This star is from the earth

Chapter 449 Portrait (End)

Before filming "Time and Space Traveler", Zhao Wenfeng was the first director we selected. He read the script and thought it was good, so he came. After he came, he began to change the script. Han Jue, as the screenwriter, didn't know it. After Han Jue saw the new script from others, he was furious as if he saw his own child being taken away for plastic surgery without authorization.

On the first day of scouting for the film crew, Han Jue had an irreconcilable conflict with Zhao Wenfeng before the bus left the area of ​​Shanghai. Only one of them could stay.

Seeing that the movie was about to die again, Lao Jia, the largest investor, knew what had happened and said that the matter could be resolved, so he immediately fired Zhao Wenfeng.

After the position of director is vacant, another person has to be found to take over. I heard that when the screenwriter was writing the script, he actually had his own picture in his mind, so I suggested that Han Juelai be the director. Several other investors found it interesting and encouraged Han Jue one after another.

Han Jue refused at first, and then he agreed half-heartedly under the persuasion of all investors not to treat money as money.

In the end, "Time and Space Traveler" was produced by Lao Jia, Han Jue was the director and screenwriter, Pei Qing was the art director, and I was the producer. Except for Lao Jia's five-year failure experience as a producer, the rest of us are cross-border operations with zero actual combat experience. It can be seen that we don't expect to get anything other than happiness with this movie.

"When I was young, I thought that not lying to others is being sincere. But it's not just like that. Sincerity is not only for others, but also for yourself. Find out who you are, what you want, what you are doing, and why you do it... ...Facing every desire of my own.” Han Jue said that he must live sincerely in this life, “So I made it clear that I want to be a director.”

Han Jue's decision to become a director without authorization caused his agent and studio partner a headache.

"This involves a problem of word of mouth and image. Others have failed, and at most they will no longer be involved in the film business. Han Jue can't do it. If he fails, people will think that he has returned to his old ways and started to make some achievements again. I can’t recognize how much I am.” Guan Yi has a lot of logic.

In the end, the matter was irreversible, Guan Yi could only pray that no one would care about the movie. But within a few days, his wish came true.

Zhao Wenfeng talked about this matter at a dinner party, and it was filmed. The video was exposed the next day, and all kinds of controversies fell on Han Jue again.

Han Jue's first contact with movies was as a leading actor, and his harvest in every sense was dismal. In his own words, his performance "insults the word acting"—he hurts himself more than anyone else. After Han Jue was exposed as a director, many people on the Internet took advantage of this to ridicule him, saying that he dared to be a director without being an actor. People pay IQ tax.

A few of our friends felt a little guilty. After all, everyone encouraged Han Jue to do this. He was scolded. He was worried that Han Jue was too stressed. Han Jue is happily playing with his adopted cat. Han Jue frowned when he saw us carrying big and small bags. He regretted it very much. He felt that he should be smarter, pretend to be sick for a few days, and lie to eat and drink for a few days.

For all kinds of doubts and all kinds of overwhelming ridicule, Han Jue flipped through them and said with a smile that it was like meeting old friends.

"When the enemy can still make us feel angry, it means that we are not sure of victory." Han Jue didn't care about all kinds of insidious or vicious remarks. Facing pressure, he only used them as motivation: "In this world, Often it’s a group of people who think they have no choice and end up doing something real.”

He soaked in the sun, yawned and stretched slowly, as if the second brewed tea was stretching in boiling water.

"It's so cold, I'm going to wear a pair of long johns." He rubbed his ankles.


Due to my work, I have been able to get in touch with many celebrities or stars, who are somewhat different in private from those in front of the camera. Interviewing them is a process of disenchantment. Sometimes, in order not to form an enemy, and not to destroy the jobs of myself and the other party, I always have to describe them in detail.

But with Han Jue, I was surprised to find that he coincided with the camera in private.

Han Jue often shows a kind of amnesiac surprise to the common things around him. A sorting trash can for kitchen waste, a blind path, graffiti on a wall, a passer-by helping an old man, a canvassing leaflet from a district committee, and even a dog can all make Han Jue shake his head and sigh.

Once, Han Jue and I were walking on the road and encountered a strike by a certain company staff. They held signs and walked on the street in an orderly manner. Han Jue widened his eyes when he saw the police cars helping to clear the way, and felt extremely fresh. Then he didn't go back home, but followed the team for two streets with great interest.

I thought he was faking it at first, but it turned out that he was just that—losing the point in life, but taking it all in earnest.

Han Jue's life is very loose, he loves to eat, play and sleep, and he doesn't like to plan things.

As for what to eat, Han Jue said that he had difficulty choosing, so he could only find a street to eat without repeating the same food. He doesn't like to read those reviews on the Internet, and he doesn't pay much attention to the quality of restaurants. He has been to the big-name restaurants on [Tongue Road], and also to the unnamed shops on [New York Street].

On the other hand, Han Jue is also quite self-disciplined.

When Han Jue was young, he liked drinking very much, drinking bottle by bottle, but now he doesn't like to drink. He said that in order to prevent himself from saying what he shouldn't say, he would not touch it unless he took a few sips when necessary. Later, he was really like this. A few of our friends had dinner together, and Han Jue drank water. Even if he was playing with Song Yin's rambunctious folk singers, Han Jue just joined in the fun with a beer-colored apple juice.

Even if it makes him always the underdog at the dinner table, he enjoys it and doesn't mind.

Besides that, daily exercise is essential.

Han Jue was praised as "God rewarded two bowls of rice", one bowl is "singing" and the other bowl is "dancing".

"Every dance of a dancer is actually an adventure." Han Jue said. Six years have passed, but her figure has always remained appropriate, and her dancing level is still amazing.

After his comeback, Han Jue seldom showed his dance level. First, his age caused him to inevitably go downhill, and second, he did not have a suitable stage.

For dancing, he only showed a little bit twice. One time was on the stage of the finals of "I AM A SINGER", and the other time was in the program "This Is Street Dance", which was less known.

In the first issue of "This Is Street Dance", Gu Fan sent his "assistant" to defeat the individual student who refused to accept the result in the duel. After the show was broadcast, Gu Fan's "assistant" became a hot search because of his powerful dancing skills, but this "assistant" never stood out.

That "assistant" is Han Jue. During that recording, he said he was going to watch with Gu Fan, but he was caught in it unexpectedly, and he was taken aback. Afterwards, Han Jue patted his thigh, "It's a loss, I didn't get the performance fee."

On the New Year's Eve of the year Han Jue came back, he reconnected with his best friend Gu Fan.

Speaking of Gu Fan, Han Jue sighed and laughed at the same time.

You can't see people's hearts for a long time, but you can only see them after accidents.

"Some people will come to you after you are injured and ask 'Are you okay?', in fact, to confirm how deep your wound is," Han Jue said, "But Gu Fan is different, he has never given up caring about me. If Whom did I miss the most before I died, and that should be him."

Han Jue said that after his comeback, he brought Gu Fan back to sort out his self-righteous mistakes when he was young.

Later, when Han Jue participated in the [Special Concert] of "Extreme Man", he also went to [Blue Whale Entertainment]. Like submitting a graduation thesis, Han Jue used the recording studio there to record the outstanding "In the Name of the Father"-this was a turning point in Han Jue's career and life.

A song "In the Name of the Father" hit the Chinese music scene, making everyone in the music scene have to pay attention to him. He also got a job as a producer for Gu Fan because of this.

Talking about leaving [Jinsha], going around and going back to cooperate with [Blue Whale], Han Jue was silent for a long time, then sighed, and said: "At that time, I was too young to know that all the gifts given by fate had already passed away. The price was secretly marked."

Sometimes I really want to persuade him to write and publish a book, but our mutual friend Pei Qing is already urging him to learn painting. I have to wait behind Pei Qing. And Pei Qing had to be behind Lao Jia.

After "Time and Space Traveler" was screened at the Zhumen Film Festival, Han Jue's life became the standard of success. After Lao Jia watched the movie, he insisted on continuing to invest in Han Jue and let Han Jue continue to make the second and third movies, and hoped that we people would not distract Han Jue's energy.

Now it seems that Han Jue's job rewarded by God is not limited to those two bowls.


It usually takes a lot of courage to overthrow what you are proud of, realize your mistakes, and re-understand yourself. Many people deceive themselves and others all their lives after being frustrated. Few people can get up from the ground like Han Jue, with mixed blood and dirt in his mouth.

Han Jue: "I still feel that it is a miracle that I can become who I am now."

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