Moment after moment, three members of the Vault Toyfer appeared. Hold one man.

"I tortured and got information about people involved with Annette. Krall is Johann's child, but Rex is not. An unjust child."

The man groaned that he could be thrown to the ground. Alive. But you must have been terribly tortured, I could clearly see blood flowing from everywhere.

"Thank you. I don't care anymore."

When Wahash told his men so, the assassins of Vault Toyfer disappeared in time to thank him.

The only thing left was a scratchy man dumped between Jared and Wahash.

"Hey, you. Are you okay?"

I obviously looked familiar when I ran over to a man who looked like he had been tortured. No way, I trembled.

"Um, what's your voice - boy?

"You... no way"

What I recognize is that I can't help it. He's a knight who used to escort me about Jared. I knew I had quit the Baron Dowm family, but who would think that it was tortured by Wahash, etc.

"Oh yeah, it's still Jared boy...... I've always wanted to see you, and I wanted to apologize, I'm so sorry. I've always regretted that day. Why, that day, I followed your life, Annette, and even if I was threatened, I did something shameful as a knight, no, as a person."

"Were you threatened?

"... Yes. If you don't want to put my beloved in danger, you tell him to leave the boy alone. I knew immediately what had happened. Annette, I questioned you, but they told me I was an accomplice too - no, it seems true. Give me a baby for my cuteness..."

"Enough talking. There's nothing to worry about. This is how I live. More than that, wait, I'll take care of it now."

Take the clean cloth you had for first aid out of your pocket and hit him on the wound.

"Keep it up, let me die"

"Don't be silly, you can't die of wounds of this magnitude"

I'm not going to say anything to him now. I just found out that I've been in pain for a long time, so that's enough.

Spilling a whimper Breaking his sleeve Tight with a cloth to stop the bleeding.

Only the deepest wounds were hemostatic, but the wounds tortured to the point of not dying are terrible. There is pain, there is great suffering, but it cannot be easier to die. The suffering should have lasted forever until the purpose was fulfilled.

"Is it true about Rex?

"Yes, Annette had a long-time admirer before she married Master Johann. She said it was a tutor-student relationship, but she gave up on getting married. But because of Johann's feelings for Master Liz and his dissatisfaction with Karina's position as the second sideroom, he said he had committed injustice."

"She's a stupid woman. And you're an idiot, too. I wish I'd just spoken to you before you tortured me."

"Someone found out about this, and I thought if I put it in Johann's ear, it would break your heart."

He wasn't ruled to his heart even if it took the form of giving to Annette. He remained loyal to his father Johan for a long time, though in an invisible way.

When Jared holds him, he turns to his father.

"I'm a loyal minister who thought this was for you. Give me a hand."


"I'm sorry, Johann."

"I don't mind. Now, rest."

Words are short, but I heard Johan's forgiveness, and the loyal minister lost consciousness as if the thread had been cut.

"Are you all right?

"I'm fine. The child doesn't have to notice the father. I guess you have something to do. I'm sure you won't change your mind now."

"Absolutely. I'm not gonna change my mind. - Hey, Dad."

"- What, what?

Called my father for the first time, Jared tells surprised Johann.

"I think I know, but the bad news is Annette, not Rex"

"That's how much I know. Let's just not draw all the conclusions until we're done."

I entrust him to my father, who has lost consciousness, and once again stares at Wahash.

"Jared -"

Without turning around, I waited for my father's word.

"I'm more important to you than Annette. Don't push me, no one will blame you for your defeat."

"Thanks, Dad"

Contrary to my father, who carries his men inside the mansion, he heads to Wahash to advance his feet.

"I know exactly what you're trying to say. Sounds like Rex really isn't my dad's kid."

"That's right. Still, you mean protect it? I thought you found out there was no blood connection."

"Is that it?


Jared refines his magic in his body.

Until now, all I had was a feeling about Wahash that I didn't want to acknowledge him as my grandfather. Not now. - Anger was being created.

I didn't have to dig up a good fact even if I didn't know anything. In the process, he tortured those who were suffering from dyeing their hands in evil.

I have good things to do and bad things to do, no matter how much it's for my daughter. Wahash was easily beyond that line.

I can't even forgive Annette. If it's going to happen, I even want to kill you right now. That's why I'm not changing my opinion any more. I firmly swear that it will change even the will.

"There's no blood connection to Rex, oh, you do. That's why you hate me. Annette can't even get close to me. I finally understand. But you kill Claire and Lena, don't you?


"Then what I'm supposed to do isn't the same as the first. I honestly hate about Rex, but I don't want him to kill me. Above all - he must be Annette's victim, too!

Needless to say, Rex shouldn't know where he came from. To a child who is still young, this fact is too heavy.

I don't even know where my real father is, but let that man atone for his sins, too. But you have to live to make it pay.

"Let's do this, then. I swear I won't give a finger to Claire Dowm, Lena Dowm, and Rex Dowm. I'm just happy to see your kindness, honesty and stupidity. You and I don't have to fight anymore."

"No, there is."

Communicates elaborate magic throughout the body and strengthens the body.

He made a noise and poked his fist at him, telling Wahash off.

"I don't like the way you do it. I'm not a complimented person, but still, it's better."

"Tell me - then push it through with your will, your power"

"You don't have to tell me. - Let's go, Wahash!

"Come on, Jared Murphy"

I didn't need a signal.

The two kicked the ground at the same time.

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