Having decided on the two secretaries and introduced them to the Oliviers, Jared decided to follow Allie and Ernesta's advice and go on a tour of the Royal Sorcery Division.

Between them was court magician Tres Brawell. He was sent a letter the other day stating that he had decided to send Ernesta to the secretary. Then a reply had been sent spelling out my gratitude, and it was noted that I should do a tour of the sorcery division shortly thereafter.

When asked to visit Torres again, he immediately received a colourful reply and a desire to meet and talk to him.

And the next day today, I was taking my secretary to the Royal Sorcery Division Stuffing.

"This is where the Royal Sorcery Division is stuffed."

Located in front of the Royal Palace, the Royal Sorcery Division is stuffed. There is a training station and a three-story building. Court magicians also have office rooms available, but many of them are often in the royal palace.

Basically, court magicians are not involved in training the Royal Sorcery Division or anything else. The head of the Sorcery Division is only the head of the regiment, even if he cares about people and has personal guidance around them.

"... Nevertheless, I didn't think it was adjacent to the Knights' stuffing. Don't let the bad guys be your neighbors."

If there is a Magic Division stuffing on your right, there is a Knights stuffing across the street and on your left.

The wickedness in magicians and knights is famous. If so, evil within the Royal Sorcery Division and the Royal Knights can also be expected naturally.

"I can't say it very loudly, but I can't stop fighting like I do every day. The Royal Palace also seems to see the issue as problematic, but the relationship will not improve in the future as the current situation has determined that there is no real harm."

Ernesta, who belongs to the Sorcery Division, looked bitter.

Both perseverance is long. For magicians who exercise magic with magic, knights build themselves up and gain strength. It's true that even magicians don't work out, but they tend to rely on witchcraft. To knights who publicly proclaim it weak, the brain muscle was a sorcerer contrary to keeping quiet.

The problem is deeply rooted, as I hear that court magicians and knighthood executives are also unfamiliar.

They used to have the stuffing on royal palace grounds too, but because they keep making too many differences, they said, "Do it outside!" and even the anecdote that a few generations ago the king slapped him.

"The knights I know don't have magicians very well either. I know you're half jealous."

"Are knights jealous of magicians?

"Yes. You may not know that Jared or Ernesta, the sorcerer, is blessed to have been born with magic. Many knights have no magic and must stack up sword workouts. That's why I'm so jealous of the talented magician I was born with."

"Well, that being said, not everyone who had magic could be a magician, right?

I can't say or understand what I'm saying to Allie, but even Ernesta's words aren't wrong.

Born with magic, there are people who can't be magicians. It is a handful of people who can become a member of the Royal Sorcery Division.

Some of them are physically unwell because of their magic, so they cannot be generally described as privileged talents.

"I know the jealousy of the knights. I used to cry to my parents at a young age about why I had no magic. It's an embarrassing memory."

"Mr. Allie liked magic from childhood, didn't she?"

"Oh, doesn't Mr. Ernesta like magic?

Asked, she looked in trouble.

"I was born with magic and I have lived as I was wanted to be like my brother who had already blossomed my talent as a magician, so I never thought about liking it or hating it"

"The Kaif family was a family of magicians for generations, weren't they? After all, when you're born into such a clan, you have a hard time being a mage. Jared, how about you?

"Is that me? Yeah, I think magic is a handy tool."

"What can I say, if the sorcerer supremacists hear you, you're going to say flat out that you're going to be mad and angry..."

Jared tilted his neck wondering if he had said anything strange to Allie, who shrugged his shoulders wide.

"My dear Jared, I think we should refrain from speaking like this in the stuffing. Some magicians say that magic is the only way to live, so I thought I'd buy anger unnecessarily."

"People think differently, okay, I'll be careful what you say - and let's go inside because we can't help but look at the stuffing forever"

It's totally getting hot during the day, so I don't want to be out forever.

Just because you enter the building doesn't make it cooler, but it makes you feel easier than being under the blue sky.

No objections were raised, and it was time for the three to step into the Royal Sorcery Division's stuffing.

"You have an unpleasant gaze."

It was Allie who distorted her face less than five minutes later.

"Sorry, because of me..."

"Mr. Ernesta has nothing to apologize for. Speaking of the Royal Sorcery Division, I've heard of the elite of sorcerers, but I often find it very impressive that they can turn their bad feelings against one woman."

Needless to say, the reason for the discomfort was the cold gaze poured on the ernesta.

Torres had told me about Ernesta's situation with Barnabas Kaif as his brother, but he didn't think this was terrible either.

I look at her with a criminal brother as if she were a criminal. I can't get tired of that, and I can hear my pussy coming from here and there with a small voice that has to clear my ears.

- Honestly, I was disappointed with the low degree.

Jared was not well thought out of jealousy in the school. When Olivier and I were engaged, it wasn't once or twice that rumors without roots or leaves or heartless words flew across the school.

Sometimes I didn't care, but what I read is what students do. There was a limit.

But when it comes to the Royal Sorcery Division, it's basically a gathering of adult humans. Even so, I am angry and angry that I discriminate as if I were a child.

"I'm used to it already. Whatever my brother has done is a crime for whatever reason. I was prepared for this to happen more than just being a family member."

"Still not much - fine, let me say a word to you Gatsun!

"Whoa, calm down for a second. If I did that, Mr. Ernesta would be in a worse position!

Jared grabbed his arm and stopped Allie, who revealed so much anger that her tone changed.

I can tell that she thinks of Ernesta wholeheartedly, as she roughs her breath.

More than that, there must have been disappointment with the sorcerer.

"Since the two court magicians are moving for Mr. Ernesta, let's avoid us scratching around and making things worse, shall we?

"Thank you, Allie, for being so angry for me. Just feel good, I'm really glad, so please just relax"

"... I regret it, but I see. Today, I'll be patient. But if the court magician seems to be trolling, I won't weigh myself down."

He gives a flashy look and appeases to Allie, who is unconvinced but only stays to take action.

It was Jared who unintentionally sighed at her for being more actionable than I had imagined.

But we also have to do something about the current situation in Ernesta. Torres said he seemed to think his position would improve if he just interviewed him as a secretary, but at least not in Jared's eyes.

"In the meantime, let's go to your promised Torres"

And it was when I advanced my legs.

"It is this shame that the sister of a criminal sells her charm to a coward who has become a court magician with the help of the Duke's family!

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