This star is from the earth

Chapter 737 Thank you for meeting you in life (1)

"The one who won the [Best Decoration Design] award is..."

In the silence, the award presenter opened the envelope, looked at it, and then put his head in front of the microphone to announce:

"Han Jue."

The music suddenly sounded.

This is the first award Han Jue has won tonight, and also the second award presented at the ceremony tonight.

[Best Binding Design] The influence is relatively small, and it belongs to the award that the marketing account is too lazy to write about. But because of the winner's name, the reaction of the audience was very timely, and the commotion spread quickly.

The opening performance lasted 15 minutes, and the first award took 4 minutes. Now it's only 20 minutes. The warm-up hasn't even started yet, and the first suspense is about to be revealed.

Everyone turned to the stage. Everyone wanted to know if Han Jue was present in person tonight.

Han Jue's seat was vacant in the front row seat belonging to 【Best Male Singer】, but it's not certain that he never came. For an album, Han Jue is in charge of everything from songwriting, songwriting, binding, to music video clips, so the range of nominations is very wide, from the first row to the last row, he has a seat, now looking for It's hard to say where he really sat if he didn't come, just to let everyone think he didn't come. Even he was the winner of last year's best lyrics and song, maybe he has been waiting in the background, ready to present awards to others.

In the background music, a gentle man in formal suit and glasses stepped out of the seat and walked from the aisle to the stage.

Many people recognized him as Guan Yi, Han Jue's agent and the shareholder and manager of Han Jue's studio.

In the audience behind the stage, a small number of girls screamed, making people feel that even Guan Yi has his own fans.

Guan Yi took the trophy from the award presenter, stood still in front of the microphone, and faced all the eyes from the audience, without any extra words, he just said:

"I am Han Jue's manager. Tonight, all of Han Jue's acceptance speeches will be conveyed by me, and I will narrate them in the first person. I have them all in my head, not on paper, so, if you If there is something wrong, it must be my memory."

The audience in the audience coaxed a smile.

Guan Yi said: "He specifically told me not to thank my family, not to thank the judges, not to thank the company, not to thank everyone, because these people have not contributed to his achievements at all. Just thank two people - the agent and God."

The people in the audience laughed and wondered whether Guan Yi made up this sentence himself. On the stage, Guan Yi immediately added: "When modern science is helpless, only these two can give me some advice. comfort."

It is absolutely certain that this was written by Han Jue himself.

After the laughter stopped, Guan Yi began to convey Han Jue's real acceptance speech for "Best Design of Design":

"I have to thank Pei Qing for the [Best Binding Design] award. After getting to know her, she gave me a lot of books about painting to cultivate my artistic quality, but she never taught me how to paint in detail, and kept letting it go. I grew up savagely, and I painted whatever I wanted, and then tried to praise me for my talent, and kept trying to drag me into the art world. I was very disturbed, and I told her to forget it. She said come on. I said no. She said Come on, painting is so interesting and makes a lot of money. I said I don't believe it.

After several years of sawing, she finally gave up. I was a little disappointed, but one day I suddenly found that my nails were soaked with paint that could not be washed off. , can also be used to hold a paintbrush. Her purpose succeeded.

When I came back to my senses, my house was full of paintings I drew by myself. When preparing the album, my colleagues asked who should design the frame and cover, and I shouted, "I'll do it, I'll do it". I can't go back, I can't go back to everything.

I thought painting would distract me and make me impure, but actually, painting enriches me. I can see the rhythm in a painting, and I can capture the colors in the melody. Images and music are very similar, their expressions can easily cross national borders and go to places that words cannot reach. So when I set out to design the cover, it was natural to think of it as an extension of the song, hoping to pick out an audience that could resonate before the music started.

So I want to thank Pei Qing, thank you for teaching me how to draw. "

After Guan Yi finished speaking, he walked off the stage amidst applause and laughter.

Tonight's ceremony was in full swing from the very beginning. When Guan Yi read his speech, his expression remained unchanged throughout the whole process, which formed a strong contrast with what he said, making people listen attentively.

Everyone has also thought about it before. Han Jue has publicly expressed many times that he does not like being awarded awards, and he does not care about other people's affirmation or negation, so whether his speech will be shocking or unexpected. Either add topics, or mess up the ceremony, in short, it will not make people guess, and it is definitely not Han Jue's style to be plain and blindly seek stability.

Sure enough, no one guessed that Han Jue's acceptance speech was so thoughtful.

After Guan Yi stepped down, everyone still had a lot to say, and they couldn't help but secretly look forward to what Han Jue would say when he won other awards in the future.


At 7:30 in the evening, Pei Qing was giving a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts.

As the youngest master in the field of contemporary art, the transaction price of a single painting is hundreds of millions. She has been invited to countless interviews and columns. Well-connected reporters and a few art critics who were optimistic about her early on rejected all others.

This time, it was her alma mater who invited her to give a lecture, so it was not easy to refuse. Pei Qing knew that he was not the kind of sharp-edged artist, and after being asked by the old dean and mentor a few times, he came.

The lecture venue used the largest hall, and the audience was still full. Most of them are juniors and juniors, and the smaller half are standing or crowded, from other schools or painters who are eager to succeed.

Pei Qing was born into a family of artists, and has had a smooth journey since he was a child, without encountering any setbacks or troughs, let alone depressed experiences. If it is made into a movie, it will be a drama with no conflict points. The only dilemma that can be said to be a bottleneck has also been broken through within a year or two. One or two years is hardly a bottleneck for an artist.

Most of what Pei Qing shared was how to transform from a painter with outstanding skills into an artist with his own style and worldview during the bottleneck period. In the process of speaking, it was inevitable to mention Han Jue, who inspired her, and praised the world view shown in Han Jue's paintings, which is quite distinctive and valuable. It's such a pity.

Everyone here is a proud son who has studied hard and practiced hard. He is not very convinced that Han Jue, a layman, can easily walk to the top of the mountain that they can't see.

Some students secretly looked at their mobile phones. Han Jue's acceptance speech has been converted into text and circulated on Weibo. As for Han Jue's "I really don't want to enter the art world, but my talent is too high, Pei Qing just won't let me go." "The attitude is very uncomfortable. When it was time for the free questioning session, he raised his hand and asked, if Han Jue really entered the painting world instead of making pop songs or commercial movies, would he still be able to earn so much money?

As soon as the question came out, some other students nodded and wanted to know the answer.

Pei Qing scanned the expressions of the crowd, thought for a while, and answered the student who asked the question: "There are actually two questions in your sentence. One question is whether Han Jue can make a lot of money by painting. I will answer you first, able.

The second question is, how can Han Jue, who is engaged in popular art, make so much money.

One of my aunts who works in an auction house said something like this when chatting with me before—‘When buying art, everyone imagines that they will get huge profits in the future. But in the art business, the cheapest is actually the most expensive. ’ I send this sentence to you. "

The student was not annoyed, but sat down cynically and asked with a sneer: Can his stuff be called art?

The scene was about to become chaotic, with some teachers preparing to reprimand the students, or quickly turning the page to move on to the next question. But Pei Qing generously expressed to the teacher that it was okay, and after thinking about it seriously, he said: "People in the art world look down on those who are popular and popular, and they always have a high attitude. More or less kitsch, right?"

Many people in the audience nodded silently.

Pei Qing said: "What are we who are not kitsch? We tried our best to draw a picture, thought it was extremely beautiful, and showed the true meaning of beauty, and sold it, but no one bought it. Because you are not famous.

The agent said that if you want to increase the price of the painting, you must either sell more stories about the painting, and the public will listen to it, and the value will increase, or it will be on several news and participate in several programs, and the public will know the artist’s name. If the value rises again, you must please the critics and let them write you like the next master, which has investment value, and the value will also rise.

After finally gaining fame, the painting was auctioned for a high price, and the result? The money was obtained, but the painting was collected in the rich man's study or living room. This rich man must understand what is so good about this painting? You may or may not understand it, but it is more likely that you do not understand it. Why do these people who don't understand beauty buy paintings? Can be sold at a high price. Money can be laundered. It can be given as an unconventional gift. You can praise other wealthy people when they come to visit you, and you can satisfy the vanity of "I have what no one else has"... No matter what, your hard work has become a tool.

Where is the art in this process?

Rather than becoming the spiritual food of the public, inspiring more people to create, comforting the pain in people's lives, expressing their inexpressible emotions on behalf of them, and encouraging people to live better, is it possible to become a vassal of the rich and a minority? Is your toy more proud of? "

The students in the audience stopped talking.

Pei Qing took a sip of water, softened his tone, and said, "Don't talk about being an artist in this era, in fact, it's hard enough to be a good person first.

Han Jue doesn't really care much about whether the things he makes are art or whether he is an artist. In the past, I really hoped that he would paint, and I often encouraged him. It lasted for a total of two years, and finally gave up last year. That time he drew an excellent painting. I couldn’t help his talent being buried, so I stimulated him, ‘What kind of artist do you want to be in the future? ’, he replied, ‘happy man’, I said he got the question wrong, he said I got the life wrong. "

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