"Secretary, is it?

Jared tilted his neck to a word that had no edge.

"The court magicians are allowed to have two or three magicians by their side as secretaries from within the sorcery division. I know it's a bad way to put it, but all that court magicians are good at is their ability to fight and specialize personally. I really need an assistant to serve my country. But I can't keep Ernesta with me or Adelina because there's a limit to how many magicians I can avoid following in the name of a secretary."

I see, I was convinced.

It is often a battlefield where the power of a court magician is required. Or fight.

I want you to concentrate on the battle, or by putting a superior person from the Magic Division by your side for a court mage who can only fight - in an excessive way, you can let him hold the reins.

However, there is also the possibility that a private unit of court magicians could be established in the name of a secretary if the number of people is not limited. So I guess there's two or three of them. A secretary or something like that would suffice.

"I initially talked to the Society of Mages about Ernesta, and that's where your name was given. If you ask me, the secretary's not ready for anything yet."

"Having a secretary in the first place was my first ear..."

"I guess. I haven't heard the details, but they said they refrained from doing so because there was a lot of things around you that were different during this time. Besides, even though I've decided to become a court magician, it's not an immediate appointment. I know you've never been over getting appointed early, but in your case, it's special."

"Special, is it?

That can't be said or felt. I've never felt special about myself in my life.

"I can tell you it's special just because you've decided to become a court magician in the shortest possible time from your candidacy for court magician. And you may not like this way of saying it, but you're Liz Murphy's son. No one has ever been a court magician in two generations. The people may not care, but the Sorcerer's Association expects it."

Sometimes I thought, but I think it's better than not expected and swallow the words.

"Truth be told, it's been quite a hassle since I was elected court magician until I was appointed. Normally it takes months. Interacting with other court magicians, showing their faces to the Sorcery Division - maybe even rebelling against younger you, a student of the Royal School. And we meet with the royal family in tune with the Sorcerer's Association, and we finally become court magicians. And you know why I need a secretary, right?

"Yeah, well."

It's very difficult to manage a schedule by yourself.

"As soon as he is appointed by the King, he is given a mandate to show his strength as a court magician"

"Mandate, is it?

"Yeah. In my case, it was to destroy the Fei Long's nest. Adelina was in a bad party at the time, the exorcism of a magician."

Fortunately, it is rare to deal with humans because there is no great war, but they are nevertheless given dangerous tasks.

They won't be removed from the court magician even if they can't accomplish their mission, but none of them have ever failed.

"Being a court magician also has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. There might be some downsides to all this for a while. That's why you should reduce the burden by keeping your secretary around."

"You push Ernesta Kaif on that secretary."

"No - I hope you don't misunderstand. I was hoping you'd make me secretary earlier, but you could interview me as the process of choosing a secretary normally. Just being chosen as a secretary candidate should change my eyes on her."


"The man chosen as secretary of the court magician must be excellent. If you say so, the secretary will be in a position to be located between the court sorcerer and the sorcery division. Of course, not if you ask me if I'm better than the captain, the chief of the unit, who leads the sorcery division, but I still have a big position as a court sorcerer's sidekick. And I've been a candidate for it."

"Okay. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll nominate Ernesta Kaif as my secretary candidate for an interview."

In response to Jared's words, Torres exhaled in relief.

"Thank you, Jared. Regardless, if you like it, you can be my secretary, and if you don't like it, you can drop it. But I can assure you she's a good person."

"Yes. But would you like to be my secretary over there?

Suppose he's the one who killed my brother. I have a desire to help you, but it's not like Torres and Adelina are going to be rejected.

Clearly, there is a possibility that he resents it.

"I don't know what she thinks of you myself. I think it's thick that you're asking me to do this knowingly. But I want you to just do the interview. I want to improve her position a little bit."

I can tell that Torres' thoughts of bowing his head deeply are real. He is a good man. Because of his father, his relationship with Barnabas Kaif is broken and he can't be repaired again, but at least he wants to do something for his sister and the family left behind. That's not here. Adelina should be the same.

"Originally, Barnabas ran for revenge because of us. We should have done something to make amends - I'm sorry. I feel impudent to rely on you."

"Please raise your face. We can't even talk like this."

Torres and Adelina owe me help in the fight against Cornelia Alway and Dolph Ayne. Above all - Ernesta Kaif had a burden.

"Thank you is going to do anything. They may or may not seem ungrateful, but they want to help keep them out of factional strife. Me and Adelia are relatively sparse and the faction is vague. If you have any problems, you can give us our names, or you can use them."

"You don't have to do that...... anyway, I'll take it in regards to Ernesta Kaif. Tell me what I need to do for that."

"- Thanks! Then join me in the sorcerer's club."

"Is this the Sorcerer's Association?

"Oh. There must already be a lot of people who want to be your secretary. The point of contact is the Magician's Association. Some people would tell me directly if I had a handover, but I don't know how you'd react, do I?

"Nothing so far - or who wants to be my secretary?

"I've heard there are a few more candidates. That's why I rushed in today to ask for Ernesta."

As a result, Torres was correct in his decision.

If I hadn't told Jared about Ernesta by holding hands, the sorcerer's association would have contacted me and selected a secretary for the future. If that happens, there's no room for Ernesta to get in. If she wants a secretary, she can still nominate one.

Jared will take a step toward becoming a court magician. At the same time, he thought about Ernesta Kaif, whom he had yet to see, and was nervous.

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