn't even avenge myself like my brother, and with emotion, Ernesta was to suffer. As with the chase, the clan became ill placed and treated as the sister of criminals within the Royal Sorcery Division.

Ironically, it was Tres Brawell and Adelina Bishoff who protected me and my family like that.

They were good men. He was sadly a good man. I thought many times that if you were the first bad guy. While I was helped, I thanked them, thinking I couldn't resent them any more, but I tried hard to resent them.

But I couldn't.

I applied to Jared's secretary because I wanted to know the heights my brother was aiming for, as I told him. More than that, because I was hoping that Jared might be able to resent it.

But I still couldn't.

If he was the fiancé of the infamous Olivier Alway, he took it personally that he was a similar person. But he mourned and took his brother's death and turned to himself on it.

When I finished the conversation, there was no negative sentiment for Jared left in Ernesta's mind, only a thank you to him for accepting himself for all he had said about himself.

In the end, Ernesta became extra with halfway emotions.

My brother's death is sad. But there's no one to avenge or blame. The Torres have found themselves good men, not as good as their brother, but victims.

But the mind is not so easily accepted.

Therefore, I went on resenting them for myself, feeling sorry for them.

"Limits already......"

I was also helped today. Jared took the heartless word for himself. He was heartfelt angry with me. Tres notices me really gently. The kindness of Allie, who became the same secretary, also comes through sorry.

Glad. I couldn't wait to see that there were people who thought of me like this.

"Sorry, brother"

Ernesta apologizes.

"I don't resent those gentle people any more - please forgive me"

Close your eyelids slowly in tears.

Let's go to sleep today. Let's take a shower in the morning when we wake up and change our minds.

And no more - be a proud person, not resent someone, but for your brother and your family.

That's how I decided.

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