Zhang Yiman promised to meet Han Jue's friends immediately, but in fact she hid in the bathroom of Han Jue's house, dawdling for a while, checking her manners, arranging her clothes, touching up makeup and applying lip gloss, It took about ten minutes before he walked out as if he was dead.

In the elevator, Zhang Yiman repeatedly adjusted his breathing, as if preparing to go to the battlefield.

"Do they know that I'm coming? Did they mention me before?" Zhang Yiman kept loosening and clenching his hands, Xu Xu was talking about the uneasiness in his heart, suddenly thought of something, and anxiously grabbed Han Jue's arm , ready to press the elevator back to the first floor, "Oh! It's over, it's over, I didn't even buy a gift when we first met!"

"It's fine."

"There is something!"

"There is still some fruit at home, do you want to bring some up?"

"Crack." Zhang Yiman bit her lower lip and slapped Han Jue, but she did not use force, because she liked the "home" Han Jue just mentioned, and she felt like a married couple.

Han Jue gave another suggestion: "I haven't opened the gift they gave me, why don't we change the packaging and send it out in a random order, as your meeting gift?"

"Crack!" Zhang Yiman really hit Han Jue this time.

"Don't worry," Han Jue put his arms around Zhang Yiman and comforted him, "They urged me to bring you here very early on. I suspect that the reason why some of them are still willing to be friends with Jalens is because they have One day I will bring you here so I can get to know you."

"Hate~" Zhang Yiman was embarrassed by Han Jue's words, and hugged Han Jue's waist to relieve his tension.

Zhang Yiman knew very early that there was such a small group in Han Jue's social circle, which was mixed with fish and dragons, and was active in the name of "Jarens Dream Realization Group". , Actually not, actually Jalens is the most irrelevant, he is the mascot, and the real boss is Xia Yuan.

Zhang Yiman asked: "Will Xia Yuan hate me?"

Han Jue looked at the rising numbers on the screen above the elevator and said, "She thinks you are cute, but she said that if she was a man, she would chase you."

"Really, you lied~"

"It was all discovered by you."


"She said she was a woman and she wanted to chase you too."

Zhang Yiman withdrew his raised hand.

Zhang Yiman met Xia Yuan last year, when Xia Yuan followed Han Jue and was interviewing Han Jue. Although we didn't meet each other for a long time, Xia Yuan left a deep impression on Zhang Yiman. After that, Zhang Yiman kept hearing about Xia Yuan’s deeds from Han Jue. For example, he decided to continue making music because Xia Yuan instructed him. For example, Xia Yuan decided to adopt his first script when he sold it. Xia Yuan promotes...

Like Weng Nanxi, Xia Yuan is also the kind of powerful woman who makes a young girl fall in love with her at first sight, and then suddenly understands what kind of person she wants to be.

Han Jue talked about Xia Yuan with Zhang Yiman, and said that Xia Yuan was not so cool and chic since he was a child. In the first twenty years of Xia Yuan's life, she was always a perfect good girl. If her family asked her to learn guzheng, she would learn guzheng, and if she was asked to learn ink painting, she would learn ink painting. If she wanted to be a lady, she would always be a lady. Following the step-by-step path paved for her by her elders, Xia Yuan has been walking very smoothly without encountering a single bump. She has a childhood sweetheart and a boyfriend who is the same family. If there is no accident, they will study the same major in the same university, and this boyfriend will become her husband after graduation. However, one day, Xia Yuan suddenly felt that life was boring. She said that when she was 20 years old, she foresaw what she would look like when she was 60 years old. During the 40 years in between, she got married, had children, took care of her husband and raised children, sent the old people away, and then waited to be sent away by the children. This is not the life she wants.

Once you figure it out, no one can persuade you. Later, when filling out the application form, Xia Yuan changed the application form to another university's journalism major without telling everyone. When the admission notice came out, she had already saved enough money to rent a house by working part-time. Under the shocked eyes of her family, she left with a pile of luggage and the notice. Then her life took a different direction. She learns rock and roll, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, watches a lot of movies, stands up for a friend who was almost raped by teacher X, and writes articles in the form of reports that are popular on the Internet. She received an internship invitation from a top newspaper when she was a junior. Before Xia Yuan, that newspaper had never recruited a third-year intern, Xia Yuan was the first in history. She likes one challenge after another in life.

"A woman has to live her own life, otherwise, she will regret not living it." When Han Jue relayed Xia Yuan's words, he could hear Zhang Yiman's eyes flickering across the phone.

Han Jue later wanted to tell Zhang Yiman about Pei Qing's story, but Zhang Yiman only asked, "Why do you know so much?!"


The elevator went to the top floor.

Han Jue took Zhang Yiman's hand and walked out.

Entering the living room, Guan Yi was already inside, chatting with Lawyer Li about the cooperation.

Xiao Zhou was also there, I don't know if he was caught by Guan Yi from the game hall. Xiao Zhou was sitting next to Jalens, asking himself when he could move in.

As soon as Han Jue and Zhang Yiman showed up, they were immediately noticed by everyone.

"Oh oh oh oh~~~"

"I finally saw myself!"

"Ms. Zhang! My God! This is the real Mr. Zhang!"

Everyone wailed and howled to welcome Zhang Yiman's arrival.

The big boss Xia Yuan drove away a person with a smile, leaving a seat on the sofa for Zhang Yiman.

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic reactions, Zhang Yiman felt less nervous. She touched her hair and greeted everyone shyly.

Valentine's Day is also coming soon.

"Wow!" Zhang Yiman saw Valentine's Day, and squatted down in surprise to touch it. Although she likes dogs a little more than cats, she likes cute fluffy animals after all, not to mention that this is Han Jue's cat, and she will be its mistress in the future.

But Valentine's Day accelerated, and his body slipped away from Zhang Yiman's hand like water, and flew to Han Jue's feet, raising his head and meowing.

Han Jue picked it up.

"...!" Zhang Yiman stared at Valentine's Day with wide eyes, and she clearly read the pride from the black cat's expression.

"Come say hello." Han Jue raised Valentine's Day's paw and waved to Zhang Yiman.

On Valentine's Day, I look at the sky and the earth to see Jalens, but I don't look at Zhang Yiman.

Zhang Yiman came to touch Valentine's Day's paw, but there was no response. She supported Han Jue's shoulder and said dejectedly, "It doesn't seem to like me."

"No, you touched its paw, but it didn't even scratch you. If it was someone else..."

Before Han Jue finished speaking, Valentine's Day poked out its claws and pushed Zhang Yiman's hand on Han Jue's shoulder away.

Zhang Yiman withdrew his hand.

Valentine's Day returned to Han Jue's arms.

Zhang Yiman went around to the other side, and quietly reached out to touch Han Jue's arm.

Valentine's Day turned around abruptly, and patted Zhang Yiman's hand, telling her to put her hoof back quickly.

"It wants to monopolize you!" Zhang Yiman yelled in disbelief. It turned out that her biggest opponent was not Weng Nanxi, Gu Fan, or Pei Qing, but a cat!

Han Jue: "..."

As early as after watching the lively crowd on the sidelines for a long time, he burst out laughing.

Zhang Yiman doesn't want to be angry with a cat in public, thinking that when he comes to Han Jue's house in the future, he must bring Zhang San with him, so that Zhang San can restrain Valentine's Day, so that the relationship will not be disturbed.

The security guard downstairs called and said that the hotel's food delivery had been delivered.

After Jalens was brought up, a group of people spread out the tableware, crowded around the big coffee table, sat on the sofa or on the floor, and ate together.

When eating and chatting during the period, everyone didn't deliberately start the topic around Zhang Yiman, and more chatted as usual.

Talk about anything.

Talking about music and the recent development of Eastern and Western music, Han Jue said: "In the four elements of music, timbre, rhythm, harmony, and melody, most of our countries generally attach importance to melody and lyrics that have little to do with music. We can’t surpass us when we make music. But my album showed them another kind of music that suits them to a certain extent, and the American music scene is likely to usher in an improvement.”

Everyone ridiculed Han Jue to become the godfather of Western music.

Talking about art and performance art, Pei Qing said: "Like other art, whether you think it is good or not is completely up to you. But if you want to enter performance art, you have to allow yourself to be upset by it, allow doubt, Feelings of fear, disgust, or claustrophobia. Then think about why you feel that way, accept the discomfort, accept the unknown, and you and the artist and the art will benefit from that.”

Xia Yuan disagreed, saying that performance art is not a refuge for idiots. Last time, a performance artist dug her ancestral grave and took a photo with her body and dead bones. She wanted to bury everyone and every bone after seeing it.

Talking about work, Wang Zhi said that he invested in a company that makes virtual reality technology equipment, and when the time comes, the samples will come out for everyone to play with. He also said that a video platform that was planning to produce original content recently contacted the film company and wanted to invite Han Jue to make a self-made movie for them.

Jalens sneered and said no way.

Talking about life, Attorney Li said that his law firm was recently approached by the program team that filmed "Love Signal", and he wanted to cooperate with them in filming a workplace variety show where trainee lawyers were employed.

Everyone congratulated Lawyer Li and said that he would make his debut by taking the opportunity.

Zhang Yiman sat next to Han Jue, sometimes laughing, sometimes thinking, listening with relish, feeling very fresh.

Whether it's the content of everyone's chat, or attending a party with her boyfriend, Zhang Yiman feels fresh.

Xia Yuan seldom speaks, but almost every speech can lead to a new topic or debate. Both Song Yin and Jalens talked a lot, and they wanted to say a few words about everything, but sometimes everyone listened and sometimes they didn't. Xiao Zhou took a video camera and took home videos, saying that when he made a biographical film for Han Jue in the future, these would be precious materials. Zhang Yiman paid special attention to Pei Qing. Pei Qing would not immediately observe Han Jue's reaction after telling a joke, which made Zhang Yiman slightly relieved.

This is Zhang Yiman's first time entering Han Jue's small circle, and he feels that he has further participated in Han Jue's life.

Probably because Zhang Yiman was used to this atmosphere, Song Yin asked Zhang Yiman: "When are you going to make it public?"

Zhang Yiman didn't answer, but looked at Han Jue.

"You haven't made it public yet?" Jalens was taken aback.

Everyone looked at Jalens and said nothing.

"That's great, I've said one more piece of nonsense in this world." Jarrence consciously lowered his head and ate the drumstick.

Han Jue said: "Not yet, but I hope the sooner the better."

Thinking of what happened today, Han Jue said to Zhang Yiman: "Let's take some time in a few days, when we go to your house for dinner, let's talk to your father about it by the way?"

Zhang Yiman's eyes lit up instantly, and his little head nodded again and again: "Mmmmm!"

When everyone heard that they were going to eat at home, they felt that things between Han Jue and Zhang Yiman were almost stable, and they all congratulated Han Jue.

Those who have families have shared their experience of meeting their father-in-law with Han Jue. People without families can also come up with bad ideas.

In the end, a meal made everyone happy.

"I wish "Love Traveler" a big hit at the box office!"

In the crisp clinking of glasses, their dreams were not broken.

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