This star is from the earth

Chapter 628 Important

"[Xiang Yun] wants to ask the boss to make a drama?" Little Zhou Zhou looked surprised, and turned to ask Han Jue: "How much is the signing fee?"

"Not yet." Han Jue said so, while reaching out to scratch his hair.

"Only forty million?" Xiao Zhou's eyes were fixed on Han Jue's hand scratching his hair.

Han Jue put down his hand and corrected: "400 million."

"400 million?! 400 million just for the signing fee?!" Xiao Zhou's jaw almost fell to the ground, "Here, is this the money to sign a show or how many years?"

Han Jue said: "A drama."

Xiao Zhou had to support his chin with both hands to keep it from falling to the ground.

400 million...

Linlin looked at the transparent liquid slowly flowing out from the corner of Xiao Zhou's mouth, and moved her position in disgust, sitting a little further away.

Xiao Zhou wiped the corners of his mouth and asked, "Then boss, you agreed to shoot?"

Han Jue nodded.

The 400 million Huaxia coins is almost the reward for Han Jue's self-written and directed film "Love Traveler in Time and Space". According to Wang Zhi, there is still room for negotiation on this price.

but! Money is not important to Han Jue, money is not the decisive factor.

The reason why Han Jue had the idea that it would be okay to shoot "Black Mirror" was because he thought it was interesting.

The first time I saw "Black Mirror" in my previous life, Han Jue felt intuitively that the other party was writing for [Apple].

Screenwriter Charlie Brooker said in an interview: [The "black mirror" of the title is the one you'll find on every wall, on every desk, in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone.]

The TV that is off is Black Mirror.

The closed phone is Black Mirror.

The closed tablet is the black mirror.

The development of science and technology brings convenience to people, but while solving some problems, it will also create some new problems. Technology is a blind medicine, it has effects, but it also has side effects. And in the gap between comfort and discomfort, "Black Mirror" wants to tell the story inside. It explores the impact of technological development on human society.

Han Jue felt that in this world, if the technology giant [Xiangyun] produced such a spicy and sharp TV series, it would be quite interesting.

When Han Jue briefly talked about "Black Mirror" in the elevator, he never thought that there was a middle-aged man in a suit with great power. Mirror" script, please Han Jue as director.

In China's TV drama industry, screenwriters usually also take on the job of co-producers, with a very high status and great power. In the title of a TV series, the name of the TV series is always displayed first, then the name of the screenwriter, and then the names of the director and others.

When the audience chooses a TV series, they will first pay attention to the experience and strength of the screenwriter.

If movies are the art of directing, then TV dramas are the art of screenwriting. The screenwriter can be said to be the core of a TV series. The screenwriter is not good, no matter how beautiful this TV series is, it will not be popular.

The current success story of Han Jue is only one and a half movies, and he has no experience in TV drama production. What kind of vision and courage is it to spend more than 400 million yuan to hire such a Han Jue?

[Xiangyun] In addition to giving Han Jue heavy appreciation, the people over there also showed him sufficient sincerity: the money is enough, the production will not interfere, and the budget will be given as much as they want. No problem is a problem, they just want the finished product . If the cooperation goes well, a long-term cooperative relationship can be maintained. [Cloud] platform will have a [Tinder] channel.

Han Jue was a little emotional at the time, but very contradictory. After he has been busy with a series of things, he plans to take a rest after finishing the concert. If he takes over "Black Mirror", then he may not be able to be a waste salted fish in a warm home this winter.

So Han Jue told the people at [Xiangyun] that he would consider it, and planned to go back and ask Xia Yuan Wang Zhi what they thought. If Xia Yuan and Wang Zhi had other arrangements according to the five-year plan, then Han Jue would not be willing to go his own way to shoot "Black Mirror".

As a result, when Xia Yuan and Wang Zhi heard these conditions, they agreed on the spot.

Han-kyul asks why they agreed so quickly.

Wang Zhi said: "Are you stupid if you don't make money? Anyway, you don't think about making any movies right now. You've been tangling back and forth. I guess you'll have to worry about it for several months. Why don't you think about the next movie while filming TV dramas?" Wouldn’t it be great to shoot something?”

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, the face of the capitalist is undoubtedly exposed. Ugly, ugly.

Han Jue went to Xia Yuan's office to ask her again. Xia Yuan was lying on the boss's chair, pointed at the armrest with his index finger, raised one corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "[Xiangyun] gave me a budget of 300 million, which is what I am most satisfied with. Aren't you afraid of losing money, so you don't want to make blockbuster movies? Well, how about you, you can use this drama to practice your skills, experience the filming methods of rich people, and learn how to spend a lot of money. Anyway, the loss in the end will not be ours. superior."

Han Jue sighed that this is really a dirty company.

Xia Yuan said that the title title of "Tinder" has long been foreshadowed - the black flames are burning fiercely. "The directors are all well-directed and have a vision."

The farsighted Han Jue left the meeting in shame and indignation.

After leaving Xia Yuan's office, Han Jue ran to find Director Sun, intending to purify his soul and be with a pure creator. As a result, Director Sun came up and asked about the follow-up announcement of "Network Lost Track", saying that he planned to go to the United States, England, France and other countries to run promotions, and he must sell well at the box office. I also asked if women's clothing can increase the box office.

Han Jue begged Director Sun not to do this.

After finally persuading him to come down, Han Jue went out and turned left, and found Xiao Zhou in the editing room.


"Boss, help me see which version is the best." After Xiao Zhou heard the signing fee worth 400 million from Han Jue, even though his heart was drooling with envy and his eyes were dying of greed, he still stabilized his mind. Focus all your attention on the first work in front of you. He understands the importance of being down-to-earth step by step-study hard with the boss, and sooner or later he will be paid in units of 100 million.

This short film called "The Tuner" took Xiao Zhou ten days to shoot. Xiao Zhou is the second-generation director of "Tinder", and the company has given him a lot of support, both openly and secretly. The leading actor is Jack from "Time and Space Traveler", and the behind-the-scenes team is the company's team for filming.

Originally, the entire shooting process only took eight days, but Xiao Zhou strived for perfection, so he made a lot of preparations and took a lot of shots for backup. Now that the filming is in the later stage, the rough cut has been cut into several versions. Before Han Jue appeared, Xiao Zhou had been entangled for a long time. He didn't know which one to choose. Now that Master is here, I ask for help from Master.

"I don't know which one to use? All right, I'll read them all first." Han Jue sat on the seat that Xiao Zhou made way for, and began to look at Xiao Zhou's works.

Xiao Zhou's heart immediately stabilized a lot. While Han Jue was watching the short film, Xiao Zhou went out of the editing room to go to the bathroom, and then leaned against the wall of the corridor to bask in the sun and take a rest.

Linlin also came out, stood on the small perimeter, and handed over a bottle of water.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhou took a sip of water and asked, "How was the film festival?"

During the ten days that Han Jue participated in the [Modu Film Festival], except for the premiere of "Dark Web", Xiao Zhou has been shooting short films for the rest of the time.

"Some movies are good, and some are not." Linlin said.

Xiao Zhou nodded calmly.

Linlin was silent for a while, and then said: "A few reporters wanted to interview you, and some audience members thought that you acted well. Xiaochi has been asking me for the past few days, did you secretly attend any acting cram school..."

Xiao Zhou suddenly smiled. That's what he wanted to hear.

"What about you? How does it feel to be a director?" Linlin asked Xiao Zhou.

Xiao Zhou's smile restrained a little, he picked up the bottle to drink water, and then he let out a long breath like after drinking a sip of wine, and said with emotion: "It's hard, I'm tired, I feel like I'm going bald easily."

Linlin was puzzled: "When I watched the boss make a movie, I always..."

"The boss is amazing. I only stayed on one set when I was filming, and I didn't see many movies, but it seemed that I was born to be a director. I was pushed to the position of director. I learned and filmed, and every instruction was very accurate. , very firm, not at all uncertain, and at that time, the public opinion outside was like that, so the first work was shot like "Love Traveler"... As for me, I ran away with the boss and Director Sun Three studios, after preparing for so long, I happily waited until I became a director to make movies, thinking that I could more or less reach the level of the boss's 70% to 80%? It turns out... 20% to 30%?"

Xiao Zhou sighed: "Oh... I'm a short film. I don't know where I'm going to end up when I make a feature film. Ah, when it comes to a feature film, I don't know if there is any possibility of making another film... If the boss says I don't have the talent to be a director, then I can only work hard as a screenwriter, the kind that earns 400 million! Hahaha."

Such Xiao Zhou is unfamiliar to Linlin.

Linlin didn't know that this temporary visit was also an assessment about whether she could make another movie in the future. She didn't know what he should say in the current situation. So I can only be silent. After a moment of silence, she finally whispered to Xiao Zhou: "Didn't the boss say that the new director should not listen to anyone's opinion, just go and shoot?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhou smiled and nodded, indicating that he also remembered this sentence. But after Xiao Zhou nodded, he said seriously: "Other people's opinions are not important to me, but the boss's opinion is very important to me."

Linlin stopped talking.

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