This star is from the earth

Chapter 205 Surprise

The program team of "I AM A SINGER" extended Han Jue's room for a week. Although it is not a presidential suite, it can also be called a good condition.

Han Jue's room has an extra living room than the others, which he uses exclusively for making music. The ground is full of manuscript paper in a mess, which is euphemistically described as showing the appearance of a creative madman. Unfortunately, if it weren't for the snacks that can be seen everywhere, Han Jue's image of "hard work" would have stood up.

Because the hotel cleaners are not allowed to enter and leave Han Jue's room at will, Xiao Zhou is responsible for tidying up the living room.

Originally it wasn't Xiao Zhou's turn, but after Xiao Zhou was patted on the shoulder by Guan Yi twice, even if he was recruited into the studio, cleaning, shopping, buying snacks, and packing up the music scores were all Xiao Zhou's work.

Han Jue seriously suspected that Guan Yi recruited Xiao Zhou in advance because he didn't want to clean up.

Xiao Zhou is a very motivated young man. On the first day he became Han Jue's official assistant, he organized things like [Han Jue Global Fan Club] and [Han Jue American Support Club] on social platforms. Interact with fans and have a hot chat.

Asked why he is so proficient, he said that he was a trainee and was familiar with this set.

Han Jue nodded as if he understood, and let Xiao Zhou, a young man, do his best.

It wasn't until Xiao Zhou came up with the so-called "Han Jue fans fifty to eighty not allowed rules and regulations", Han Jue stopped in time.

"There's no need to make it the same as entering a party." Han Jue said.

He also doesn't like to set up rules for others, as long as he chases stars, he can be happy.

If you like a star, you must be attracted by a certain quality in it. Han Jue also has idols, and the idols project some kind of goals he hopes to achieve. Be rational, if you like the work, you will like the work, if you like the character design, you will like the character design, but if you do something wrong, you will also be criticized. No one insists on accepting a distant stranger wholeheartedly.

And once the rules are established, it is not allowed to say that the idol is not good at all, and this will change.

If chasing a star is also managed here and there, then you will still be chasing a Laoshizi star. It is better to have this kind of execution and perseverance than to chase the person you like.

"This way the fans will have cohesion." Xiao Zhou remonstrated.

"I don't want them to be cohesive. If I am scolded or hacked online, I just hope they don't hold me back..." Han Jue's complexion made Xiao Zhou very curious about what Han Jue saw or what happened.

Han Jue was really afraid that his fans would offend someone, and then throw out black material that he didn't know about. In my previous life, I have seen too many artists who were crushed by their fans. And the artist just can't blame the fans, it's miserable.

Han Jue intends not to be used to fans from the beginning. Everyone is a netizen. According to social etiquette on the Internet, it is good to keep a sense of distance.

After all, Han Jue was terrified of the pitfalls of his predecessor, and Han Jue didn't want to wake up and find out that thanks to his fans, he had been hit several times for no reason.

The intensity of the sun has subsided somewhat today, and the weather is extraordinarily cold.

It just so happened that Han Jue's schedule was relatively free, so he could watch TV leisurely in the living room early in the morning.

However, Guan Yi and Xiao Zhou didn't intend to let Han Jue relax, they came to Han Jue's room early and said they wanted to chat with Han Jue.

It's not an urgent moment where every second counts, so Han Jue didn't use the music creation as an excuse to drive these two people out.

"It's almost Chinese New Year. Is the Chinese New Year celebrated here in the United States?" Han Jue chatted casually while pressing the TV.

Except for Han Jue, other people can't understand American TV. Guan Yi was holding a book and writing with his head down, and replied, "Yes, the supermarket is selling new year's goods. Last time I saw there were firecrackers."

Han Jue thought it was interesting to think that all the crooked nuts on the street were wearing Tang suits and other retro clothes.

As Han Jue went to the counter to pour water, he said nonchalantly, "Why don't we celebrate the Chinese New Year in the United States. During the Chinese New Year, other celebrities rest, and we are still running business, so we must make a lot of money."

"If only you were so enlightened," Guan Yi said without taking it seriously, without raising his head. "The day after tomorrow we will record two episodes in a row. After recording, we will fly back to China in the early morning of the same day. I will give you a good holiday for the New Year."

Han Jue smiled, and didn't know if there was more regret or more joy in the smile.

Although he will feel lonely during the holidays by himself now. But it's not like before, thinking about the old days, it's not like the whole person is useless.

Han Jue was thinking, if he hadn't followed the path of being an artist, and really stayed at home and had nothing to do, then he would definitely not be able to stop thinking about the past. If it is said that memories can make a person grow old, then after half a year, he will definitely look old.

Now that he has come into contact with the profession of an artist, the novel and unfamiliar life makes him tense up every day, just like the busy schedule of the past few days, he is a little tired, but it is quite fulfilling, and there is really not much time for him miss the past.

He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's the Chinese New Year so soon, I hope the fate of the new year will be better for me." Xiao Zhou was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. A smell of cheap chicken soup.

"Fate will not treat you well in the new year, so I will!" Han Jue said loudly, "There are no more potato chips, go buy them!"

"It's too fast. I just bought six packs yesterday..." Xiao Zhou muttered.

"How do you spend the New Year?" Guan Yi suddenly stopped writing, raised his head and asked Han Jue, "Are you going to celebrate the New Year alone?"

"Ha," Han Jue laughed absurdly, "Of course I'm a human, or am I still a dog?"

"Brother Han, this is funny, this is funny!" Xiao Zhou grinned and applauded, then immediately took out his mobile phone to write it down, and prepared to send it to the Weibo account used to record Han Jue's usual interesting remarks.

Han Jue snapped his fingers and pointed to Xiao Zhou appreciatively.

Xiao Zhou also gave a [咚] with his mouth, and returned the gift.

Guan Yi waited for the two people in front of him to calm down, and then continued to say to Han Jue: "It's okay if you are alone, but if you go out with your girlfriend or the opposite sex, you'd better be careful."

Han Jue nodded clearly.

"Do you have a girlfriend now?" Guan Yi turned the pen in his hand and looked at Han Jue.

Xiao Zhou looked at Han Jue gossipingly.

"No." Han Jue shook his head.

"I'm not gossip, I'm just asking you this question to deal with it early." Guan Yi said, "I'm no longer the person sent by the company to supervise you. We are partners now, and you can talk about this matter."

Xiao Zhou nodded and said yes, just to deal with it early.

"It's true." Han Jue rubbed his temple, "There was one before, but it happened more than half a year ago, and it has been completely broken."

"An insider?" Guan Yi asked.

Han Jue thought about it and nodded.

Guan Yi stopped the spinning pen in his hand and fell into deep thought. Under Xiao Zhou's anxious eyes, he didn't ask the woman's name. Han Jue didn't take the initiative to say anything, and the incident seemed to be over like this.

Xiao Zhou put on his coat dully and was about to buy snacks for Han Jue.

Just then.

"Ding dong~" The door of the room rang suddenly.

Han Jue raised his eyebrows and looked at Guan Yi.

It turned out that Guan Yi was also surprised.

Han Jue knew that the person who came was not from the "I AM A SINGER" program group. If someone from the program team is coming, with Guan Yi's control ability, he will definitely know in advance.

"Xiao Zhou, let's see who it is." Guan Yi asked.

Xiao Zhou walked to the door on tiptoe. Carefully looked at the cat's eyes for a few seconds, his head was still dangling. After shaking for a while, he turned his head and lowered his voice, and said to Han Jue and the others in surprise: "There is a woman outside! A Chinese! It looks familiar!"

"Ding dong~~" The doorbell rang again.

"Do you want to drive?" Xiao Zhou gestured anxiously at the door.

Han Jue was thinking.

"Dingling, ringing, ringing." The landline phone in the room rang.

Guan Yi pressed the speakerphone.

"Hello, Mr. Han, this is the front desk service center of the hotel." The person on the phone said in Chinese.


"It's like this. A lady claimed to be your friend just now, and she showed a lot of intimate photos with you, saying that she would give you a surprise. And our staff in charge of reception only started work yesterday. With your consent, I violated professional standards and informed the other party of your room number. We are very sorry for this." The other party spoke sincerely and quickly.

"We will complain about this situation." Guan Yi said calmly.

"I'm so sorry."

"Ding Dong~~" The doorbell continued, reminding them that this is not a good time to pursue responsibility.

"Since it's my friend, let me go and have a look." Han Jue stood up and walked towards the door.

Xiao Zhou asked excitedly: "It looks like a female star!"

Han Jue walked over with a serious face.

【It was completely broken just now, but it shouldn't be her. 】

And when Han Jue moved closer to the cat's eyes, all he saw was darkness.


Han Jue squatted down suddenly.

Scared Xiao Zhou who was waiting for a good show to jump.

[People outside are pointing guns at me? ! 】Han Jue moved sideways against the wall at the entrance in surprise.

Xiao Zhou was speechless. He exchanged a glance with Guan Yi, who was equally speechless in the distance, and simply opened the door.

Seeing Xiao Zhou's movement to open the door, Han Jue frowned, lowered his voice and shouted: "Don't, don't!"


A person jumped in hastily.

Han Jue quickly hugged his head.

"Wahhahaha, uncle! Here I come! Are you surprised? Are you surprised..."

Zhang Yiman first yelled at Xiao Zhou, who was the only one standing behind the door, but found out that he was yelling to the wrong person, and looking far away, it was Guan Yi who was sitting on the sofa. After searching for a while at a loss, Han Jue was not found.

Xiao Zhou thoughtfully took a step aside, revealing Han Jue squatting against the wall behind him.

Zhang Yiman's tone gradually softened, and she seemed less surprised. The smile gradually turned into doubt, and he just looked at Han Jue like that.

When Han Jue raised his head when he heard a familiar voice, he could only see the youthful and invincible Zhang Yiman, and behind him Xiao Transparent and the cameraman carrying the camera.

Han Jue let out a suffocating breath, and lay down on the ground with a grunt.

It's been a busy day at work these days.

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