"... fun, don't have fun. I don't want you to decide on a secretary, and I don't want you to do it"

"No, I don't think you need playfulness because it's a tough job"

I guess that's what your heart thinks. I don't feel a lie from Allie.

Jared wants to accept her that the association of magicians he owes Dennis and the sorcerer he cares for, if possible, translates. But there's still something missing.

I like it. It's fun talking, and it's never a bad impression.

If Allie Fell, whose identity is unknown, is the sun, Olivier Alway, her older fiancé, is the moon. The person who has the impression of being close to her is about her classmate Krista Oaken.

It is rare for a person to be bright and happy and to be able to leave a good impression without offending the other person. Krista unconsciously, Allie consciously makes a difference, but neither is better or worse.

"Maybe you should be playful because I don't even want you to be in a strained state all the time, but it sounds like you have some pranks too"

"Oh, do you understand?

"Well, you'll see."

A bitter laugh leaks to Allie, who has no sign of trying to hide it.

But I still don't have any disgust. Even though I'm wondering why you're hiding your identity from the habit of exposing your mind to fine things like this, I have trouble dealing with whether I can ask around it or not.

- But I have myself thinking that I don't care about my identity or anything.

He tells me he's okay as a magician. But it is also true that given bringing her closer to the Oliviers, we do not want to hire her solely on an uncertain account.

Maybe you don't need to be so cautious because Dennis and the others decide it's okay, but don't think of it as a precaution.

"Jared seems to be in trouble enough for me to understand, so let me just say for once - even if I could just talk to you like this today, it means a lot to me. So even if you turn down the secretary, you won't be bothered by the sorcerer's association, I promise."

Apparently, she's good at seeing through her heart. Or is it just too easy for you to understand?

Either way, if you believe Allie's words, even if you say no to the secretary, they won't bother Dennis and the others. I don't look like I'm lying to you, so I want to trust you.

"Excuse me, may I offer you a little advice?

"Go ahead."

"Jared, you're a little emotionally prone to your face. I'm not saying it's bad, and I think it's cute, but I'll have trouble dealing with the nobles in the future."

"Then you think you can do it?

Allie agreed to just wait.

"Of course it is. I am a little intrigued by witchcraft and Jared, but I don't think about being a secretary. My role is to eliminate elephants that will flock to you in the future."

"That's reliable, is it really possible?

I am well aware of the troubles of the aristocracy. Because of family circumstances, I don't have my face on the stage, but sometimes it comes in my ear even though I don't like it.

Parents who seek connections between houses and try to give their daughters even if they are forced to. Those whose positions rise to the top of the human race. such as the tenacity of the seemingly gorgeous ladies. I hear all the things I don't want to know.

Jared is no fool either. I understand how rare and valuable the position of court magician is.

At the time of his candidacy for court magician, he also knew that Olivier, the Duke's wife, had a voice in her fiancée's shoes but wanted a pageant.

Nobility persists. There are many advantages if you're on your side, but it's troublesome if you give the enemy results you don't want. Like previous enemies, there will be no simple solution to fight and defeat. Unless your opponent uses dirty hands, it's hard to bring them into battle.

It was also impossible to question whether such aristocrats could be dealt with by women alone.

"Are you also aware that there are dangers involved?

"It is possible, and I will not resent you even if something happens to me by becoming a secretary. I promise."

"But your family is different. Perhaps you are truly competent and capable of dealing with aristocracy. But understand that there is a great risk of keeping non-combatants by your side"

The biggest concern is that Allie gets involved.

In the past two months, he fought Vault Toyfer, including the issue of Olivier mother and son, and at the end of the day, the truth about his mother's death and its masterminds. Of course I have been injured and dying. I lost by an overwhelming difference in strength leading up to the battle with Wahash.

During the battle after the battle, I wonder if I can bring her in if she's not a magician or a fighter named Allie Fell.

"Then if you can persuade your family to become a secretary?


"I'm aware of the danger. I don't want to die, either. But it's not always decided that something will happen, and you won't have to be a secretary to die one day as long as you live. Sometimes you'll be in danger somewhere. Then I want to live without regret."

Ally turns off her smile, looks extremely serious and points her blue eyes at Jared.

I honestly don't understand what makes her want to be a secretary to that extent. I'm sure you won't know.

It's just the only thing I've ever figured out. It's

- That Allie Fell is serious.

I'm not dating or drunk, I'm not greedy. But she wants to be a secretary for some purpose.

"... ok. Now please accept the acknowledgement of your family. If only I could accept you as secretary."

"Is that true?

As Jared, rooted in her thoughts, nodded affirmatively, Allie broke her face as the flowers blossomed.

"Thank you. So - from this moment on, thank you very much."

"- Yeah?"

- That, what's your family's permission?

For Jared, who tried to ask him that, Allie took a piece of paper out of her nostalgia and spread it, loosening her face just to do it.

"Come on, you're lying"

The form was a family consent form issued by the Society of Mages. Jared also made me fill in my grandparents' names because they were underage, to avoid leaving any remorse behind.

"As a matter of fact, I already have the consent of my family. Best regards, Jared."

Got hit. Really brilliant done.

From the beginning, she had the consent of her family. It may be nobility, sorcery, or the birth of a prestigious knighthood from the fact that the association is in a position to refuse.

She should have looked into the court magician's secretary as much as she could beforehand. And I was all set. Relations with associations, family consent, personal will. All Jared had to do was snort.

"Ha... it's my loss. Please use your powers fully as a secretary to support me."

"Of course it is. Jared, for your sake, let us work with all our might!

Ali deeply thanked Jared for his tired voice with both hands up just to surrender.

That's how Allie Fell decided to be the first secretary.

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