This star is from the earth

Chapter 613: A Familiar Name

【Sands Entertainment】The background is not deep, but backed by capital, the funds are extremely sufficient. Film and television, music, just entered the arena and wanted to get involved in everything. Although he lost a lot more money than he earned, his reputation was completely resounding. Everyone knows that this is a master who is not afraid of losing money. Either he has a bad mind and has too much money and nowhere to burn it, or his plans are too big.

【Sands】The first big news is that it successfully snatched Han Jue from the old company 【Blue Whale】.

Then money cleared the way, using the resources visible to the naked eye to continuously pile up on Han Jue. The first album, the first concert, the first movie, and the first commercial were all completed within half a year. At that time, Han Jue was everywhere. Some artists in the circle scolded Han Jue's white-eyed wolf while secretly envious.

Even though Han Jue died quickly later, [Jinsha]’s attitude is also very good-they still support Han Jue, and give him some resources from time to time, put Han Jue in front of the camera, let everyone see that they [Jinsha] although money Much, but not unconscionable capitalists. They were benevolent to Han Jue, but Han Jue didn't live up to his expectations.

The effect is extremely in place.

When one Han Jue falls down, thousands of "Han Jue" want to stand up immediately.

【If I were Han Jue, I would never be as brainless as him...】

【If those resources were given to me, I would have already...】

[Those resources are better than giving them to other idiots...]

Thinking this way, they contacted [Jinsha] directly or indirectly, wanting to become another "Han Jue".

And [Jinsha] was not idle, finding those talents they coveted, and said:

"We will praise you as we did Han Jue back then."

"We didn't examine Han Jue's character in advance. We made a mistake, but the price is relatively small, only tens of millions. If you come to us..."

"Although we [Jinsha] lack experience, we have plenty of opportunities for advancement. I'm sorry to say that you are too talented here."

It takes several years to cultivate a talent, but it only takes a few days or even a few hours to buy a talent.

[Jinsha] On the one hand, it trains its own newcomers, and on the other hand, it frantically poachs people from other companies. Artists, managers, technicians, as long as they have the strength and potential, [Jinsha] will dig them all, and there will be almost no disadvantages.

Although [Sands] was only established for a little over eight years, it has already moved ahead of most entertainment companies and become one of the behemoths in the industry.

It's a pity that Manager Zhang no longer has a place on top of this behemoth.

"Director Zhang." Beside the elevator, a young employee in the crowd greeted Zhang Jinshan.

Zhang Jinshan nodded, then stood in front of the elevator door, waiting quietly for the elevator to arrive.

He actually saw his former subordinates. The subordinate was playing with his mobile phone, and he didn't know if he was playing it before seeing him, or after seeing him.

It's okay not to say hello.

Otherwise, listening to the people who used to call him [Manager Zhang] now calling him [Director Zhang], his mood would not be much better for the day.


When the elevator came, Zhang Jinshan didn't go inside first, but waited for almost everyone to go in before he went inside.

Zhang Jinshan had to get off the elevator on the third floor. If he entered the elevator too early, he would have to squeeze out of it, which would be very troublesome.

As soon as he stepped into the elevator, the elevator beeped. The sound was harsh and made people panic out of nowhere.

Zhang Jinshan was stunned for a while, not afraid of losing the most precious face of the middle-aged man, he took a step and stepped out of the elevator.

The elevator stopped calling.

No one in the elevator spoke from the beginning to the end. Those who were in a daze were still in a daze, those who were eating breakfast were eating breakfast, and those who were looking at their mobile phones were still looking at their mobile phones.

The metal elevator doors plated with copper and printed with the artistic font of [Jinsha] slowly closed, transporting the people inside up.

Through the reflection, Zhang Jinshan saw his distorted appearance on the door.

Short, fat, with the air of a loser.

Zhang Jinshan straightened his hair, stroked the flesh on his stomach, and muttered, "You're really old."

At the age of 40 this year, he seems to see himself at the age of 60.

Zhang Jinshan is a veteran employee of [Sands] since its establishment. Over the past few years, he has cultivated several big-money stars for [Sands]. He has made great contributions and is also very capable. After being transferred from a broker to a management team, everything went smoothly. From the supervisor to the deputy manager of the department, and then to the department manager, he was full of energy and was promoted extremely quickly. Taking Zhang Yaohui as his template, he plans to strive to lead the overall situation in the branch company in the next step, cultivate his own power, win over high-level relationships, and prepare for entering the upper echelons of the company.

However, [Jinsha] is not [Aidu].

【Sands】has the bloodline of capital flowing from the beginning of its birth, and the process of its rise was obtained by taking shortcuts. The interior is very impetuous, with many factions and complexes. The upper management continues to know people and be good at their duties—place party members, promote employees according to their loyalty—creativity, and fulfill employees’ dreams cordially—support forces.

Zhang Jinshan has been promoted all the way, so he has naturally stood in the team.

After Han Jue left [Jinsha], his genes suddenly shined brightly, and the public opinion was very unfriendly to [Jinsha], as if they had become fools. After five years, they didn't discover Han Jue's talent at all. [Jinsha] pursued responsibility layer by layer, and chased after Zhang Jinshan. Zhang Jinshan came up with his steady and steady performance, and he hasn't hurt his muscles for the time being. But being caught by the hostile faction ultimately affected the momentary reputation. At that time, a promotion opportunity that was almost in his pocket slipped away from Zhang Jinshan's mouth.

What really broke Zhang Jinshan's promotion path was Han Jue's plan to make a movie after Han Jue was exposed, and Zhang Jinshan's follow-up plan.

In the year when Han Jue debuted, a lot of attention flocked to him, but his strength and character were not worthy of his popularity. The higher he was praised, the more dangerous he was. If he was not careful, he would fall directly to his death. This is called killing by praise. Zhang Jinshan, who watched Han Jue fall a little bit from a close distance, is no stranger to killing.

But what Zhang Jinshan didn't expect was that if the opponent's strength could fully stand up to the previous attention and praise, then it would not be flattery, it would be called an enemy. Maybe he thought of it, but he didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart. Because it was Zhang Jinshan who arranged for Han Jue to appear in a film for the first time when Han Jue failed miserably. Zhang Jinshan knew all about Han Jue's performance on the set, so he felt that the plan would not fail.

But the fact is that Zhang Jinshan's plan failed, and the killing turned into an enemy.

Zhang Jinshan made a secret effort to attract a lot of attention to "Time and Space Traveler". However, once the film was premiered, it was highly praised, and when it was released again, it received both word of mouth and box office. [Sands] was once again picked out by the crowd for ridicule. Han Jue said in an exclusive interview that he studied music production during his depressed years and also taught himself film shooting.

[Jinsha] The executives are really angry this time. Zhang Jinshan was sent to the trainee department as a supervisor.

"Director Zhang."


Zhang Jinshan walked into the office on the third floor. Occasionally, some of the staff were willing to say hello to him. Most of the employees are older than Zhang Jinshan, and there are a few who are younger than him, but they are not much younger.

Zhang Jinshan responded to those who greeted him and sat down. His desk is placed at the front of the office, facing his subordinates, so he can directly see what everyone is doing.

Some of them are listening to music, some are sleeping. Some people still have vacant positions. They say they are looking for good star seedlings, but in fact they are related to some executives. They only receive salaries and do not go to work. There are about 20 people who only eat empty salaries.

Zhang Jinshan has been watching this kind of scenery for almost half a year. He can't control anything, and he doesn't want to control anything. Not to mention the idea of ​​cultivating a genius and then returning to the decision-making level-that's the plot on TV.

Zhang Jinshan came to provide for the elderly.

Even if he is only forty years old.

【Sands】In view of Zhang Jinshan's initial contribution to the company, although he is placed here, his salary remains the same, which means that Zhang Jinshan will retire early.

With Zhang Jinshan's ability, it's not that he hasn't been recruited by headhunters, but they are all small companies with an uncertain future. Zhang Jinshan is burdened with mortgages, insurance, children's tuition fees, nursing home expenses for the elderly... he dare not resign easily.

If you want to ask him whether he is happy or not, Zhang Jinshan will probably not answer, because happiness has no meaning to him, he just lives. That's all.

Zhang Jinshan turned on the computer, worrying about how to spend the day.

First of all, I browsed the webpage, and still habitually clicked on the news in the entertainment section.

[Zhang Yiman and Zhang Yaohui announced to join Shonan TV's parent-child travel variety show "All the way with you\

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