This star is from the earth

Chapter 562: Punishment

The exposure of the old love did not actually cause too much negative impact on Weng Nanxi. In the face of huge exposure, he withstood the pressure, caught the critical eyes of all walks of life, and became a role model for thousands of women and a love instructor for countless men.

In the [opportunity is everything] entertainment circle, according to the routine, Weng Nanxi should have frequently appeared in variety shows, bought popular searches frequently, talked about life experience and love experience, and even published a book to teach people about love or life , Promote your own products, bring goods... convert huge traffic into value.

But Weng Nanxi didn't do that.

After hosting the New Year's Eve party, she even faded out of people's sight.

It's not that people can't see Weng Nanxi at all. Fashion resources are the embodiment of an artist's commercial value. The successive successes of movies, as well as the personality design derived from variety shows to life, have made Weng Nanxi popular. Weng Nanxi has appeared on magazine covers and advertisements continuously, and people are in the market. The huge billboard in the center, you can see her on TV and everywhere in the mall. But that's all superficial. Weng Nanxi kept her private life under wraps, she didn't accept interviews, she didn't show up on variety shows, she didn't even have street photos, and Weibo only had commercial releases... Those places where gossip people can spy on their private lives, all of them are watched It's not Weng Nanxi anymore.

Even the most likely "Love Signal", everyone failed to wait for Weng Nanxi.

Last year, Weng Nanxi admitted in "Love Signal" that she had an ex who was "the only one who has ever been emotional". This year, countless viewers expect Weng Nanxi to still play, so that they can say something more. However, after the show started, Weng Nanxi did not appear in this season's "Love Signal" guest lineup, which disappointed countless people.

Fortunately, the appearance of Weng Yao will not make people return without success.

Just after getting off the car with Han Jue in "Let's Fall in Love", the program team invited Zhang Zishang and Lin Qin to consolidate the ratings, so that "workplace couple" will not disappear completely. The effect is remarkable. The program team of "Love Signal" failed to invite Weng Nanxi, so they followed suit and invited Weng Yao. The effect is really good.

"In fact, if some girls are too beautiful, it is really possible that they will not have too much love experience. One reason is that they have too many partners to choose from. They have been surrounded by boys since they were young, and the threshold of heartbeat will be very high. Looking for a partner They are not in a hurry, if there is no one who makes their hearts too excited, they will be cautious, choose slowly, and take their time, so there will be a situation of being single all year round."

"The second reason is that they are so beautiful. When every boy sees them for the first time, he will think that such a girl must have a boyfriend. Even if she doesn't, there must be a lot of suitors, better than him. , He is much better than him, and he will definitely not be able to catch up."

"When I was studying, many beautiful female friends around me kept complaining to me that no one was chasing after me, including myself, who had never been in love. So these female guests who participated in the program said that they had little love experience, or even no love experience. , I believe it."

Weng Yao, as the youngest person in the entire studio of "Love Signal", spoke such a long paragraph without showing any timidity.

This is the first time that Weng Yao has appeared in a certain program regularly, and he has no teammates around him. Today is the fourth recording. Weng Yao performed well. He was able to chat with the guests and catch Cai Yuan If you come here. With Weng Nanxi's demeanor of four or five points, Weng Yao has already lived up to the title of "Weng Nanxi's younger sister".

"Have you never been in love? Did no one chase you when you were studying?" an entertainer asked Weng Yao in a surprised tone.

The table they sat at was trapezoidal. Cai Yuan sat alone on the top of the trapezoidal long table, Weng Yao sat in the second seat on the left of Cai Yuan, today's special guest was on the right, the male idol who was regularly hosting was on the left, and three guests were on the opposite.

"There are people chasing after me, but they are all the ones who just want to play with me." Weng Yao's shoulders slumped heavily, "Because my high school was attended by my sister, and she graduated much earlier than me. Yes, but she has always been very famous in our school. I am her younger sister. Many people came to see me on the first day of entering the school. They are all the kind of people who love to play and fight all day long. They want to know me. , I quickly became famous in school, and most boys would avoid me, let alone chase me."

Everyone laughed after listening.

"Then did you know that you were beautiful?" Cai Yuan asked.

"I know," Weng Yao admitted generously, "When I was young, my sister told me that it is actually very important for a girl to know that she is beautiful."

After finishing speaking, the artist on the opposite side was a little surprised, probably because he thought Weng Yao was going to talk about the advantages of appearance next. Although it is true, it would be bitchy to say it, and the audience would not like it.

But no.

"Because once you know that you are beautiful, you will not take other people's compliments seriously. For example, when you are working, you must not mistake others' compliments for your own ability. This is how the vase comes." Weng Yao said : "She told me not to be a vase."

Cai Yuan nodded slowly, feeling: "This is indeed what Nan Xi would say."

This episode's special guest is an actress in her thirties. She asked Weng Yao: "I've been single for a long time, did your sister tell you how to get out of the single?"

"My sister did tell me the trick for a girl to get out of the singles..." Weng Yao said.

"What is what?" Everyone was curious.

"That is to achieve certain results in a field where men are the majority. Such as basketball and football, such as racing and rock climbing, such as extreme sports, such as writing code... Originally, there are mostly men, and things are rare. Things are much easier to handle.”


"Why didn't I think of that!"

The studio burst into laughter.


After bidding farewell to the artists and saying hello to the program team, Weng Yao returned to the car, closed his eyes, and took a long breath.

"You are doing well, go back to the dormitory and rest early." The manager sitting in the co-pilot

"En." Weng Yao responded with his nose, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Weng Yao has moved out of her cousin's house.

What she said to her cousin is that it is convenient for pick-up and drop-off, and she can spend more time in training. But Weng Yao understood that she just felt ashamed and didn't dare to face her cousin or stay in that house.

In the first few months, Weng Yao was tortured. Every time I think of the stupid things I have done, my heart is very blocked. Only by making my body feel pain can I relieve the guilt in my heart. She knew that she had done unforgivable mistakes because of her self-righteousness, which ruined the possibility of her cousin and Han Jue getting back together.

During the Chinese New Year this year, neither she nor her cousin went back to their hometown.

Maybe it's because the movie was a big success, and the business of clothing stores and restaurants is booming. This year's cousin is not so busy that she even has to pick up work on New Year's Eve. She even gave herself a vacation after the New Year's Eve, and went to Qiong Province until New Year's Eve Just came back two days ago.

Weng Yao didn't dare to ask too many questions, because she could think about Han Jue with her toes.

On New Year's Eve, the two sisters cooked a New Year's Eve dinner together. During the dinner, Weng Yao asked her cousin if she and Han Jue could get back together. Uncommonly, the cousin didn't tell her to mind her own business, but sighed insignificantly, saying that it was possible.

It was originally possible.

Weng Yao almost couldn't hold back to confess at that moment, but she was too scared. The cousin is her idol, the person who changed her life and destiny, she is afraid of being hated by her cousin.

The more afraid you are, the more you can't forgive yourself. Weng Yao punished himself more and more severely. At first, he just pinched the flesh on his arm until he shed tears. Later, he scratched his body with his nails, leaving red scratches .

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Weng Yao came home from the stray animal adoption center. When he passed by the study, he saw his cousin holding a stack of photos left by the man that day in a daze. She didn't even notice that she had come. Weng Yao tossed and turned that night and couldn't sleep all night. When the idea of ​​holding a knife came to her mind, she was taken aback by herself. Reason made her decide to move out the next day and leave here.

Weng Yao moved to the dormitory of [Jupiter Girl].

[Jupiter Girls] mostly come from different brokerage companies, and only two companies belong to the producer of "Produce 909", but the dormitory is still planned according to nine people, so that it is convenient to stay overnight when rehearsing occasionally until late at night. Living in a nine-person dormitory for two is extremely lonely, and Weng Yao's arrival made them very happy.

Weng Yao's life has changed to work outside during the day, and go back to the dormitory at night to laugh and laugh with his roommates, sometimes gossip, sometimes watch movies together, and spend less time alone. Therefore, if she punishes herself, she will be punished less. If it continues like this, then in summer, she can wear short-sleeved short skirts with confidence.

But she still couldn't escape the guilt in the end.

As long as she is still in the circle, as long as Han Jue is active, she will always be reminded of how stupid things she has done.

Jiang Qi participated in "Singer and Composer" and met Han Jue. Another teammate participated in "This Is Street Dance" and also met Han Jue.

Han Jue is everywhere.


The car arrived at the downstairs of the dormitory.

Weng Yao went upstairs and opened the door. As soon as he entered the dormitory, he immediately smelled the smell of food flowing in the air.

It's western fast food.

Thinking of western fast food, Weng Yao had to think of Han Jue again.

However, before Weng Yao could start thinking, there was a thumping sound on the floor. A teammate ran over from the corner, one hand was covered with a disposable glove, held up like a doctor performing an operation, the other hand took Weng Yao's handbag, and both feet stood still, urging:

"Hurry up, hurry up! The show is about to start!"

Weng Yao remembered that today is the first broadcast of "Singer and Composer", and Jiang Qi asked everyone in "Jupiter Girl" to provide ratings, and after watching it, write a review impression of no less than 200 words, or 500 words Compliments to her, spot check the next day.

Everyone said that they would definitely not watch it, but they were actually very concerned about the performance of their teammates on "Singer-Composer".

Weng Yao and Jiang Qi have the best relationship in the team, Jiang Qi left the team to go on the show alone, Weng Yao must support it.

Moreover, Han Jue will also appear.

When I went out in the morning, I made an appointment with two roommates to watch the live broadcast together in the evening. Weng Yao unhurriedly changed into his slippers, took off his coat, washed his hands and face, and then sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The TV had been on for a while, and the two roommates were sitting on blankets on the floor, watching TV while eating their late-night snack.

Weng Yao watched TV, his body trembling and his heart beating violently.

After taking a few deep breaths, she opened her eyes.

The body does not tremble, and the heartbeat does not thump.

It was as if this body had already prepared itself for a harsher and more severe punishment.

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