[The first time I heard "Goodbye 2-chome", I felt extremely sad. Guess what happened to Master to write such sad lyrics. 】

[Later, Lin Qin said in the program that Master wrote this song while waiting abroad. All of a sudden, the whole world felt that Master was miserable, and thought this song was a song that taught people to love themselves. I also think so. So I asked Master if this understanding was correct, but Master smiled and didn't answer. 】

[About a few years later, I have experienced more things, including many times when people who have been waiting for a long time have not arrived. Every time I can think of this song, I think it is really appropriate, and I am amazed every time I listen to it . Many music critics said that my early songs were written in the format of "Goodbye Erchome", which is actually true. In my eyes, "Goodbye 2-chome" is a textbook-level work that combines scenes. I studied and imitated it for a long time, but found that I really couldn't learn the essence. Containing craftsmanship, the master said that he had no spiritual energy, so he had no choice but to give up in the end. 】

[Of course, this is not the point I want to say. The point is that one day I was waiting for someone again, my girlfriend, after waiting for a while, she called and said she couldn’t come, she was in a hurry to go downstairs, her ankle sprained, and it hurt like hell . I was really distressed when I heard that, and I quickly asked her to go to the hospital for a good look at the injury. After I hung up the phone, I was walking on the road, complaining in my heart why I was in such a hurry, and it wasn't that I wouldn't see you in the future. However, thinking of her eagerness to go to the appointment, I feel quite sweet. When I came back to my senses, the song was just playing in the earphones. After listening to it, I suddenly couldn't walk. Because I feel that I understand another meaning of this song. 】

[It turned out to be very happy, but I was a fan of the authorities and didn't realize it. If you can satisfy the existing happiness without greed for more, you can live a better life...]

[Thinking about it this way, this song is not teaching people to love themselves, it is clearly teaching people to be happy. 】

【I quickly ran to ask the master, and the master did not fail to answer this time. He said that once the song leaves his mouth, it has nothing to do with him. No matter how you understand it, there is no correct answer, and at the same time, any understanding is the correct answer. "It's just that your second understanding is closer to my original intention of creation." Master, although he didn't wait for someone at the time, he didn't feel lost, depressed and sad. Instead, he figured out some things and made himself happier. 】

【Eldest brother said sourly from the side, he actually already knew that Master wrote it like this. 】

[Of course I don't believe what Eldest Brother said. Although his movies are very good, he has won many awards and sold very well, but he really has no talent in music, and he is even more difficult to describe when he is in love. He always goes to the master's house to cry when he loses love, and it was the same day. 】

【After listening to the senior brother's words, I curiously asked the master if I was the first person to understand this way. Master said no, there was a person who understood him completely from the very beginning, without any deviation. 】

[Of course this person will not be a senior brother. 】


A few years later, Zhang Zishang, who had become a singer-songwriter after becoming a teacher under Han Jue's family, accepted the invitation of the program team of "Enthusiastic China" when he was 30 years old after a series of successes, and filmed for a few days documentary.

At that time, Zhang Zishang had just won the championship of "Singer and Composer". When he was asked if he could compare with his master Han Jue, whether he could be as good as 30-year-old Han Jue, Zhang Zishang quickly shook his head and waved his hands, saying that he had five points. The level is considered exaggerated, how can there be eight points, he just won a few champion singles and a champion album, "Singer" won the championship, "Singer" took the runner-up, and a few more [Golden Melody Award] It's just a trophy, it's not enough, he still has to work hard so as not to embarrass his master.

Then Zhang Zishang took the song "Goodbye Erdingmu" as an example, and said seriously that he could not write such a song before, and even if he was given another five or ten years, he would still not be able to write it. Talking about this textbook in the early stage of study, Zhang Zishang smiled and brought out a series of stories behind.



"Boss, Boss, I heard from Manager Qin last night that "Enthusiastic Huaxia" wanted to make a documentary for you, and said that it would follow the filming until mid-July. At that time, the season of "Singer and Composer" was over, and "Dark Web" was also just in time. It premiered at the film festival." Little Zhou Yi brought breakfast to Han Jue early in the morning, then sat across the dining table and chatted with Han Jue about it.

"Love in China" is an in-depth documentary program of Beijing TV Station, which focuses on outstanding people from all walks of life in China. Through long-term follow-up shooting, reveal the details of the people being photographed at work, the joy and sorrow in life, the past of the characters and their prospects for the future. Use a more objective lens to reflect the distinctive personality and living conditions of the characters.

Being invited to shoot by the program team of "Hot in China" can be regarded as an official recognition of influence and popularity.

However, Han Jue shook his head again and again.

"How can I do that, no, no, no," Han Jue hugged the cat away from the bowl full of soy milk, "I've been filming for so long, I can't even talk about love."

The recording of "Singer-Composer" ended the day before yesterday. After the filming, Han Jue's team, Zhang Yiman's team, Lin Qin's team, and the "My Love" program team went to have dinner together.

Once the date was over, Han Jue was full of electricity, and he was very energetic in everything he did, like a flower being moistened.

"Meow meow!"

Miss Black Cat [Valentine's Day] I don't know whether she is dissatisfied with Han Jue's behavior of not allowing him to drink soy milk, or dissatisfied with Han Jue's words, meowing again and again.

"I also think it's better to refuse!" Xiao Zhou nodded fiercely.

What Xiao Zhou thought in his heart was, if Han Jue took over such a long filming period, wouldn't his black history of being punished for homework be exposed to the world? Will he, the future big director and future performing artist, still be confused in the future?

Moreover, even if Han Jue is going to make a documentary, it should be him, the big disciple of Han Jue's sect, who will do the filming, and other cat and dog directors will just play around.

Making a biographical film for Han Jue is a major goal of Zhou Bo's life.

"Where's your script?" Han Jue asked while holding [Valentine's Day].

Xiao Zhou trembled, took out the script from the bag under the chair, handed it to Han Jue, and stared at Han Jue's expression tremblingly.

Han Jue asked Xiao Zhou to hand in one or several scripts at the beginning of each month, and he corrected them.

Before today, Xiao Zhou had already handed in several scripts, one a day, and Han Jue picked out countless flaws in all of them during his breakfast.

While eating and drinking, Han Jue was writing and scribbling on the script with a red pen.

At first, Xiao Zhou was shocked when he got back the shocking script full of red, but after thinking about it, Han Jue is so busy with his schedule now. He corrects scripts, guides without reservation, and writes more words than lines in the blank space every time. Where can I find such a teacher?

Xiao Zhou knows that he still has a long way to go to become the director of Han Jue's biographical film.

If the speed at which his level improves cannot keep up with the speed at which Han Jue becomes famous, then he will not be able to make a biographical movie anyway.

"It's not bad today." Han Jue's voice brought back Xiao Zhou's fugue.

"Huh?" Xiao Zhou thought he had auditory hallucinations and confused the fantasy scene just now with reality.

"This script is okay." Han Jue said, turned the script to the very first page, and read it from the beginning.

This is the first time Xiao Zhou has written a script for Han Jue to read for the second time.

Xiao Zhou was so excited that he almost cried.

"That's right, boss, you said a word last time, 'This society is either voyeurism or exhibitionism'," Xiao Zhou explained with dancing, "I just want to write such a story, that is, a piano repairer pretends to be a blind man , to enter other people's homes on the basis of their position, and face the most private side of the owner..."

Han Jue listened carefully, and after reading it for the second time, Han Jue pushed the script to Xiao Zhou: "If you perfect this script, you should be able to make a short film. You can try to start drawing the storyboard."

Xiao Zhou froze for a moment, "Ah..."

"You can almost start to shoot works to practice."

"Shooting works? I can take pictures right now? What about the money?"

Han Jue said indifferently, "Anyway, we are not short of money."

The income of "Time and Space Traveler" has been successively, and the biggest piece of box office income has been counted, and it will arrive in the account soon. With the global box office plus various copyrights and peripherals, using this world's account sharing method, their film producers can get nearly 1.3 billion Huaxia coins for 3 billion yuan.

Among them, Jalens took 600 million, Han Jue, as director, screenwriter and investor, was able to take 300 million, and the others shared 400 million. The members of the [Dream Realization Group] probably invested less than one million yuan at the beginning, but they received nearly 40 times the return, which was a great success.

"Boss, will you give me money?" Xiao Zhou felt incredible.

The boss who regards money as his life actually pays him to make a movie that no one will watch...

"Otherwise? If I don't pay, who will pay?" Han Jue rolled his eyes at Xiao Zhou, "I am your master."

Why does it feel like it's over? It's still too early for the finale!

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