This star is from the earth

Chapter 437 Gift (Part 4)

After a night of candid encounters, they emerged from Marie's house early in the morning and hurried to catch the subway to work.

Being late for work is a terrible thing, but they occasionally glance at the lover who is walking beside them, thinking that their future life will be colorful and no longer lonely, and the threat of being late is not so scary.

To the brisk music, they ran all the way holding hands and laughing.

One of the functions of film soundtrack is to draw the audience's mind. Through the rhythm and genre of the soundtrack, the audience will know whether to laugh or be sad in this place.

Amidst the cheerful guitar sound, the audience looked at Tim and Mary running, and felt that they were going to live happily ever after, just like in a fairy tale.

They stood reluctantly in the aisle of the subway station, reluctant to part for a second.

And in the blurred distance, the audience can see a band teetering against the wall.

The soundtrack played to a point, and the camera suddenly showed the band behind. The lead singer raised his head, smiled and sang the lyrics:

How long will I love you?

How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

as long as the stars in the dome

And longer if I can

do my best to make it longer",

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