This star is from the earth

Chapter 520 Preparation

When I first met Han Jue, Han Jue was just a cross-border screenwriter with a script from nowhere. Director Sun thinks that Han Jue has the kind of aloof face of an artist who doesn't listen to other people's opinions. Sure enough, Han Jue had a conflict with the director because of the script, and there was only one of them left.

Although Director Sun also felt that the original script was better, what could he do?

After watching too much power struggle in the circle, he thought that Han Jue was going to leave the script and leave.

But Han Jue accidentally stayed, and it was the director who left.

Meeting Han Jue again, Han Jue suddenly became a director.

Although Han Jue is not unfamiliar with the operation of a movie, and he does not appear to be an amateur when directing it, as if he has put in a lot of effort to prepare before the filming starts, but Han Jue's traces of being a director for the first time cannot be hidden from him. of.

It is not easy to protect the law for a newcomer director, but it is even more difficult to protect the law for a cross-border newcomer who has his own personality. The salary this time is very considerable. Director Sun came here to earn extra money through Xia Yuan's recommendation, and he didn't want to lose his job. He is very proficient at watching people order food, and he knows that he can't go against Han Jue, a newcomer cross-border director who is confident like Han Jue.

From the very beginning, Han Jue showed a tough face and was not humane. A tree in the camera felt obtrusive and had to be cut down, making a bunch of people feel like being with a king like a tiger.

Although Director Sun was trembling, he didn't feel that Han Jue did something wrong. The job of a film director is to visualize the script, so it is necessary to give proper command to photography, lighting, recording, art, costumes, props and makeup. If a new director fails to control the crew, the movie will lose half.

Surprisingly, Han Jue made rapid progress, as if he had a professional background, and studied the camera every night to the point where he forgot to sleep and eat. Among them, Han Jue's love for movies cannot be faked.

Director Sun saw Han Jue's talent, so he couldn't help but put forward some suggestions, thinking that some places could be better, but Han Jue refused with a smile on his face, and Director Sun didn't force him, and he never offered to propose again after that guide. Only answer the questions that Han Jue voluntarily raised. More often, it is for Han Jue to check for leaks and make up for gaps, to propose some technical adjustments, and not to interfere in the creation, even if he sees that Han Jue is imitating and learning from other people's storyboards, but has no own thinking.

If Han Jue has been like this, the fate between him and Sun Dao will be like this.

Han Jue woke up and changed in the wedding scene after the rain. He found Director Sun and wanted to systematically learn the craft of directing.

Sun Dao, who had changed his view of Han Jue, did not hide his clumsiness, and taught Han Jue little by little. There is no name of master and apprentice, but there is the reality of master and apprentice.

When the filming was finished and the post-production was completed, according to the plan, Director Sun had to rest for a few days before going to his next job.

After sending the film to [Zhumen], the post-production team had a small dinner party. At the dinner table, Han Jue told him with a glass of wine, "Let's make a movie."

Director Sun thought it was Han Jue who was making an appointment for his next trip.

As a result, Han Jue said that he planned to set up a new film production company with Jalens Xiayuan and the others. It was a serious one. There was no shortage of money, but only people. He planned to sign him and ask him to be the director to make a movie.

"I... I'm almost fifty, no, no, no..." Director Sun put down his glass and waved his hands repeatedly.

"What's the matter with you rounding it up... Even if it's fifty," Han Jue said with a serious face, "What is a late bloomer? The more talented a person is, the later he succeeds."

Director Sun looked a little dazed.

"You are." Han Jue poured a full glass of wine and touched Director Sun's glass.

"Let me think, let me think..." Director Sun murmured, the hand holding the wine glass began to tremble.

With sincere regret on his face, Han Jue said, "Director Sun, I'm serious, your talent is really wasted as an assistant director."

Director Sun raised the wine glass again and again, and finally raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. It was not enough, so he picked up the wine bottle and drank heavily. When he finished drinking and put down the wine bottle, he was already in tears.

Back home, the next day, he called Xia Yuan.

Afterwards, a director named Sun Xian became the second director signed by the [Tinder] film production company.



"How do you call the filming 'unclean'? Some directors often shoot a lot of shots in some irrelevant places, and ask him why, I can't explain, I just want to shoot, I feel that this is what the movie should look like. This is doing useless work and dragging the rhythm. You don’t want to do this, just delete the unnecessary parts. When you were filming "Love Traveler", the first half was fine, and you knew how each shot should be shot. There were very few waste shots, and the second half was just fine. No, you’ve been doing additions all the time. When you go out this time, you have to remember this, and try to get as clean as possible.”

"Remember it. Now that I'm watching "Love Traveler", I feel that some scenes in it are redundant." Han Jue nodded and followed Sun Xian to the company. They nodded and greeted the front desk, turned a corner, and walked down the promenade. On one side of the promenade is a large floor-to-ceiling window, from which you can see the bustling street view, and on the other side is a wall, near the top of the wall, there is a poster of "Time and Space Traveler". Behind is a large area of ​​blank space, nothing. Estimated according to the size of a pair of posters, about 40 posters can be hung.

This is the work wall created by Jalens. It shows great ambitions. I don't think the company will not be able to survive in such a distant future. Wang Zhi smiled and said it was very good. Xia Yuan didn't object either, but said that the empty wall was too ugly, and asked Han Jue and Sun Xian to quickly make a movie and fill it up with posters.

Han Jue and Sun Xian are under a lot of pressure. Each of them makes one movie a year, which will take twenty years.

Just take your time.

In less than half a year, there will be a second and third painting on this wall soon.

"But in my new movie, it's very difficult to use empty shots to make it mysterious?" Han Jue said with a smile.

"It depends on your post-production. If you don't handle it well in the post-production, the movie will still be dirty." Sun Xian and Han Jue passed the work wall and were walking towards the meeting room.

"I understand." Han Jue said, and then said to Sun Xian, "Master Sun, do you have any young domestic actors to recommend?"

"Young actor..." Sun Xian stroked his chin and thought.

The new films of Han Jue and Sun Xian are all pseudo-documentaries with desktop cameras. The actors appear in the whole process, and sometimes the shots are similar to close-ups. Although commercial films do not require so much acting skills, the actors must at least be able to hold close-ups test.

Actors of affordable talent like Jack and Jennifer don't just come across every year. And this time, in order to maximize profits, Xia Yuan suggested that the protagonist use Chinese actors. Han Jue, who is not familiar with the domestic film and television market, found it very troublesome.

After the news that he was preparing for the second movie was released, a lot of people contacted him through various channels every day, inviting him to various activities.

There are domestic ones and there are foreign ones.

Han Jue was really annoyed by all kinds of social invitations, but because he and Zhang Yiman got off the car from "Let's Fall in Love", some people thought that Han Jue had let go of some kind of restraint, and gave him various hints.

Han Jue was miserable, so he could only leave the old nest where he had been stuck for more than half a month, and come early to finalize the actor.

Sun Xian has been in the circle for decades, so there is nothing to say about his connections and intelligence. Han Jue came to ask if Sun Xian had any recommended actors, so that he could save some time.

Sun Xian nodded solemnly, clapped his hands fiercely, and said, "Yes!"

Han Jue looked at him expectantly.

"The [Smart Recommendation] on the side of the video site can make a few suicide-related videos to reflect my daughter's mental state!" Sun Xian said excitedly.


"Ah, that's right, actor...well, actor...I'll think about it first, and I'll get back to you later!"


With an excited look, Sun Xian recited the flash of inspiration just now, and hurriedly walked towards the conference room.

Sun Xian had two disastrous defeats, and he cherished this third opportunity very much, and he was also very nervous. At this time, the start-up day is only a few days away, and he is getting more and more nervous. He has to come to the company to be busy every day so as not to fall into anxiety. .

Han Jue can only pray that this success will allow Sun Xian to regain his lost confidence.

After Han Jue and Sun Xian separated in front of the meeting room, he walked towards Xia Yuan's office.

After entering the door, the sound of the symphony sounded. Xia Yuan was listening to music early in the morning.

"Xia Yuan, it's the end of the year, will our company hold an annual meeting?" Han Jue asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Do your job."

"This is too impersonal."

"It's okay to be humane. Don't go to Hangzhou to present awards on New Year's Eve, and don't go to meet Zhang Yiman. How about coming to the annual meeting?"

"I mean your answer is too impersonal... It's right not to hold the annual meeting, we can't be polluted by the capitalism brought by Lao Jia."

"If you are so enlightened, then you should be very pleased with this matter."

"What's up?……"

"Your "Dark Net" advertisement is hard to find." Xia Yuan smiled, "Every software in it has problems and is controlled by hackers. After the movie is released, the company may send a lawyer's letter."

Han Jue's face turned pale, and his body was shaking.

"[Wu Dao Video] and [Gu Huo Search] in "Network Mystery" are all positive images, and the cost is almost recovered by advertising."

"Then if I'm in the "Dark Web" and the software that the hackers applaud belongs to their competitors, can we ask them for a favor fee?"

"You know the essence of capitalism." Xia Yuan felt that Han Jue was probably crazy about money. "We can't make money like this."

"I'm just joking with you... why do you take it seriously?" Han Jue said.

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

"It's okay, just ask how the preparations for "Dark Web" are going. I want to make a movie earlier to change my mood."

"Most of them are indoor shots, and they will be very fast. Find the actors first." Xia Yuan said.

"Do you have any recommendations?"

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "As for the actors... there is one that impressed me so much, I almost interviewed him."

"Why don't you interview? If you want to interview, the acting skills are probably not bad, right? If there is an actor in our gang, it will be much more convenient."

"He got into a car accident later, took a long rest, and then there was no filming."

"All right."

"Aren't you going to Hangzhou to participate in the New Year's Eve? You can talk to him."

"Okay." Han Jue nodded, sat opposite Xia Yuan, listened to the music with her for a few minutes, felt that nothing was wrong, and prepared to leave.

"By the way," Xia Yuan called to stop Han Jue, "You and Weng Nanxi really have nothing to do?"

Han Jue looked directly at Xia Yuan, shook his head and said, "No."

"Then careful?" Xia Yuan smiled, "She seems to be going to Hangzhou to participate in the New Year's Eve."

God, have everyone forgotten that there is a [one] at the end, which means that this is only the first chapter, and there is another chapter after it? !

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