This star is from the earth

Chapter 685 Corporate Slave

As soon as the screen went black, when it turned on again, Jiang Qi appeared on the sofa in the center of the screen.

This is in the dormitory of [Jupiter Girl]. Outside the camera, Weng Yao acted as the director and asked Jiang Qi what she was doing. Jiang Qi raised her book and said that she was preparing for "B\u0026B House". "It's useless to become an expert in Dali. If you're not going to be a tour guide, you should read books related to homestays." After Weng Yao finished speaking, Jiang Qi immediately asked her what books to read and what preparations to make.

Next, every time Weng Yao answered, a scene of Jiang Qi fighting for it appeared on the screen.

[You can learn how to change and wash the quilt cover...] As soon as Weng Yao finished speaking, the camera cut away. There was a pile of quilts in front of Jiang Qi, with a serious expression. The teammate next to him gave an order with a stopwatch, "Start", Jiang Qi rushed In front of the quilt, the quilt covers were removed one by one, with fast hands.

【Make coffee and tea...】

The sky was just getting brighter, Jiang Qi made a cup of coffee according to the online tutorial, brought it back to the room, and woke up Weng Yao next door: "Yaoyao, it's time to drink coffee." The tone was so frightening that Weng Yao lost all sleepiness and said I am used to getting up early to drink tea.

【Cakes and snacks...】

The camera presents the picture from a first-person perspective, and Jiang Qi wants to show the process of making egg tarts.

"Egg tart skins!" Jiang Qi yelled, grabbed a few egg tart skins with her hands, and threw them on the chopping board in the way of a goddess scattering flowers.

"Whole milk!" shouted again, and a box of branded pure milk was put down with a bang.

"Whipped cream!" A finger that had been covered in cream appeared.

"Sugar!" A handful of sugar was spilled, and half of it fell to the ground. The voice-over came the roar of teammates.

"Egg yolk!" An egg was thrown into the bowl, and the yolk slowly flowed out from the broken crack.

"Corn starch!" A pile of starch was scraped off by a bank card on the chopping board, and it was divided into strips.

"Oven!" Jiang Qi shouted here, and the audience thought that an oven would be thrown on the table. Actually no. Jiang Qi picked up the camera, pointed the lens at the huge oven on the kitchen shelf, and was silent for two seconds... "Oven!" A copy of the oven instruction manual was thrown on the table.

Shot after shot, the editing is pretty sharp. Then there is the part of making, beat the eggs, pour the milk, stuff it into the oven, the oven is coaxing to operate, the baking is over, and you can try it. Eight teammates appeared, each with an egg tart in front of them. Everyone muttered "I'll clean it up later", picked up egg tarts to eat, took a big or small bite, and looked at each other. The facial features on their faces were just about to squeeze together, and the picture went black instantly. , the cheerful background music played, and the video nonchalantly skipped to the next part of preparing for the necessary skills for hotel staff.

[Pipeline dredging...] Jiang Qi was wearing blue overalls, just like a car repairman, with a wrench and a screwdriver in her pocket, lying on a skateboard with rollers, and slid under each sink with a flashlight.

"How do you make it look like a car repairman?" Wu Keli questioned.

"Don't ask," Zhang Zishang replied with a smile, and let Wu Keli watch TV, "You'll know right away."

In the next second, Weng Yao's narration:

【car repair……】

Jiang Qi went to a car repair shop to observe, intending to learn the technology, but was soon sent out. Jiang Qi ran to the camera held by Weng Yao, and said with a mournful face, this is too difficult. Weng Yao said, there is no other way, it can only start from the bicycle. Jiang Qi nodded, took out her mobile phone, and called Zhang Zishang, asking him to ride his bicycle when recording the show tomorrow, "I want to practice my skills." Zhang Zishang on the other end of the phone didn't know what he had imagined, so he nodded repeatedly on the phone and said hello frequently.

Seeing this, Huang Hai slapped his thigh fiercely, suddenly realized, and said to Zhang Zishang, "I just said, why can't you see that bicycle of yours!"

Zhang Zishang bit the corner of the pillow and said without tears that the bicycle and the bicycle that Han Jue gave as a gift belonged to his master and apprentice. When he received the call, he thought that Jiang Qi wanted to practice cycling skills , who would have thought that she wanted to practice maintenance skills...

Lu Baiyang quickly persuaded Zhang Zishang not to be sad: "Although it is not a pink bridge, but after it is linked with "B\u0026B", it will be interesting to release it there."

Zhang Zishang burst into tears after hearing this, and said, "But she couldn't put it back together after dismantling it! Later, I sent it to the manufacturer for repair, and the manufacturer said that three parts were missing...Master-student money, master-student money... At that time, I planned to ride with Master, but..."

Everyone was silent for a long time, and they all comforted Zhang Zishang, saying that the master and apprentice bikes could not be ridden together.

Sure enough, Zhang Zishang stopped crying, and as soon as he lost his pillow, he jumped up and was about to hit someone.

On TV, after Jiang Qi devoted herself to preparing for nearly two months of self-cultivation as a homestay staff, she was finally about to start work.

"I'm ready!" Jiang Qizhi was full of pride.

At this time, Jiang Qi was still very optimistic, she didn't know what kind of endless hell was waiting for her.

The audience didn't know it at first, but on the plane, when Jiang Qi funnyly expressed her longing for this job in front of the camera, the picture seemed to be thrown into a lake with stones, ripples appeared, the tone became hazy, and the timbre became distorted. The screen jumped to the future.

In this future clip, Jiang Qi and Zhang Yiman are in the same room, and the atmosphere is very dignified. I don't know what Zhang Yiman asked, but Jiang Qi said with a look of embarrassment: "I don't know..."

Zhang Yiman immediately turned pale with shock, and said, "You don't even know this?"

Jiang Qi said with an even more shocked expression: "Does it have to be? This is Goldbar..."

"Ms. Jiang," Zhang Yiman said seriously without waiting for Jiang Qi to finish speaking: "After discussion with the company's management, you are not suitable for the company. I am very sorry."

Jiang Qi struggled and said, "Could everyone in the company know this question?"

"No," Zhang Yiman shook his head confidently, "The question just now does not test your ability, but the attitude of the interviewer!"

In the gloomy picture, Jiang Qi's face was ashen, as if she automatically translated Zhang Yiman's words in her mind into "The question just now doesn't test anything, I just want you to be eliminated!"

The screen flickered, and a second clip appeared.

"As an excellent Zhang's homestay waiter, how can I do without extraordinary physical strength!" After Han Jue said this, he waved his hand and asked Jiang Qi to run for eight kilometers.

After Jiang Qi ran with great difficulty, Han Jue pulled up Jiang Qi who was lying down, and said: "As an excellent Zhang's homestay waiter, how can I not know how to do kung fu!" Qi Dian fights.

Jiang Qi turned pale, and said, it's better to teach her a few useful self-defense techniques, so that the female viewers in front of the TV can also learn something, so that they won't be helpless when encountering criminals.

Han Jue thought it made sense after hearing it, so he really planned to teach something. "Today, Mr. Han risked his life to hold a class in the illegal small classroom, talking about what to do when female audiences encounter illegal opposite sex outside. Due to the physical differences between men and women, even if they are of the same weight, women are basically indifferent to men. What is the chance of winning, even if you hold a knife in your hand, if it is not a fatal move, it is very likely to become a situation of "actively sending the knife" in the end. If women do not go through years of training, it is usually difficult for women to make up for their physical differences. So, what should we do in the face of this situation? There is only one most effective way, and that is - run!"

Jiang Qi's face instantly turned paler than before.

"What about kicking eggs, poking eyes, anti-wolf spray, the closer the distance, the greater the risk. Regardless of men or women, when encountering unfavorable situations outside, it is best to run. Practice running well, not only to strengthen your body, but also to be healthy at critical moments." Help, so..." Han Jue turned to look at Jiang Qi, took back the glove in Jiang Qi's hand, and said, "Go, run another two kilometers, and make up ten kilometers."

Jiang Qi swayed and fell headlong.

The third future fragment.

Jiang Qi took a break from her busy schedule to read a book on the swing chair in the yard. The picture was artistic and fresh, but three seconds later, a huge husky suddenly rushed over and knocked Jiang Qi off the hanging chair.

In the fourth future clip, when the company took a group photo, Jiang Qi wanted to stand on the other side of Han Jue. She leaned over shyly, but was frightened by the black cat hanging on Han Jue's shoulder. The face is left on the photo forever.

The fifth clip, the sixth moment... the Jiang Qi in it is so miserable that countless viewers who have left the society think of the period when they first joined the company. But those who are miserable to Jiang Qi's level are no longer just realistic style, but surreal style. After all, after being bullied by a boss, it is really unheard of for a person to be bullied by a real cat and a real dog.


After a few future segments, the picture changes back to normal tone.

Jiang Qi told the camera at an altitude of 10,000 meters: "I have known Mr. Han and Mr. Zhang for a while. I have met them several times. I know that they have very, very good personalities. After I arrive at the homestay, they should be very gentle to me. , but I hope they can be stricter with me, because I plan to get promoted and raise my salary, haha. Jiang Qi, come on!"

After Jiang Qi smiled and encouraged herself, she turned off the camera.

The audience in front of the TV suddenly felt that Jiang Qi was so pitiful.

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