This star is from the earth

Chapter 551 The First Scene (Part 2)

Note: "Song for Myself" - Li Zongsheng


After the host introduced the rules, Jiang Qi, who was in the lower zone, was about to go to the middle zone to pick opponents.

The people in the middle area watched Jiang Qi push the door in. They should have gotten nervous, but they didn't. They all boldly looked into Jiang Qi's eyes, hoping to be picked. Only the lazy ones with inch hair have no interest in bullying Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi bit her lip and struggled. The style of the songs she prepared is soft, so she has no advantage in playing with female lyric singers of the same type, and can be compared with rock or rap duels.

In the end, Jiang Qi chose the one who sang the rap and took him to the lower area as a companion. The rapper looked like he had won the lottery.

There were three left in the middle area, and after some exchange of eye contact, the rock singer volunteered to be the first to appear on the stage.

Being the first to play means being the first to choose your opponent.

The rock singer walks down the long corridors, onto the stage, bows in the middle of the spotlights, gets up, and introduces himself:

"Hi everyone, I'm Chen Yuan, a singer-songwriter."

One hundred and one audience members gave warm applause and cheers.

After the excitement subsided, Chen Yuan smiled at the audience, and said, "The opponent I want to challenge is a talented singer-songwriter whom I have admired for a long time, Han Jue."

The audience in the audience never expected that Han Jue, the biggest topic of this season, would appear at the very beginning. As soon as Chen Yuan finished speaking, the audience screamed.

"This song is my proudest work that took me three years to write. I sang it publicly for the first time today. I think it is most suitable to use against Han Jue."

Chen Yuan's declaration made the audience's irritability caused by waiting too long disappeared, and they just wanted to enjoy the showdown right away.

Chen Yuan has his own band, and it took nearly 20 minutes just to arrange the instruments.

This time is enough to calm down the audience who got angry when they heard Han Jue's name.

After all the instruments were arranged, Chen Yuan was about to start singing.

Chen Yuan became famous through the "Super Band" program. He has superb guitar skills, and his voice is also the voice of the lead singer. What's more commendable is that he himself also creates. Although he failed to reach the end in "Super Band", he was quickly signed to the company. In recent years, there are often excellent works. Zhou Guan, who won the [Best Billboard], was praised by the big guys and is the rising star of rock music.

It’s just that Han Jue from the other side of the ocean is very capable of making troubles. Four rock songs of different styles, "Sweet Dreams", "Hotel California", "Creep", and "We Will Rock You", were released and sent back to China, suppressing all the rock songs. The singers were all a bit shorter. Later, Han Jue occupied the top spot of the [Fun and Cloud Billboard] for several weeks in a row, and there was a wave of English songs around the world. Han Jue was as popular as a superstar abroad, but in China, some people said, "Among the next batch of musicians, Han Jue will Carrying the flag."

Chen Yuan is not convinced, you Han Jue those songs are good, but what are the lyrics, no no no no no.

Although he heard that Han Jue was thirty years old and was no longer his peers, Chen Yuan still did not give up attacking Han Jue. The song he took out was his inspiration during his participation in "Super Band", and it took him three years to grind. In the past three years, his singing skills, musical instrument skills, singing experience and even life experience have reached their peak at this moment. Coupled with his carefully composed songs, Chen Yuan is very confident that he can defeat Han Jue.

When he finished singing, the enthusiastic cheers from the audience made him more confident.

"Thank you." Chen Yuan exhaled, put down the guitar, and bowed to the audience to thank him.

The audience cheered and applauded for a long time.

At this time, Han Jue, who was watching the TV broadcast in the background, also applauded and praised sincerely: "It's amazing."

When Chen Yuan came down from the stage to the backstage, Han Jue greeted the other party, gave him a thumbs up and said, "It sounds good." Then he jokingly asked if Chen Yuan's hand was a human hand, and he could bounce it with such a large span. song.

Chen Yuan was not modest and said no, he felt that his songs were worthy of anyone's praise, including Han Jue's praise naturally. After returning the greeting, Chen Yuan smiled and asked Han Jue: "Aren't you angry that you were chosen as your opponent?"

"Not angry, not angry," Han Jue shook his head, "You created such a good song, and then chose me as your opponent. This is your recognition of me, and I am very touched."

Chen Yuan stared at Han Jue carefully, not letting go of any trace of emotion on his face, and found that Han Jue's admiration did not seem to be fake at all. Chen Yuan couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

"Come on." Chen Yuan rewarded Han Jue with encouragement.

"Okay." Han Jue smiled and was about to go on stage.

Rock is a type of music that is easy to activate the atmosphere. At this time, the audience still has the excitement after listening to Chen Yuan's works.

Han Jue doesn't have a band, and the arrangement of instruments is also very simple, so he doesn't have much time for the audience to calm down.

But he can't do anything about it. The collision of music genres is like this. The last song was too boring, and the next one may come out with world music. The contrast is very big, but this is also the charm of the show. The two songs with different styles will be successful in the end, it depends on which work can penetrate deeper into the ears of the audience.

"Hi everyone, I'm Han Jue."

The audience welcomed Han Jue with warm applause.

"Chen Yuan's song just now is very good, I really like it, but..." Han Jue paused, looked at the audience and said, "That's right, there must be a but here, otherwise why do you think I should praise my opponent?"

The audience chuckled.

"Chen Yuan's song is good, but mine is not bad either. The opponent of a good song should also be a good song. Thank you Chen Yuan for challenging me with such a good song. I will fight with all my strength. Before I knew it, I was thirty years old. I was not used to being called uncle before, but now I can calmly be called uncle. Since I can’t keep my youth, it’s better to be an uncle. Today I am in this The first song on the stage is also the first song at the age of 30, which is commemorative, so this song is dedicated to myself first.”

The lights gradually went out, and the huge screen behind the stage gradually brightened, showing the song that Han Jue was about to sing: "Song for Myself".

Han Jue walked to the middle of the stage.

When only one spotlight was left on him in the audience, the unhurried piano sounded from the side, and Han Jue began to sing:

[I want it but I can't get it, what's wrong with you?

I can't bear to part with it, I only care about talking nonsense about the past

When you find out that time is a thief

It has already stolen your choice

Love is just a fever

Missing is closely followed, cough]

The lights are as white as moonlight, and Han Jue sings a sentence while playing the piano, like a drinker drinking alone under a month, saying a word, accompanied by a sip of wine, slowly, slowly expressing what is in his heart. It's not to tell anyone, it's more like a summary of my past.

Some songs feel that this song is great after hearing the prelude, while some songs feel "yes" after hearing the first line of lyrics.

When the first line of the lyrics came out flat, Huang Kun seemed to be struck by a big bell, his spirits were lifted, and his sitting posture was straightened immediately. The more I listened to it, the more I couldn't sit still, my face turned red like drinking wine, and I felt dizzy.

If it is said that Chen Yuan's song was crafted in three years, then Han Jue's song was crafted in thirty years.

[It is unforgivable, but unstoppable

hate over the wall at night

is empty but buzzing

Who put a cold gun in your heart

The vow of old love is like a slap in the face

Get a slap every time you remember a sentence

Then I couldn’t smell it for several years, I couldn’t smell a woman’s fragrance]

The previous six sentences were like twisting a towel in my heart, each sentence was wrung without a drop of water. Han Jue just sang it once, and Jiang Qi remembered it all, not because Han Jue is her idol, but because the lyrics are really good.

Starting from this paragraph, it is the part that was not sung in the demo.

Jiang Qi cheered up and listened to the song carefully, and found that the lyrics were plain and simple, not mysterious and mysterious, but they directly hit people's hearts. Although she is a composition student, she composed and wrote lyrics herself. When she heard such lyrics, she just wanted to kneel down to Han Jue on the spot.

It's just [buzzing], [old love], it's hard not to remind people of the past between Han Jue and Weng Nanxi.

Neither Han Jue nor Weng Nanxi mentioned why they broke up.

Jiang Qi is a die-hard fan of Han Jue. She listened to Han Jue's songs over and over again, and she couldn't be more familiar with them. She found that the image of "old love" in Han Jue's songs was always unfavorable.

People in the world always say that without Weng Nanxi, there would be no Han Jue. Weng Nanxi spent all his energy on Han Jue, and the reason for the breakup is probably on Han Jue.

At this time, listening to the song and looking at Han Jue who suddenly raised his pitch when he sang the last sentence on the screen, Jiang Qi felt that this was not the case.

The two consecutive sentences [can't be heard] are like... lamenting the passing of something.

At this point in the singing, drums and guitars began to follow up.

[The past is not like smoke, yes

Nostalgia in love is not a virtue

It's a pity being in love is not like writing a song

No matter how serious you are, you can't become a style

I ask you, who have you met and missed?

Whether you're a recidivist or a clean criminal

After Han Jue sang the first two lines, he sighed lightly and shook his head slightly.

He thought of the half a year after participating in "Let's Fall in Love", he was thinking about the people and things in his previous life all the time, his temper burst, and he was not friendly to the silly girl who bumped into him ignorantly.

Although he later let go of the past and started a new life in this world, he still failed to deal with some things well during his relationship with the silly girl.

Silly girl looks heartless and doesn't care, but she actually keeps everything in her heart, so that when she sees Weng Nanxi later, she is always worried like a thief, which makes people feel distressed.

And he, in order to make up for it, can only seriously tell Sha Niu not to worry about Weng Nanxi anymore, because:

[The only one I know is the one who has been together for a long time, I have never seen the one who has been together for a long time]

Han Jue sang seriously and powerfully to the audience:

【Time, don't rush, I won't push back what should come

What should be paid back, what should be given, I will give

Don't rush the years, I won't chase those who go far away

I just want to find out why]

He is no longer the Han Jue who just came to this world, now that Gu Fan took him to the [Blue Whale], and then went to the old chairman’s house on New Year’s Eve, Han Jue has been able to calmly face the karma planted by his predecessor It's up to him to clean up.

Although there are troubles such as owed money, their love is like chili peppers that were taken care of by the old chairman and put into the bowl at the New Year's Eve dinner. After eating, the burning feeling spread from the tongue to the heart, so that he still warmth.

As for the love debt of the predecessor [buried in the heart and wiped out for several years, there is still some power], Han Jue naturally has to sort it out.

The singing gradually came to an end, and all the arrangements were left with the unhurried sound of the piano at the beginning.

Just like the alcohol faded away, Han Jue's face looked tired at this time:

[I want it but I can't get it, what's wrong with you?

Want it but can't get it, there is no wise man in love]

After Han Jue read out the last line of the lyrics with a sigh, the audience fell silent for three seconds.

"Thank you." Han Jue bowed.

Only then did the audience wake up, and applause and cheers erupted.


"Han Jue!!"


What Han Jue sang was neither rock nor rap. The whole song was not enthusiastic, but the audience felt as if they were drunk after listening to it. Screams, applause, and cheers erupted.

What is Zizizhuji?

This song is.

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