Note: The dance is from JABBAWOCKEEZ, a masquerade dance troupe. You can search for [Masquerade Dance Troupe 2012 Live Performances] to watch. highly recommended.


Gu Fan has an easy-going personality and has no airs. He often gets along with the members of "Street Dance", even if he is angry, he can't say anything harsh. Han Jue is different. Although he doesn't have a lot of airs, but he rehearses dances with him. If anyone has a bad attitude and wastes everyone's time, Han Jue dares to beat that person together.

Regarding this point, the members of [Jaws 1.0] had a deep understanding when they rehearsed [Ninja Dance] with Han Jue.

[Great White Shark] is the name of Gu Fan's team. Gu Fan likes white, from [Blue Whale], originally wanted to call the team [White Whale]. Ask Han Jue for his opinion, Han Jue said after listening to it, hip-hop originated from the street, the sign should be strong, and the style of painting is really wrong for such a naive animal as the beluga whale.

In the end, the team name became the rather murderous [Great White Shark].

It's a pity that [Jaws 1.0] became cannon fodder among the four teams, and almost wiped out the entire army, leaving only one person to fight alone to the end. It made Gu Fan very embarrassed. When it came to [Great White Shark 2.0], Han Jue didn't want to let Gu Fan lose his face again, so he often came to guide him, and was kindly named the vice-captain by the team members.

There is a clear division of labor between the captain and the vice-captain, and the captain is responsible for 【Let them take a break? ], the deputy captain is in charge of [It's still early! 】.

These dancers who called themselves "Great White Sharks" fell into Han Jue's hands. They were often sweating profusely, had difficulty breathing, and collapsed to the ground, no different from stranded aquatic animals.

Although Han Jue is strict, he is very patient. After pointing out a problem or providing an idea, he always demonstrates over and over again, dances with everyone, and rehearses together. The energy and painstaking efforts of Han Jue are obvious to all, so although everyone shouted that they were tired, tired, and dying, they all persevered and gained a lot. No one really resented Han Jue.

Not to mention that the feedback was very positive. When they fought with other teams, [Jaws] was always the winning side, laughing at the other teams competing for the remaining promotion places, participating in the rematch and so on. .

In this season of "This Is Street Dance", four of the top ten seats belong to Gu Fan's team. The result is very gratifying.

Except for the part where the dancers rely on their personal ability to compete, Han Jue has done well enough in the position of vice captain.

Driven by Gu Fan and Han Jue, this season's "This Is Street Dance" unofficially introduced the [Deputy Captain] system-Gu Fan found Han Jue, and other captains also found other top players in order to contain Han Jue. choreographer. The program team is naturally happy to see the results, and they will allow any idea that can make the program better, the dance more exciting, and the ratings higher.

Taking this opportunity, the program team of "This Is Street Dance" felt that they had found a loophole and were very moved.

Because Han Juelai was invited to be the captain alone, Han Jue refused to come, so the director of "This Is Street Dance" wanted to do the same thing as "The Rap of China", try to get eight captains to be divided into two groups next time, one is the captain A vice-captain. In this way, Gu Fan and Han Jue might be accepted together, which is perfect.

"Assembled, assembled." Han Jue clapped his hands like a tour guide to bring everyone together.

[Great White Shark 1.0] and [Great White Shark 2.0] gathered here one after another.

Han Jue looked at everyone who had changed their clothes and was ready to go, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Everyone said in unison: "Ready!"

Gu Fan had already gone to the stage, and only the vice-captain Han Jue was in the backstage lounge.

Han Jue made the final mobilization for everyone, saying: "Don't feel that you can relax just because today is the last show. Even if the show is over, I can still find you."

After getting along with each other several times, everyone already knew that Han Jue was cold outside and hot inside, and his heart was not in agreement. At this time, everyone looked serious, but no one actually took his threat seriously. There were even a few female team members rolling their eyes, as if they were wondering how far they would have to make mistakes before Han Jue would really find them at home.

"It's good to be afraid." Han Jue nodded with satisfaction, looked at the time, and it was almost time to go to the sidelines and wait. Han Jue finally looked at everyone in front of him, calmed his face, and said, "Although I don't spend much time with you, I am very happy to dance with you. Everyone is an excellent dancer, and it doesn't matter because of my qualifications. Qian Er has a problem with me. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to dance with you in the future, but I will cherish this last dance with you today."

The members were touched: "We will cherish it too."

"Then, let's work hard together, leave a good work, and give Tang Ye a ride by the way!"

Everyone shouted: "Send Tang Ye a ride!"

"Okay," Han Jue stretched out his right hand, with the palm facing up, and his five fingers suddenly spread, "Let's go!"

Everyone filed out, carrying equipment, and walked to the stage.

The closer you get to the stage, the louder the cheers become.

Standing on the edge of the passage, you can see an auditorium from a distance, which is densely packed with spectators.

In the music circle, singers with a little achievement can perform in front of thousands of people. In the dance circle, only the top dancers have the opportunity to dance in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

Most of the dancers behind Han Jue did not have this opportunity. At this time, some people's bodies had already started to tremble, stiffen, and felt nervous.

Han Jue, who was quietly observing the team members, had expected this situation. He said, "Okay, put on your gear."

So early?

Although everyone was puzzled, they didn't stop moving their hands, listening to Han Jue's instructions to put on the equipment neatly.

In the dim passage, thirteen people wearing white face masks stood immediately.

After everyone put on their masks and hats, they looked at each other. Looking out from the small hole, it seems to be hiding behind something to spy on, and then feeling that the mask is blocking the breath, and the heating is fluffy on the face, the tension in my heart gradually disappears, and a sense of security arises spontaneously.

Everyone looked out again, and their hearts stabilized a lot. Looking outside, you can see posters held by the audience, towels waving, and captains on the stage who are greeting all around.

There is a need to warm up before the game, and the host asked the four of them what their expectations are for today's game.

The four captains answered separately, some aimed directly at the champion, and some aimed to leave good works.

Arriving at Gu Fan's place, Gu Fan said: "Leave a good work, and take the championship by the way." The audience cheered. Although the development of the game may not be as he wished, the more he talks, the easier it is to be slapped in the face. But the audience felt that a handsome person like Gu Fan was handsome in everything he said, so why did he care about other things?

After the host interviewed the ambitions of the four captains, he began to talk about the rules of tonight's game.

"The competition is divided into two rounds... Before the start of the first round, the four captains will perform [Captain's Big Show] respectively."

In one season of "This Is Hip-hop", there are two [Captain Big Shows]. Auditions and finals, one at the beginning and one at the end.

Unlike the captain's assessment, which was aimed at showing the captain's characteristics and strength, tonight's [captain's big show] in the finals will have an impact on the subsequent schedule.

"After the [Captain Show] is over, 201 judges will vote on the spot. The team with the most votes will gain an advantage in the subsequent competition." The host added, "50 of them are members of the Dancer Association, 50 are referees from all over the world, and the remaining 101 are media representatives from various media outlets."

In the tunnel, Han Jue was warming up with the team members. Although I don't know which of the four captains will go first, but in case they are the first to go first, they have to warm up now.

After the host introduced everything that should be introduced, the four captains were invited to the stage, and the method of spinning the bottle was used to decide who would perform the "Captain Big Show" first.

"The first ones to appear are Captain Gu Fan and Team Jaws!" the host shouted loudly.

The audience cheers.

Behind Han Jue, there are people who are happy and others who are worried.

"That's right, it's exactly the order of appearance I want." Han Jue said confidently while moving his wrists and ankles.

Some people don't quite understand.

[Great White Shark 1.0] It is worthy of having danced a classic with Han Jue before, and explained to the [2.0] junior who gasped next to him: "Ideally, we will be the first to have a perfect start, and then the team will come out and the audience will compare. Afterwards, we will press votes." After speaking, he asked Han Jue: "Captain Han, is this the case?"

Han Jue was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I think."

Thanks to wearing a mask, everyone can't see Han Jue's expression, but everyone has confidence.

After a while, Gu Fan, who was changing his clothes backstage, came over, moved to Han Jue's side, and said embarrassingly, "I'm not very lucky to be the first one to appear on stage."

Han Jue waved his hand: "It's okay, finish early and go home early."

"Don't rush away, cheer on Tang Ye, that kid is completely your believer now."

"It's okay, I trust him, so I won't stay."

Gu Fan put on his mask helplessly.

After everyone checked each other's clothes carefully, they gathered into a circle, stretched out their hands in the middle of the circle, and covered their palms.

Everyone shouted the murderous slogan in a low voice: "One, two, three... Great white shark, kill!"

A group of people walked out of the aisle and slowly stepped onto the stage.

The audience was amazed that everyone was dressed in the same way. Even Gu Fan, the captain, didn't have a special costume, and was completely hidden in it, unable to tell who was who. These dozen or so people wore black bowler hats, a white mask on their faces, expressionless faces, clothes resembling bulletproof vests, boots on their feet, and their movements were uniform.

"Soldier?" A captain sitting on the edge of the stage wondered.

"This is the robber, the police don't wear masks." Another team leader complained without hesitation.

"Which one is Gu Fan?"

"I don't know... How tall is Gu Fan?"

"The first one should be Han Jue. I heard that he is here today too. If you can't find him at the scene, then he must be performing..."

The captains were chatting with each other, but they all cheered up and prepared to watch Gu Fan's team's [Captain's Big Show] carefully.

If Gu Fan dispatched Han Juelai to win the captain's first big show during the captain's assessment, then today, it can be said to be a choreographer's war.

Before Gu Fan said that Han Jue was their team's secret weapon, the other teams were not to be outdone, "Doesn't any of us know a few master choreographers?" Then they really invited the top choreographers they knew.

At the end of this competition, the dancers are all top-notch, and choreography is especially important at this time.

How Han Jue guides the dancers of "Jaws" is rarely shown on TV. But through a few sporadic clips, one can already see Han Jue's level. Some time ago, the dancers had not yet been divided into teams, and the dancers were divided into group leaders to compete with each other. At this time, Han Jue came to visit the class, entered Tang Ye's room, and came up with an idea. In the end, this idea was implemented into a work, which is really beautiful. Tang Ye stood on a small table, playing with the laser beams in front of him, amazed everyone.

Later, when the dancers were choosing their team leader, Gu Fan's team became the place they wanted to go the most, it was almost overcrowded.

In the next few team battles, [Great White Shark] won more than lost, and it really proved that it was right to go to Gu Fan.

Everyone realized that the secret weapon that Gu Fan found was really on his own, just like the villain hiding behind the scenes, secretly affecting the direction of the game.

The other dancers and choreographers tried their hand at Han Jue several times, but they didn't win. They can comfort themselves that they didn't choreograph seriously. Today [Captain Big Show] is an excellent battlefield. The choreographers presented their works that had been carefully crafted for a long time, and planned to go all out to kill Han to prove the truth.

The lights on the stage began to dim.

[Great White Shark] Stand in formation, bow your head, and put your hands behind your back. They came up with a dozen people, but only half of them were in the center of the stage, facing the captain and the camera. The other half stood on the edge of the stage, looking around, as if watching the wind.

The music starts to play, a little girl's monologue, the voice has been processed to sound like the opening scene of a horror movie. The calmer it was at the beginning, the more violent it became later on. The audience knows this and waits with anticipation.

The beginning of the dance is always the most anticipated.

What is a good opening and what is not good, there is no standard decision. But those who can blow up the audience's shouts in the first second must belong to the good ones.

This dance of Gu Fan's team is just like that.

On the stage, the little girl's monologue had just finished, the music switched in an instant, and the people on the stage also moved in unison in an instant.

The dancers who were originally wooden figures scattered in all directions at the same time. The advance is just right, not too much, not too slow, the movements are tacit, without any unnecessary stagnation.

The screams and shouts of the audience could not help slipping out of their mouths.

Little did they know, their screams would start from this second and last for a full eight minutes.

Dance is usually not just about performing dance moves, it also needs to have a plot, an expression, and a story.

This dance by Gu Fan's team, you can tell there is a scene in it just by looking at the costumes, and the content is not difficult to guess.

The salute action, the sound effect of the snare drum, everyone guessed that they were either from the police or the military.

However, when the sirens sounded and the dancers and lookouts scattered on the stage, everyone thought they were playing robbers disguised as policemen.

The movements of the dancers switch with the speed of the music. Even if it is an ordinary movement, a dozen or so people stop and start at the same time. This feeling can make the audience feel hot and cheer.

Half of the dancers in the middle of the stage, and half of the dancers on the edge of the stage, alternate back and forth constantly. The dancers are dressed in the same dress. Some dancers were still dancing the shock dance one second, and then lay down on the ground and started floor movements in the next second. The audience never knows what kind of dance the next dancer will perform.

Most of the audience at the scene had supportive dancers, but watching this dance now, they don’t know who is who, so they can only put away the fans’ hearts and watch each dancer’s movements carefully.

Dance together, dance alone, one person dances alone and the others dance together, everyone cooperates with one person... There is not a single mistake.

Everyone's eyes can't see it.

The whole dance was choreographed with skill, creativity, execution, tacit understanding, and the strong personal skills displayed by several dancers. If those [several] skilled dancers are actually the same person, then that person must be Han Jue.

Several captains had already given up the idea of ​​"this is the enemy", and watched the performance with great interest, joining in the cheers from time to time.

The dance is drawing to a close.

After a period of intense music, several dancers in the middle of the stage lay down on the stage together.

The music changed accordingly.

A few dancers who were supposed to be "responsive accomplices" appeared on the stage, and one of them walked to the center of the stage and looked at the companions lying around, expressing grief and shock with his body.

In an instant, the appropriate guitar solo suddenly sounded.

"This music! Tsk!" A team leader rubbed his arm violently.

Another team leader next to him said, "Gu Fan said that Han Jue wrote the entire song himself."

Not just the guitar solo for this part, but all the music that came before.

"It's too..." It's too foul. The captain shook his head with emotion. Han Jue's foul was not a foul that violated the rules, but a foul that people envied and favored only by one person.

All the dancers gathered on the stage, and all of them sat cross-legged on the ground, leaving only one person standing, which looked like a scene of some kind of ceremony. The standing man dances solo to the crisp guitar sound, his body is sad and lonely. Every exhale, inhale, and waist twist are stuck points.

At the end of the dance, the seated dancers got up, and everyone stood in a row and came to the edge of the stage to bow and thank them, and then went to the other side, until the four directions were completed, and then everyone walked to the middle of the stage, gathered in a circle, and took off the Mask, turn around, wave.

That's the end of a dance.

eight minutes.

For eight full minutes, the audience is not bored for a second.

When all the dancers took off their masks and bowed to everyone, the cheers in the venue reached their peak.

Whether the audience knows how to dance or not, whether they like a certain dancer or hate a certain team, they all stood up at this time and gave the dancers on the stage the warmest applause.

Gu Fan embraced Han Jue with a bright smile, as if he had embraced the championship trophy in advance.

There are two chapters in two days, adding up to more than 10,000 words. Don't keep your monthly pass!

Note: The dance is from JABBAWOCKEEZ, a masquerade dance troupe. You can search for [Masquerade Dance Troupe 2012 Live Performances] to watch.

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