This star’s style is wrong

Chapter 21: The Battle to Steal People (Please collect and read)

Shen Xiyin blinked her watery eyes and reminded with astonishment: Captain Fang Xing, but your team only has four people.

I already have the high voice part, the low part part, the dance pole, and the musical instruments. What else do I need for a bicycle? Fang Xing answered matter-of-factly.

Shen Xiyin quickly added: Captain Fang Xing, each team can have up to seven people. If there are too few members, we may suffer a loss in terms of popularity voting.

Chief director Tong Fei also felt that four people were too few, which would make this group look too different, so she said aloud: Fang Xing, please choose another team member to make five.

The chief director has spoken, but he still needs to be given face.

Fang Xing looked at the title board of Martial Arts Dream and said, Then I want someone who can dance classically, preferably with some martial arts skills.

For the proposition of Martial Arts Dream, line dancing is a difficult problem.

If there are team members who know martial arts or classical dance, then this problem will be easily solved.

Shen Xiyin took up the topic and asked, Is there any student who knows classical dance who would like to join Fang Xing's team?

At this moment.

A twenty-six-year-old student stood up, took the passed microphone, and introduced himself:

Hello, Captain Fang Xing, my name is Wang Huajun. I have studied classical dance since I was a child. I have never practiced martial arts, but I can do many martial arts moves.

“Among these five propositions, the dance of martial arts dreams should be the most suitable for me.

It's just that you just said that your team is full, which makes me a little worried. Is it appropriate to join your team?

In fact, the trainees in the men's team draft are usually very young, and some are even only 18 or 19 years old.

The twenty-six-year-old trainee is already considered the oldest among them.

When Wang Huajun came to participate in Star of Tomorrow, he actually came not to form a group, but to find a stage where he could showcase classical dance.

When Fang Xing heard his introduction, he remembered that there was an amazing classical dance performance on the first stage.

At that time, the four instructors almost gave him four A's, but considering that he did not sing, but only danced, he had perfect scores for dance, but no score for vocals.

After discussion among the four instructors, he was admitted to Class B.

Fang Xing thought of his classical dance performance on the first stage, and had already imagined some of the difficult dance moves in Martial Arts Dream in his mind.

This team member is exactly what the Martial Arts Dream needs.

Fang Xing asked with a formal expression: Tell me, what are your requirements?

Wang Huajun thought for a while and replied: In terms of vocal music, I can listen to you, but in terms of dance, I hope that my ideas will be valued. Especially my own dance movements, I hope to have a certain degree of autonomy.

Fang Xing readily agreed: Okay, as for dancing, you can discuss it with the dance teacher. I won't interfere. At most, I will make some suggestions.

Leave professional matters to professionals.

The reason why Fang Xing wants to have a say in vocal music is because his vocal music is professional and he is absolutely sure of it.

In terms of dance, I have been practicing classical dance for twenty years, so I am naturally more professional than most people.

Wang Huajun was very satisfied with this answer and immediately said: Then I want to join Captain Fang Xing's team.

Shen Xiyin turned to Fang Xing and asked, Does Captain Fang Xing agree?

Before Fang Xing could answer, Hashim next to him suddenly interrupted: Wait a minute, I want to rob someone!

As soon as these words came out.

The atmosphere at the scene was ignited again.

The only way the show is interesting is to steal people.

Shen Xiyin asked with a smile: Oh? Captain Hashim also wants Wang Huajun. It seems that our classical dance students are very popular.

Classical dance has little effect on the other four propositions, but it has a great effect on the martial arts dream.

Among the on-site trainees, Wang Huajun is the only one who has practiced classical dance since childhood.

Let's ask Captain Hashim to express his wishes first. Shen Xiyin turned the topic to Hashim.

Hashim came out from behind the question board, stretched out his hands with great emotion, pointed at Wang Huajun, and said loudly:

Wang Huajun, I need you, join my team, I can agree to whatever you want.

I even thought about giving you a period of solo classical dance during the interlude, so that you can dance happily.

I am absolutely sincere to you, but it's different for a certain captain. He just said that four people are full, and he didn't consider you at all in the beginning.

Come to me, you will never regret it!

Shen Xiyin took the topic and said: Okay, Captain Hashim is indeed sincere. Now both captains want you, Wang Huajun, now is the time for you to vote against, which captain's team do you want to join more?

Hashim's mood just now was indeed very high and seemed very contagious.

Wang Huajun thought about it and asked, Can I ask a question?


I would like to ask the two captains if they have any ideas on the song selection? I would like to weigh it based on whether the song is suitable for classical dance.

Hashim immediately said: The song selection is already in my mind. I want to adapt a classic martial arts drama theme song called Beautiful Beauty Without Tears. I already have the idea of ​​​​adapting it. Believe me, I will definitely do it this time. It’s the most exciting stage.”

What about Captain Fang Xing? Do you have any thoughts on the song selection? Shen Xiyin then looked at Fang Xing.

Fang Xing actually had already thought of a song and said directly: It's a song that no one has heard of, so it's hard to describe it.

Wow! So it's a new song? How does it compare with Nocturne? Shen Xiyin immediately understood what it meant.

Fang Xing thought about it and replied: It's hard to compare the different types. If I have to make an evaluation, I can only say... they are all unparalleled.


The scene was once again shocked.

I have never seen a person praise himself so fresh, refined and calm.

What Captain Fang Xing said, I suddenly wanted to watch it. If it is as good as Nocturne, I will really become a little fan girl. Shen Xiyin put her hand on her cheek, looking very expectant.

Hearing the reminder from the director team, Shen Xiyin quickly asked: Captain Fang Xing, do you have anything else to say to Wang Huajun?

Fang Xing replied calmly: There's nothing more to say. Which team do you think is suitable?

It would be best if Wang Huajun joins the team. If not, there will be a dance teacher to help with dance choreography.

Fang Xing wouldn't be like Hashim, who would get very emotional when robbing someone, as if he had taken something.

As for what choice Wang Huajun makes, it is his fate.

Anyway, the two teams are competitors, and one team will definitely lose in the second performance.

Wang Huajun was a little hesitant. He had been learning classical dance for twenty years since he was a child. He can be said to be a child's master.

However, there are not many stages where classical dance can be shown, otherwise he would not come to a men's group talent show.

He is twenty-six years old and has been in the entertainment industry for seven or eight years.

Along the way, I have experienced a lot.

Therefore, the desire in his eyes is much stronger than that of many people.

Therefore, he wants to win.

The song mentioned by Hashim, Beautiful Beauty Without Tears is the theme song of a classic martial arts drama, which is indeed very suitable for his performance.

Fang Xing's song selection has not yet been determined, and it is a new song. No one knows whether it will be as good as Nocturne.

Moreover, the tone of Fang Xing's last words was a bit cold and indifferent.

Wang Huajun felt something called self-confidence from it.

He was so familiar with this attitude that he seemed to be able to hear Fang Xing's subtext: It doesn't matter if you come or not, I will win anyway.

His feeling was correct, Fang Xing had this attitude: I will win anyway, your coming is the icing on the cake, it doesn't matter if you don't come.

Wang Huajun knew that this choice was a bit risky, but he finally decided: I want to join Captain Fang Xing's team.

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