Weng Nanxi reads books, and there are some books on Internet business products on the bookshelf. She read in the book that in the field of [Personalized Recommendation], almost everyone knows the formula of [Exploration and Utilization] to balance this gambling machine.

Explore, explore options that users don't yet know about, and see what the benefits are.

Utilize, based on the user's exploration results, maximize the benefits.

This is the same as her social norms in the circle - get to know new people while getting the maximum benefit from the people she already knows.

In Weng Nanxi's heart, there is a steelyard. In the process of interacting with people, she will give as much as the other party can give her. Of course her energy is limited, and she will gradually abandon those who are not cost-effective and can no longer bring value to her in the end.

But abandonment cannot be done overnight. In order to prevent the dog from jumping over the wall in a hurry, there are also particular points. How to feel like a spring breeze, how to boil a frog in warm water, how to make the other party take the initiative to give in, and even understand for this. These Weng Nanxi are very skilled.

Li Zebin was someone she had gradually abandoned.

After [Diary Gate], Weng Nanxi didn't have much contact with these people.

At that time, they were all too busy to take care of themselves, and they didn't pay attention.

[Diary Gate] The wind of the incident reversed. After the netizens woke up, they turned around and asked which wicked bird actually posted the private diary on the Internet. Li Zebin and his second-generation sons and brothers, although they are not very popular in the area of ​​the magic city, they can understand things clearly, know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and know that they can't lead the fire home, so they all died down.

It was a long time before they remembered that they hadn't seen Weng Nanxi for a long time. Although I have occasional calls with Weng Nanxi, it is becoming more and more difficult to see each other. I always have no time and I am very busy. Under Weng Nanxi's soft-spoken explanation, although the people in the club were helpless, they all understood.

Today, Weng Nanxi sneaked a glimpse of Li Zebin and even let him into the house, just because of the photos on the tea table, which gave Li Zebin value again.

When Li Zebin came to the door and said that there were a bunch of photos of her and Han Jue, Weng Nanxi was not too surprised.

It took her half a year to deal with everything related to her in the club quietly, and at the same time, she was prepared for the omission of photos. There is an effect in psychology called "Murphy's Law", which can be interpreted mathematically as "events with a small probability must occur under a large sample". So Weng Nanxi didn't expect to lock up all potential crises with just one insurance.

Now that the problem is coming, just solve the problem.

"Are you asking the price or am I?" Weng Nanxi asked Li Zebin.

Li Zebin sat firmly on the Diaoyutai: "Let's talk about it first."

"Five hundred thousand."

"500,000? Low, low..." Li Zebin shook his head.

Weng Nanxi did not immediately quote a new price, but looked at Li Zebin calmly and calmly.

"The paparazzi sold these photos to newspapers for almost half a million," Li Zebin is very experienced. "It's a pity that I sell more than just photos. Is your avatar worth such a small amount? At least you have to..."

Li Zebin thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "Twenty million."

Weng Nanxi put down his teacup and looked at Li Zebin without speaking.

"Think about it slowly." Li Zebin leaned forward and picked up an apple from the fruit basket on the coffee table, took a bite, then lay down comfortably on the sofa, chewing the pulp, and looked around the room that he had tried everything possible to prevent him from entering. , vaguely said: "It's hard to come here, I have to sit for a while."

However, Weng Nanxi didn't think about it for long: "If you plan to make a fortune, you are really looking for the wrong person.

You should go to Han Jue. Have you read the article interviewing Han Jue? The exposure of these photos will only do more good than harm to me as an ex-girlfriend. "

"Yes, everyone is curious about you, Han Jue's ex-girlfriend, but what if I tell you that it was you, the ex-girlfriend, who posted Han Jue's diary on the Internet?"

"I don't use my mobile phone when I'm filming. The whole crew knows that I have this habit."

"Yes, but who would believe it?" Li Zebin had a sure-fire smile on his lips, "I believe it, but netizens don't believe it."

Weng Nanxi was silent.

Li Zebin looked at Weng Nanxi's face unscrupulously.

As Weng Nanxi said, if these photos are used by Han Jue, the success rate of knocking a big sum will be higher, but Li Zebin knows that what he wants is not money.

He had thought about Weng Nanxi for many years, and finally waited for Weng Nanxi and Han Jue to break up, thinking that he had a chance, but in fact the distance between him and Weng Nanxi was getting bigger and bigger, and it was out of reach.

At a reception, he ran into Weng Nanxi, who became busier and more dazzling, and saw that the circle of men and women beside Weng Nanxi were all genuine second generations who were two levels higher than him. Seeing that the coveted meat is about to be snatched away by others, he is naturally very unwilling. Wanting to hold back Weng Nanxi who was drifting away, Li Zebin believed that only by holding her handle could he not be completely abandoned by her. However, after thinking about it, I found that there was no handle that could be pinched.

Unfounded threats can only be rumors. Every female celebrity has never lacked various rumors on the way to fame, such as what has been on stage, and what has stinky feet. Weng Nanxi's rising momentum is fast, and the gossip and rumors directed at her by colleagues and Internet mobs are more vicious and wicked. But all the words without substantive evidence can only be rumors in the end.

Just when Li Zebin was at a loss and gave up, he saw Han Jue and Zhang Yiman going to Qiongzhou to play. The familiar scenes on TV reminded Li Zebin that they had also been to Qiongzhou.

Moreover, after Han Jue returned to Shanghai, he asked him to give Weng Nanxi a stack of photos, but he always forgot to send them. After watching the show, Li Zebin suddenly remembered this incident, and immediately went to find the photos.

With photos, a lot of rumors, more than just rumors.

Li Zebin looked at the photos on the coffee table.

At that time, not long after they met Weng Nanxi, the club organized to go to the beach in Qiong Province together.

At that time, Han Jue and Weng Nanxi were not lovers.

In the photo that Li Zebin was staring at, Han Jue was standing on the deck of the yacht, wet all over, holding a white thing in his hand, looking at Weng Nanxi as if asking for credit, and smiling. Weng Nanxi looked at Han Jue with anger and helplessness, as if he was saying that he couldn't wait for the boat to stop to fish it? However, she was holding a towel in her hand, and was wiping the wet hair off Han Jue.

At that time, Weng Nanxi's scarf was blown off by the wind, and the boat didn't even stop, so Han Jue jumped into the sea to help you retrieve the scarf.

Everyone was laughing at Han Jue, thinking he was stupid. Afterwards, the relationship between Han Jue and Weng Nanxi was confirmed, and other people sullenly reviewed the game in private, saying that Han Jue might have done such a stupid thing to attract Weng Nanxi's attention, so stupid people have stupid blessings and get favored ?

Everyone thinks it is very possible.

Because everyone was playing in the open-air swimming pool of a high-end hotel, Weng Nanxi found Han Jue in the corner and asked him to teach her to swim.

On the coffee table, there is a photo of Weng Nanxi sitting on the shore, with her two attractive white legs dipped in the swimming pool, gently splashing the water. She looks at Han Jue in the water with a smile, and Han Jue is in the water In the swimming pool, he was doing a demonstration of swimming strokes in a serious manner.

In the photo next to it, Weng Nanxi is holding a swimming ring. Han Jue is holding the handle on the side of the swimming ring with both hands, and only relying on his feet in the water, he moves Weng Nanxi with him. Weng Nanxi had a bright smile on his face, as did Han Jue.


"Legs should be relaxed...not too relaxed. The thigh drives the calf to kick the water, not too big...and not too small." Han Jue struggled to teach Zhang Yiman how to swim in the blue sea under the sun.

Zhang Yiman put both hands on Han Jue's shoulders, his legs either couldn't float up, or he threw up a large splash of water with great force.

Han Jue's swimming skills are acquired for nothing. He knows it but doesn't know why. No matter how good his expressive ability is, he can't convey his experience at this time, teach Zhang Yiman.

"You are too stupid!" Han Jue decisively threw the pot away, "You can't teach me! I won't teach you!"

Han Jue felt that Zhang Yiman's physical coordination was not good enough, just like dancing, he belonged to the kind of person who couldn't be taught by nature.

"No, no!" Zhang Yiman stepped on his legs in the water, immediately changed his posture, and jumped onto Han Jue, coiled tightly like an octopus.

Only the camera placed in the water captured Zhang Yiman's extraordinary water quality accidentally displayed, Han Jue still didn't know anything, but his limbs were stiff, worried that he would make a fool of himself.

"Go down!" Han Jue felt the tenderness of Zhang Yiman's skin and the warm cloth on his chest, and his heart panicked to death.

Zhang Yiman stuck close to Han Jue even more, squinted his eyes and leaned into Han Jue's ear, and said charmingly like a sea monster: "Then you continue to teach me~"

"Okay, okay, okay! Teach you, teach you." Han Jue nodded repeatedly.

Only then did Zhang Yiman loosen his clasped hands and feet.

After Han Jue got away, he breathed a sigh of relief, silently recited the Bingqing formula several times, and continued to teach in another way:

"Come on, imagine yourself as a piece of wood... wood can't laugh! I know, the reason why you can't learn it is because you always laugh. The air in your belly can't keep, so you can't float up. Now don't Gotta laugh."

"Hey hey~"

"Still laughing!"


Li Zebin moved his gaze to a few photos of a group of people.

The photo was taken when they were eating in a small restaurant, and there were a lot of people.

In the photo, Han Jue always appears on the edge of the photo, while Weng Nanxi always appears in the middle.

There is one thing that no one paid attention to when shooting. Looking back at these photos now, Li Zebin can find that no matter how the other people in the photos change back and forth, as long as Han Jue appears in the photos, his eyes must be on Weng Nanxi.


"Come here, I'll grill you fish." Han Jue handed a few skewers of grilled fish to Zhang Yiman, "You didn't even eat a hundred kakaka in your dream."

"Hee hee~" Zhang Yiman happily took the grilled fish.

Dreamed of eating grilled fish, so they came to eat grilled fish. The happiness of these three days is really the same as in a dream.

Zhang Yiman took a bite of the grilled fish in his hand, and said brightly, "It's delicious!"

Han Jue took a bite and found it average, but, "It's much more delicious than Jiang Canteen."

"Uncle, there seems to be a photo wall in that store, let's take a couple photo and hang it up!"

"I just asked, but the boss said no discount." Han Jue was heartbroken.

"Oh, then we won't shoot!"



After watching the sunset, the trip to Qiong Province ends here.

Han Jue and Zhang Yiman were on the balcony of the hotel, watching the sunset sink into the sea together.

"Uncle, how do you feel about this trip?"

"That's great," Han Jue said. "I used to really hate traveling. It turns out travel can be fun if you have the right people around you. People don't learn from what they hear, they have to discover it on their own." .”

Zhang Yiman couldn't be more satisfied with this answer, and secretly took Han Jue's hand.

Han Jue asked: "Where shall we travel next time?"

"If it's with you, I can go anywhere." Zhang Yiman said naively.

Han Jue touched her with his shoulder.

All in silence.

"Uncle, teach me to sing "Love You Slowly"."

Han Jue said yes.

"I always like to write about the evening when I am overjoyed..."

"I always like to write about the evening when I am overjoyed~"

Han Jue sang one, and Zhang Yiman sang one. Although both of them sing a cappella, the sincerity in the singing is more suitable than any accompaniment.

When taking pictures yesterday, Han Jue only sang half of "Love You Slowly". Now that half of the song has been sung, Han Jue didn't stop, and continued to sing the second half.

"For dessert after dinner, just order what you like~ I'll sleep on the right side of the bed for you tonight~ Next time I travel, I want to go to the beach last time~"

"Next time I travel, I want to go to the beach last time~" Zhang Yiman smiled and leaned his head on Han Jue's shoulder.

"Love you slowly~"

Wait until the last ray of light disappears. They were about to leave.

"Uncle, it seems that you can barbecue over there."

"Go again when you come next time."


In the last photo on the coffee table, Li Zebin and the others are busy grilling, while Han Jue is holding a guitar and singing to Weng Nanxi.

The starry sky on the back is beautiful.

But what's even better is the way Weng Nanxi looks at Han Jue in the photo.

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