Inside the carriage, Han Jue's voice echoed.

[As artists, you will be protected by those around you in the future. This not only refers to the protection of personal safety, but also includes the protection of the spiritual level.

For example, the company will manage your social accounts and prevent you from reading online comments. When a netizen scolds you, whether it be your agent, assistant, or staff, they will say that those netizen are trolls, who received money to scold you, don’t care, you lose if you care.

Some people who say these words are afraid that you will not be able to stand cyber violence, you will have mental problems, and your business ability will be affected. Some are afraid of losing their jobs.

The higher you stand, the harder it is to hear the truth.

Surrounded by such lies all day long, after a long time, you will believe it is true, you really think your song is good! My acting skills are good! Believe it or not. And all those who criticize you, either have ulterior motives or have low aesthetics, ignore it.

Don't do that. When the time comes, you still have to stay awake more or less...]

Zhang Yiman paused the video and asked Sister Qin who was sitting in the co-driver: "Sister Qin, have you coaxed me before?"

Zhang Yiman's video was released, and Sister Qin also heard the content just now.

Faced with Zhang Yiman's doubts, Sister Qin directly admitted: "Yes."

The reason why the young Zhang Yiman can be innocent and ignorant of world affairs is all because Sister Qin, Zhang Yaohui and Tan Nian work together to prop up a vacuum zone to protect Zhang Yiman from the slightest erosion of the outside world.

But now, Sister Qin knows that the little girl who needed all-roundness has grown up and has a storm to face.

"Ah~~ For example?"

"For example, when you first debuted, in the variety show you went to, the director said you were special, but he wasn't actually praising you, but saying that you were rude, broke the tacit rules, and made other guests feel embarrassed. But Because of Director Zhang, everyone didn't mention you directly."

"Ah, I have an impression! Originally. At that time, they just solved a linear equation problem in two variables, and they said [Xueba], [Xueba] there. I just said that it was something elementary school students knew. Then I gave them a question for high school students... Ah, then I was very happy to tell them you're welcome, didn't I look very stupid..."

"It's very stupid," Sister Qin nodded affirmatively. "After the recording ended, you wanted to chat with them. I didn't agree. I said they were uncomfortable and asked you not to disturb. Actually, I heard them talking about you behind your back. Bad words, more ugly ones."

"Thank you, Sister Qin, for your hard work!" Zhang Yiman said with a smile, "But you don't have to coax me from now on! I've grown up already!"

"Understood." Sister Qin raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Women are men's schools and men are women's schools.

Listening to the replayed video, Sister Qin turned to Zhang Yiman and asked, "Did Han Jue go to [Blue Whale] today?"

"En." Zhang Yiman responded with a solemn expression.

Han Jue went to [Blue Whale] today and stayed for a day.

For such a major event, Zhang Yiman had already obtained specific and detailed information from two informants codenamed [Chapter Seventy-seven] and [Chapter Ninety-nine].

From what Han Jue had for breakfast, to Han Jue's mood after seeing the old chairman, the general content of Han Jue's class, who did Han Jue sign the first name when signing, and then to Han Jue's one-day He hooked up with Gu Fan a few times... Zhang Yiman knew all about it.

After all, Zhang Yiman is Zhang Yaohui's child, he is very talented in management, he shows both kindness and power, and manages the two little followers in a docile manner.

She congratulated [Chapter Seventy-Seven] for finally embarking on the road of directing, and reminded the other party to earnestly follow the target to learn skills, be down-to-earth, and not be proud. In the future, she can help sing the theme song, promote the platform, and even make a guest appearance. 【Chapter Seventy-Seven】Repeatedly promise not to get carried away, and work hard.

She also comforted [Chapter Ninety-Nine], saying that after hearing the story about the camera, she didn't think he was playing a prank at all, and she would be very willing to be the next artist to get the camera. This moved [Chapter Ninety-Nine] so much. But she finally smiled and said that if he wants to play a prank on the target of surveillance next time, he must let her know first, if it is like last time... Hehe.

Of course Zhang Yiman knew that the uncle's two apprentices were willing to play with her because they recognized her as the "teacher's wife".

Although Zhang Yiman has already made sufficient psychological preparations for the secret love affair with Han Jue, but to a certain extent, the attitudes of Zhou Yibo and Zhang Zishang towards Zhang Yiman make Zhang Yiman face to face. When facing a marathon with an unknown deadline, it adds a bit of persistence and peace of mind.

This point, they should also know.

"Someone from a netizen came to leave a message and asked you to ask for a video. After waiting for an hour, you commented in the message with a sad face, saying that you didn't have one either." Sister Qin reminded Zhang Yiman, "Don't open a special tweet."

"Oh." Zhang Yiman nodded obediently.

Beginning at noon, a few small videos of Han Jue's small classroom flowed out, were posted on the Internet, and spread.

For example, some celebrities have no strength but don't know it. They think they are the best in the world, and their talents are underappreciated. Netizens are full of malice towards him and refuse to recognize his talent. Netizens are merciless to this kind of star who has no self-knowledge, and the star thinks that netizens are troublesome, forming a vicious circle. As the most famous idol artist in the industry, Han Jue complained about this situation with objective truth, which was very satisfying to watch. What is commendable is that Han Jue can always give advice after pointing out the problem, making chicken soup and passing the spoon.

Each small Q\u0026A video has been reposted over ten thousand times.

Although these videos are all answers for trainees and artists, because the content of what Han Jue said is very real and exciting, it does not prevent passers-by from borrowing stones from other mountains to attack their own jade. Even some ordinary adults felt poked in their hearts when they heard it. After watching all the clips, everyone said that they couldn't watch enough and wanted to watch the full version.

According to the picture, I found the source of the video, which is some small trainees of [Blue Whale].

Everyone asked if they had more videos.

They said that they can’t post any more. Just posting these few courses has already leaked the company’s internal courseware, and if they post more, they may be dealt with.

Everyone felt helpless, but they couldn't ask for more.

The children also felt sorry, and explained in detail that they asked Teacher Han 33 questions on the spot, and Han Jue answered all of them, and each answer was worth pondering over and over again. Too bad I couldn't share it with you all.

Everyone told them to shut up and stop talking.

But they're on the mend. He added, [After Mr. Han finished the question and answer, he also had a music class! The new song created on the spot is very nice! Ha ha ha ha! 】

Also hahahaha.

Everyone was so angry that they felt that the company [Blue Whale] might be polluted by Han Jue's temperament, and that any small trainee could be so irritating.

Netizens couldn't ask for more videos, and had no choice but to post a series of depressing messages.

Some people circled the official account of Han Jue's studio, and the answer they got was that they couldn't get in because the venue couldn't stand them, so they couldn't make a video, and the resources were not in their hands.

A bunch of people went to the [Blue Whale] old chairman’s Weibo account to ask for resources, but the old chairman didn’t pay any attention to it. He was so anxious that he sent a few videos of him doing Tai Chi in the park for everyone to see. . It seems to be saying, [Here, this is also an internal courseware, let's take a look. 】

Who wants to see this!

Everyone turned to look for Gu Fan. Unexpectedly, Gu Fan took the opportunity to start recruiting students. One of the benefits of joining [Blue Whale] as a trainee is that he can enjoy Han Jue's tutoring from time to time, such as growth classes, music classes, painting classes, directing classes, screenwriting classes, dance classes , love class, swearing class...all of them are master classes, taking one class is equivalent to earning tens of thousands of dollars for nothing, no other company has it, only [Blue Whale] has it, [What are you waiting for? Sign up now! 】

Everyone gave up.

Some people went to report to Zhang Yiman:

【Teacher Zhang! Someone started another class illegally! 】

[Hurry up and seize it! 】

[After the seizure, the full version of the video will be released for everyone to criticize together! Use it as an example! 】

【right! Criticize together! 】


"Be sure to criticize and criticize!" Zhang Yiman looked at Han Jue who was confessing in the video [the name teacher is a joke], spread out his five fingers, slowly closed them, accompanied by a few sneers like a big devil, completely immersed in his own In the small theater.

""Love Signal" invites you to be a guest, will you go?" Sister Qin turned around and asked.

The Great Demon King Zhang Yiman immediately shrank his neck, recalling the painful memories of being ravaged by the real Great Demon King Weng Nanxi.

"Go!" Zhang Yiman said.

This year she is not the same as last year, and facing Weng Nanxi again, Zhang Yiman vowed that she would never be as helpless as last year!

However, Zhang Yiman thought of something and changed his words again and again: "Ah, no need."

Weng Nanxi is not in "Love Signal" this year, why did she go?

"Go! Go! Go!"

Even if my sister is gone, Weng Yao, who is a younger sister, can pay off her debts! It's not bad to practice with my sister~

"never mind……"

Weng Yao is an innocent child, there is no need to drag the adult's grievances onto his younger sister.

Sister Qin became impatient: "Are you going or not?"

Zhang Yiman was troubled: "Go...or not...ah,, should I go or not?"

"Hehe. Xiao Pan, stop by the side of the road."



Fifteen minutes later, the car arrived outside Zhang Yiman's house.

"Here we are." Sister Qin turned her head.

Zhang Yiman heard a familiar howl coming from his yard. Smiling, he picked up the doll Ugly Kuma and his backpack and got out of the car.

"Go to bed early today..." Sister Qin just waved her hand after giving some advice, "Forget it, you won't sleep until you finish watching "Street Dance"."


"Be careful not to let your father find out."

"No! I'm very careful!"

Sister Qin sighed with a smile and asked, "Your dad hasn't changed much recently?"

"Changes..." Zhang Yiman tapped his lips with his index finger, thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "...there are still some."

Typing with a black-axis keyboard, the hand speed is directly slowed down by a quarter, and most of the time I stare at the screen waiting for my fingers to catch up with my thoughts. Can't keep up.

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