The Huaxia newspaper said that the United States is a music desert, and the people generally lack musical literacy. This is an alienated way of writing, which is a bit exaggerated, but it also points out two problems.

One is that copyright is not taken seriously here, piracy is rampant, and it is difficult for original musicians to eat.

The second is that the people here still have the ability to appreciate music, whether they can sing high enough and play the piano fast enough.

Seth sang very high just now, making the audience feel that this person is very good at singing. And Seth was still kneeling on the ground, playing a dazzling electric guitar show, he really is a rock genius, he changed the familiar famous song a lot, talented, talented.


It should be rewarded!

The audience applauded vigorously, shouted, and sent off the complacent Seth.

Catherine didn't finish listening to Seth's singing. When she left Han Jue and stood in the audience to watch the performance, she still heard the heated discussion about Seth from the audience behind her.

This made her worry about Han Jue.

Han Jue has never shown the ability to create rock songs. Although the American people have a soft spot for rock, it is really risky to try unfamiliar styles when they first arrive. If you can't convince the entire American music scene, it will be a joke.

But Catherine could do nothing but pray. Now the future is at stake, and it is not the time to become Han Hei.

[Please invite the next singer! 】

After the host finished a series of speeches that Han Jue didn't recognize, he stepped off the stage.

The lights of the stage began to focus on the very rear, where the singer was about to come out.

Although some viewers have heard the two popular songs that are familiar to them recently, the funny and sad thing is that most of them still haven't seen Han Jue in person.


The audience stood up and looked around curiously.

Han Jue walked out of the light curtain.

Catherine didn't know if it was because of the too bright lights, the Han Jue on stage was very different from the Han Jue she saw backstage just now.

Han Jue was wearing an ironed navy blue suit with a black shirt inside and a dark gray tie. A head of mid-length hair is arranged into a snug back, so that the exquisite and three-dimensional facial features directly impact everyone's vision.

Elegant, tall and straight, eye-catching.

Today, when China's industrial film production dominates the world, the beauty of the oriental people can be experienced by people all over the world.

Now the audience sees the beauty of both East and West in Han Jue. It can be said that before today, the audience only knew the song but not Han Jue, but after today, they may compare Han Jue's person to Han Jue's song Also be impressed.

Step by step from the entrance of the passage to the front of the stage, the aura spreads around like water.

Han Jue walked on the stage calmly, without the restraint and timidity of debuting on the big stage, nor the nervousness of being afraid of messing up, only the desire to sing with one heart, his eyes full of eagerness to try, and he was very confident.

Confident people always shine.

"Oh~ he looks very strong."

"OMG! He's so handsome in a suit! Why did I just find out today that the creator of ShapeOfYou ​​is so handsome?!"

"Shet, so handsome, I can't believe he wrote "ShapeOfYou"! It's so unfair!"

"Am I the only one who cares if his new song is in English?"


There was a lot of discussion.

Catherine clasped her hands together, hoping that Han Jue's new song would not be overwhelmed by his own "ShapeOfYou". Because Han Jue sang a new song instead of "ShapeOfYou", the audience's expectations for him have been infinitely raised.

If it meets the expectation, it will get extraordinary affirmation. Once the person who expects it is disappointed, it will be backlashed by the expectation.

Although Guan Yi standing next to Catherine was worried, he also knew that it was useless to think about the matter so far, so his expression remained calm, observing the various reactions of the audience with cold eyes, thinking about different endings and countermeasures in his heart.

In the background, the singers are gathering in the singer's hall after the performance.

"What did he sing? 'ShapeOfYou'?" someone asked.

"I was behind him in a rehearsal, and I heard it outside the door, it seemed like rock and roll." Another singer replied.

"Whoa, Rock, then he's out of luck, behind Seth," someone said.

Everyone laughed. Felt that Han Jue was out of luck, that despite his penultimate appearance, there was a good chance he would be swallowed by Seth's song.

Having said that, Seth enters.

"Hey, congratulations Seth, great song."

"Oh, thanks."

"When we talk about Han, he seems to be rock."

Seth smiled modestly and said, "Really? Then I have to listen to his rock and roll carefully. I still admire him very much."

Everyone talked and laughed, returned to the sofa, and continued to watch the TV.

There was a microphone standing in front of the stage, and Han Jue walked to stand in front of the microphone.

Facing the discussion in the audience, Han Jue didn't take it to heart.

This scene is a bit like when Zhang Yiman was on stage. Strangeness always means distrust. Besides, the public judges in the audience boast that they are absolutely objective and fair about music and will not be disturbed by the singer's appearance.

Han Jue thought, let these people shut up with songs.

Han Jue nodded to the band behind him.

The lighting engineer received Han Jue's signal and dimmed the brightness of the lights on the scene, leaving only the square inches of light around Han Jue.

"Boom boom, boom boom~"

The familiar heartbeat came from the speaker.

The audience fell silent.

They want to see how the new songs brought by Han Jue compare to the old ones.

Looking at Han Jue's elegant suit, the audience guessed that what he was going to sing was a pop song like a love song and a slow song. I was tired from listening to rock and roll just now, so it's good to listen to the slow song to relax.

Catherine and Guan Yi also put away their mixed thoughts, waiting for Han Jue's next performance.

Lyrics emerged from the subtitle board next to the stage.

At the top is the title of the song.

"Sweet Dreams".

Uh huh, yes, it's an English song, not a Chinese song.

When the audience saw the title of the song, they thought to themselves: [Ah, it looks like a love song. 】

However, the first note played by the band tells the audience that they guessed wrong.

When the lights were turned on and the scene was silent, Han Jue faced the audience with a tired face, holding the microphone with one hand, and raised the other to point to the band.

Bass's voice sounded.

[Wait...Bess? ! 】

Then the sound of the keyboard joined in.

[This... this song is poisonous! 】

The audience realizes they've been duped! They were deceived by Han Jue's dress!

This is not the road to sweetness! This is rock!

The repetitive and deep melody immediately aroused the hearts of the audience who had finally calmed down.

The audience stared dumbfounded at Han Jue who was in a suit and leather shoes on the stage, with his eyes closed and his head shaking with the music.

At a certain moment, Han Jue moved his mouth to the microphone, with a tired expression on his face, and sang in a lazy voice:

Sweet dreams are made of this

sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

who can disagree

Around the World and the Seven Seas

everyone has what they want

Han Jue closed his eyes and sang the lyrics in a whisper-like tone. It seems to be telling an unspeakable secret, and it also seems to be telling a frustrating reality. Occasionally, the ending of a few sentences pulls out a full grainy sound, full of fatigue.

Han Jue was holding the microphone stand with both hands, and his body was shaking freely. The range of activities was not large, but it made people feel that he was in control of the entire stage.

Relaxed, confident, defiant.

The audience held their breath, listening to the treacherous accompaniment and Han Jue's lifeless voice in their ears. He stared wide-eyed at Han Jue who was singing with his eyes closed on the stage.

They have stepped into the music world created by Han Jue.

Some of them want to use you

some people want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

some people want to be used by you

some people want to bully you

some people want to be bullied by you

Han Jue's tired singing voice is full of helplessness and despair, as if he has been bruised all over his body in this world, and he has given up deeply on this world.

Han Jue's singing is sinking, but the accompaniment is going up.

The drums were added to the accompaniment, and the drums hit the hearts of the audience again and again. The bodies of the audience felt warmed up. Some people couldn't help standing up.

The second time, Han Jue seemed to be brought up by the accompaniment, and his voice was a little more angry.

That tone of voice didn't seem to be whispering to himself anymore, but...

talking to the audience.

Han Jue opened his closed eyes, raised his head suddenly, and kept his mouth away from the microphone.

away from the microphone, because he wants to shout:

Some of them want to use you

some people want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

some people want to be used by you

some people want to bully you

some people want to be bullied by you

The same lyrics as the previous paragraph, but Han Jue interleaved with shouts and murmurs.

The metal texture in the shout seems to be able to penetrate the human eardrum, and the soothing magnetic sound like a cello when whispering, the two sounds form a strong contrast. It's like two people split against each other.

One wants to rebel against the world, the other accepts reality.

When the last line was sung, Han Jue sang with a black voice, making all the audience unable to sit still. Those lyrics, like knives, penetrated into the hearts of the audience.

The audience stood up one after another, swaying to the accompaniment, gasping for breath, trying to slow down from Han Jue's music.

But it's hard.

Han Jue took off the microphone and began to walk left and right on the stage. He tore off the tie around his neck, and the tie was pulled loosely, hanging obliquely around his neck, floating around. It was not elegant, but very charming!

Han Jue muttered the lyrics and looked at the audience.

It seems to be exhorting, but it also seems to be inviting.

【Hold your head up, movin' on (raise your head and continue walking)】

The audience is already crazy at this time!

Listening to the intense accompaniment, they stood up one by one, with their mouths wide open, breathing desperately like fish on shore, shouting voices they couldn't hear.

Even the beats are jumbled.

Han Jue was unbuttoning his shirt on the stage, frowning when he heard the messy beat, unable to listen anymore.

So Han Jue hit his palm with the microphone.

A dull and long lingering sound came out from the stereo—"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The audience beats to the sound.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" The applause was uniform.

Han Jue nodded with satisfaction. Then he sang the lyrics in a voice that was playful, or in a low-pitched, devilish, or high-pitched, grotesque voice.

Catherine felt like she was going crazy!

At this time, she was so hot that she just wanted to take off her clothes, but the only reason left told her that it was best not to do this in front of the camera.

Catherine has never felt that heavy metal rock can be so irritating!

In the past, her impression of heavy metal rock was only noisy and yelling, and the lead singer yelled some incomprehensible lyrics.

But after listening to this song by Han Jue today, she realized that some music can break the boundaries of genres and immerse other music lovers in it!

As for Seth?

[Let him go to hell! 】

At this time, in the singer hall, other singers were watching TV with complicated expressions.

Especially Seth.

Seth had a smooth journey, and finally felt the malice from the world for the first time.

He also finally understood the drummer's hesitation...

He is very self-aware, and he doesn't take any chances. He knows in his heart that if his song and Han Jue's song are put together, his song will be swallowed.

So he can only hope that the audience sees that he is the "Quasi-Pop Little King" who has been with the audience for many years, and he can suppress Han Jue by playing the emotional card and the emotional card.

At this time, Seth believed in God very devoutly.

on the stage.

A song reaches its final stage.

Han Jue wore a suit that was no longer elegant, and sang wantonly with a black voice that was neither loud nor sharp, his face full of flamboyance.

The accompaniment weakens until it disappears.

There was only applause from the audience.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Han Jue stood back to the center of the stage, calming down. Holding the stand with one hand, leaning lazily with the whole body, he looked at the audience who had all stood up and beat time with amused expression. After looking around the audience, Han Jue sang the first line of the song and the last line of the performance in a playful tone:

[Sweet dreams are made up of these, who can disagree? 】

After singing, Han Jue smiled meaningfully.

As soon as the hand holding the microphone was loosened, the microphone was thrown to the ground.

【Boom! 】

The microphone fell to the stage floor.

This sound seemed to hit the hearts of the audience, and it also seemed to turn on a certain switch.

The neat beat suddenly turned into stormy applause, and all the audience shouted and vented with the greatest strength.

To use the words in the elementary school students' composition, it was as if the cheers on the stage were so loud that the ceiling was toppled over.

The music director is the conductor of the band. At this time, he stood up and led the band's musicians to applaud Han Jue.

The singers in the singer hall also had to admire and applaud. I didn't dare to look at Seth, thinking that Seth had a bad luck when he bumped into the same singer.

The music consultants and music critics of the show kept saying [It’s amazing! 】.

[Most rock metal focuses on expressing emotions directly through the music, but! The most unique feature of Han Jue's song is the philosophical depth and critical strength of the lyrics. It's unbelievable, he did it! 】

Standing on the stage, Han Jue skillfully re-buttoned his shirt and fastened his tie.

He waved to the audience in the audience and went down.

"Wow!!!" Catherine was jumping and jumping, very excited, she turned into a little fan girl, and she didn't remember staying in the Korean and black camp for a moment.

Facing countless whistles and screams, Han Jue led Catherine and Guan Yi outside.

The host couldn't hold it down, so he had to let Han Jue walk out completely before continuing to host.

After leaving the studio, it was deserted and cold outside, which made Catherine, a little fan girl, finally calm down a lot.

"It's not easy!"

Catherine felt like crying. Her exclamation is not a sigh of hard work, but she is thinking that if Han Jue maintains his current level and fights against the entire American musicians, it will be very interesting, and she will not waste this time because of her short hair. Chance.

However, it can be said that it is impossible for Han Jue to maintain a high level of performance in every game. It's really not easy!

"???" Han Jue looked at Catherine strangely, and wanted to ask her where she learned it and why it sounded so familiar.

Han Jue looked at Catherine and asked with his eyes: [Are you sure you want to steal the spotlight in this way? 】

"It's not easy..." Catherine sighed with a complicated expression as she followed Han Jue.

"Come, come, come and tell me, why is it not easy, and where is it not easy?" Han Jue couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't help but want to fight.

"This so good..."

"Actually, this song is really easy."


This song "Sweet Dreams" was created by the former Eurythmics group in 1983. The songs that Han Jue released before are relatively new and avant-garde. The music director thinks it is not suitable for Han Jue who is new to the scene. The music director is also a member of the program team. Of course, he doesn't want Han Jue, the killer, to be left cold, so he made suggestions.

Han Jue also accepted.

Han Jue adapted this song "Sweet Dreams". Among the many cover versions, Marilyn Manson's version is more biased. The framework is not complicated, but the final electric guitar solo part of Han Jue's music needs to be sung. Come on, it's a bit of a pity here.

Other than that, overall Han Jue is satisfied.

To a certain extent, this song can be said to be what he felt in this circle after being an artist for the past six months as a successor to his predecessor.

However, as the song calls out, there are dirty things in this circle, and there are also good things that make people feel good.

Han Jue recalled the feeling on stage just now, he seemed to be able to control the emotions of every audience, this feeling is really addictive.

[Occasionally being a singer is still very interesting. 】

[However, singing skills still need to be practiced...]


Note: "Sweet Dreams" - the original song [Eurythmics], here is the cover version of [Marilyn Manson].

Today is just this two-in-one, and I feel that I am not a human anymore.

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