Reading Liz's diary, Johann's hands tremble naturally and tears fill her eyes.

Jared continued to wait quietly, surprised by his father's change but without uttering a word.

I wonder how much time it took, after reading everything, my father did not even wipe his tears, without words, and handed Jared his mother's day book.

Read it, start turning the diary before they tell you to.

Then there - the truth about my mother was hidden.

"This is all my mother..."

"Yeah, there was a hidden door behind the bookshelf. That's where they kept this diary."

"... in that place, I've never known it"

"Not only did I take the liberty of searching for a home, I apologize for checking the contents before your stepfather"

Olivier apologizes by offering his head deep to Johann, but Johann, who was wiping his tears, stops in a hurry.

"Please don't. I'm grateful to Olivier, but don't apologize. But why did Liz think she was hiding the journal-- No, the truth?

Olivier glanced at Jared and then smiled creepily.

"Your father-in-law said Liz looked a lot like Jared. Jared doesn't really mean it. There's one side to it. I thought you looked just like your stepfather, but I thought maybe Liz would be the same. Besides, Liz and her father-in-law Liz, whom Jared had previously heard, did not match, so I assumed on my own that she was clumsy."

The guess was correct. In fact, this is how Olivier searched for her mother's hidden diary.

"Jared, your mother's true feelings - read them properly."

Nodding, I'm going to read more about the diary. And after reading everything, Jared sighed loudly.

"I don't know, you're a hassle, my mother."

Olivier laughs bitterly at the leaked words.

The diary contained the truth that was hidden not only against Johann but also against Jared.

Liz Murphy certainly didn't love Johann Daum. I just wanted my own magic and witchcraft talents, and the best successor with excellent blood as a fighter in the Baron Dowm family.

But everything changed with myself - Jared being born.

I tried to support my father as a wife, at least in good faith, who told me that if I could be with him without love, I wouldn't mind. I advised him to have a side chamber and told him that he should take his father as his wife wholeheartedly loved him. As a result, Karina became a side chamber. As for Annette, it seems to be a connection within the faction.

When he lodged Jared in his stomach, he said he was surprised because Johann looked so happy. I felt guilty for my father, who was sincerely delighted to have a child, knowing he was not loved.

He kicked Johann over and over again wanting to bake his care depressingly when he got to weight, and with the help of Karina, who became a sideroom, he had a safe child.

In those days, Johan had feelings for him. I had a crush on Johann, who was all I needed to have a baby.

But a woman named Liz Murphy was clumsy. It was so clumsy and troublesome that my son was frightened.

I was happy about Johann, who, despite not being able to say that I love her now, etc. has the same love, and I just had to be cute about Karina, who admires me like a real sister.

For Liz, who had only lived a slaughtered life, a happy and comfortable time was there for the first time.

I also knew that Johann lied to Jared that he had no sword talent. Johann didn't even seem adorable because of his love for himself, and because he guided Jared but lied to him.

I don't need good kids in those days anymore. It's just fine if you grow up healthy - that's what I hoped.

Loyk was also born, and I didn't suspect that a happy time would ensue. If all you have to do is be honest with yourself, you can be satisfied.

But - that was no match.

It wasn't until Johann lied about Jared's lack of talent and his attitude became marginal that he found out his body was being invaded by the disease. I knew I had a burden, but I couldn't tell you anything because I pretended not to notice the lies.

The demon continued to offend his body. congenital magic disease. Once, a time when witchcraft was flourishing and the quality of magicians was much higher than it is now. It was a disease in which a low percentage of humans were born with non-standard magic. It was not an incurable disease at the time, but in modern times there is no way to treat it.

I tried to rely on my father once, but I stopped. Because I thought everything was destiny.

Born in Vault Toyfer, he lived free toward his father's teeth. Even though I didn't think I would ever love someone, I got a loving family.

That was all I was happy about already.

I understood that my life expectancy would not last six months. There is no wonder and no fear. However, I was worried about Jared, who was still young, and her husband, who remained assumed not to be loved, and her cute little sister.

Such a fold, poisoned by my sister. Regardless, my father has applied poison resistance to me, so I will not die. My tongue is a little paralyzed.

I heard the circumstances from Karina, who was wholeheartedly relieved of her failure while trying to kill me, and knew everything. I even thought of killing all humans, including Annette, for Karina, who tearfully reveals that young Royce had been taken hostage and threatened by Annette to kill herself. But I don't have any more power left for me. Every day, I was just full of acting like nothing was going on.

So Liz thought. Trying to use your own death for someone.

To my weak body, I could have expected to die if I drank all the poison I had recovered from Karina.

I have hesitations. I'm sorry for Johann, who still loves me, even though I've behaved like a selfish person. Leaving Jared, still young, to die, also seemed to tear his chest apart. But Karina and Loyk can save you.

In the end, Liz Murphy decided to entrust her beloved husband and son to Karina and cut off her life, without telling Johann one thing for real.

"... he's a fool"

The diary concludes with an apology to the family. I found it even after I had zero tears. He must have been writing a diary crying.


- We were close as a family and I always wanted to spend time together. Please, I hope you're blessed with a lot of happiness.

Yes, my mother's wish was written.

When I realized it, I had zero tears. I couldn't stop crying at the thought of my clumsy, solitary and what a selfish mother.

"He's a real idiot. But thank you for giving birth, thank you for loving me, Mother."

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