This star’s style is wrong

Chapter 99: All eight kings have been smashed out, and they are still only in second place?

When the host reads out the votes for Fireworks Easily Cold.

Chaoyin Culture Headquarters was in a state of panic.

Because Wu Junchen's threat to the top of the popularity list has received a huge challenge.

Hold on! We must keep Wu Junchen at the top of the popularity list! the director of the operations department yelled at the employees of the operations department.

Director, there is no budget! The employees in the operations department were helpless.

They used all available methods.

Especially when cutting vermicelli and leeks, it has reached the point where all the marshes are used to fish and the chickens are killed to obtain the eggs.

During this period, Chaoyin Culture has been guiding fans to crowdfund and list every day, and has almost drained the fan base dry.

Later, ordinary fans could no longer make a profit, and Chaoyin culture began to focus on the rich women in the fan base.

Various fan groups began to chat privately with these wealthy fans and lobby them to be included in the rankings.

The live broadcast of the group sprint night has come to an end.

Now if you want to hit the rankings, you can only spend real money on it.

However, the popularity of Chi Ling and Fireworks Are Easy to Cold was so high that after both became hot searches, they attracted a lot of votes from passers-by.

In addition, Nocturne topped the music chart.

Songshi Records advertised on major music platforms, using the popularity of Nocturne to increase Fang Xing's popularity.

In the final stage, Fang Xing's popularity soared at a terrifying rate.

Chaoyin Culture Headquarters Conference Room.

The operations director looked at Chairman He Hongtu and said bravely: Chairman, all the funds have been used up. If you want to maintain Wu Junchen's number one position on the popularity list, you must increase funds.

He Hongtu had been watching the live show in the conference room and knew that the current situation was very unfavorable to Chaoyin culture.

His face looked a little ugly, and he said in a deep voice: How long will it take before the voting channel is closed?

The operations director looked at his watch and replied: According to the timetable given to us by Feifan Entertainment, there are about twenty minutes left.

He Hongtu asked again: Twenty minutes is not a long time. How much more money is needed to last until the end?

Now we can only hit the popularity list with real money. According to Fang Xing's popularity growth rate, it will be at least 20 million. When the operations director said this number, his throat felt dry.

If it is a daily ranking, Chaoyin Culture has many channels, and it can be done at a relatively small cost.

However, it takes a day or two to respond through these channels.

Now there are only the last twenty minutes left. If you want to hit the rankings, you can only spend money.

He Hongtu frowned and asked: What about the naturally increased votes? Did you count Wu Junchen's naturally increased popularity votes?

The operations director replied helplessly: From the third performance to tonight's group night performance, there are a total of four stages, and we have lost four times in a row, so... Wu Junchen's natural popularity growth rate, compared with Fang Xing, Not even a fraction of a cent.”

At the end of his speech, he didn't know what to say.

What a waste!

He Hongtu threw a report on the conference table.

Chaoyin Culture spent money to train the five Chaoyin disciples for three or four years, but in the end they couldn't beat Fang Xing, which made his lungs almost explode.

An employee from the operations department raised his hand and suggested: I have an idea, I don't know if it is feasible. You can try communicating with Penguin Video and ask them to close the voting channel now.

Wu Junchen is still number one on the popularity list. If the voting channel is closed now, Wu Junchen will be nailed to the number one position.

He Hongtu glanced at the employee coldly and scolded: Are you feeding the dog in your head? Now Penguin Video sells popularity votes and makes hundreds of millions in one minute. Why on earth do you want them to close the voting channel now? Why don’t you let them give you money?”

The more intense the competition for the ranking, the more money Penguin Video makes, and the more it earns in the end.

It’s good that Penguin Video doesn’t ask the program team to extend the voting time. If you want Penguin Video to close the voting channel now, what’s the difference between that and robbing money?

Then continue to spend money to support it? The top executives of Chaoyin Culture had the same distress in their hearts.

Liu Rongxuan coughed slightly and said: Mr. He, tonight is the night of group sprint, but it is not the last episode of the show. There will be a camp battle later. We spent money tonight to get first place, so do we still have to spend money in the camp battle? ?”

He Hongtu's expression calmed down, he thought for a moment, and made a decision: Give up! Take back all the funds that can be recovered for the ranking. After Wu Junchen completely loses, make a wave of tears from the fans, and then incite the fans to fight in the next camp. Win it back.”

Chaoyin Culture is throwing money into the water by spending money on rankings.

Inciting fans to crowdfund and list is different.

The money spent by fans on the charts is ultimately split 50-50 between Chaoyin Culture and Penguin Video.

Therefore, inciting fans to list is making money.

And the company is burning money by doing the rankings in person.

As long as He Hongtu didn't have too much water in his head, he would know how to choose.

The live broadcast continues.

He Hao announced the final voting rules: Friends from the audience at the scene and in front of the live broadcast screen, although Fireworks Easily Cold won the first place in the second round of the stage with 21.85 million votes.

“However, our final rule for forming a group is not to look at the votes of a single stage, but to look at the overall popularity ranking of the entire season of Penguin Video’s “Stars of Tomorrow” section.

“The higher you rank on the popularity list, the more likely you are to become a member of the GLA Youth League.

There are only ten minutes left in the voting channel. We invite all the students tonight to get their votes for the last time.

One by one, the trainees stepped onto the stage and began to canvass for votes in the order arranged by the host.

Most of the trainees emotionally begged fans to vote for them, and even burst into tears and cried loudly, shouting: We want to form a group and will never give up on our music dream!

When He Hao handed the microphone to Fang Xing, his style suddenly changed.

He Hao: Fang Xing, there are only a few minutes left before the voting channel closes. What do you want to say to the fans?

Fang Xing showed a surprised expression: Do I have any fans?

Shadiao netizens began to post and interact with each other:

[No, you have no fans, only black ones. 】

【It is impossible to be powdery. 】

[In order to continue to blackmail you, I voted for you so many times. Is it easy for me? 】

[Actually, I really like the two songs tonight, and I want to turn from a fan to a fan...]

【No! You do not want. quick! Put a mouth ball on him and stick it out! 】

He Hao continued to ask: Fang Xing, do you want to form a group?

Fang Xing: I don't want to.

He Hao pretended to be surprised and asked: Don't you want to form a group?

Fang Xing: I originally wanted to withdraw from the competition, but I couldn't afford the penalty, so Mr. Tong wouldn't let me leave.

He Hao: Then why are you playing so seriously?

Fang Xing: I just don't want to lose.

He Hao continued to ask: Fang Xing, you are now second on the popularity list. If you want to join a group, there is great hope.

Fang Xing jokingly joked: Is it only the second place? I have already produced such masterpieces as Red Ling and Fireworks Are Easy to Cold, but I am still only the second place. It seems that the level of national music appreciation needs to be improved.

He Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, Do you really think so?

Fang Xing laughed: No, I'm just kidding.

The live barrage suddenly exploded:

【Hey! I was dissatisfied with this and even questioned my level of music appreciation. I had to vote for this! 】

[Very good, let’s start provoking the audience. Don't be confused, I will blackmail you for the rest of your life. 】

[Hating you is my attitude, voting is my musical literacy, there is no conflict! 】

[One thing to say is that with the eight songs Nocturne, Wild Birds, All Lovers in the World, The Hard Sutra, The Wind Rises, Young China, Red Ling and Fireworks Easily Cold, if If you still can't get first place, the level of national music appreciation is really hopeless. 】

[If you come up with eight popular songs and still lose to the traffic stars supported by capital, the music world will be doomed. 】

[I can’t control others. Anyway, I voted 10 times to prove that my personal musical literacy is fine. 】

[In other shows, one or two out-of-the-ring songs can reach the sky. This is a crappy program. The eight best songs are only worthy of second place. 】

Many viewers who were too lazy to vote at first thought about the eight popular songs released throughout the season and decided to vote once with their fingers.

Most ordinary viewers will not post comments, but just silently vote for free tickets without spending money to buy tickets.

Even so, the base of ordinary viewers cannot stand it.

Fang Xing's popularity experienced another explosive growth in the last ten minutes.

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