This star is from the earth

Chapter 109 Chapter 108: The world changed him

December is the cruelest month. While counting down the days of the passing year, it teaches people to combine memories and desires, so that there will be some changes in the coming year, at least not to repeat the same mistakes.

But from July to December, each month has its own cruelty for Han Jue, but the degree of cruelty is different.

But December was also the time when he was about to leave the brokerage company, which gave Han Jue some expectation and comfort in the cruelty.

On the second day after the dinner, Han Jue contacted Jalens to check out his new residence first.

If there is no accident, he will settle here for a few months.

It is true that one of his songs can be sold to Ai Du for 50,000 Huaxia coins without buying out, but he feels that there is no loss in renting Jalens' house. The reason is that after Han Jue checked the rent cost of this area on the Internet, the figures on it were astonishing.

Besides, what he sold were Chinese songs, not English songs.

And what Jarrence asked Han Jue to produce for the movie was an English song.

Jarrence's building is located near [Eleventh Street].

[Eleventh Street] is located in the [Oriental District] in the center of Shanghai.

[Eastern District] is divided into several districts, and [Eleventh Street] is counted near the edge of the literary block.

This kind of small block is unofficially divided by the people of Modu, and over time, it has become a common name for the locals and tourists of Modu.

The reason why it is called the literary area is that the cultural activities held here are relatively concentrated, and the atmosphere of literature and art is relatively strong.

This concentration is not only due to the emergence of various art exhibitions, but also when tourists walk into a bar at will, and they will find that almost everyone in that bar is enjoying the jazz music performed on the stage. And the old man playing the saxophone might be a director of a literary film.

Adjacent to the Arts Quarter is the Fashion Quarter, where studios and companies of fashion brands big and small are located.

In addition, there are food area, university city area, small European area, financial area, etc., but those places are far away from 【Eleventh Street】.

[Eleventh Street] is an avenue, which includes the small branch where Jalens' apartment is located.

Camphor trees line both sides of small branch streets, and leaves fall, falling on the roofs of cars parked under the trees.

The buildings are arranged in an airtight manner between the buildings, and they are connected into one piece.

It's not like the wealthy community where Han Jue lives now is arranged in the concept of a community, enclosing everyone for protection.

Rather, each building manages its own affairs.

And because this building belongs to one person, Jalens is a powerful figure who is a member of the street committee, building manager, and landlord.

The building in Jalens has no name. When taking a taxi, just say "the fifth branch of Eleventh Street, the house in the first building is" and the taxi driver will know how to send the passengers to their destination.

This house is the one that Han Jue often saw in foreign movies and TV shows in his previous life.

People come out of the door of a house and walk down seven steps that can accommodate three people side by side, which is the sidewalk. Turn around, and you can blend into the crowd without a trace.

There is no security, no property, only security doors.

The building has ten floors. Taking the elevator, Han Jue was taken to the fifth floor by Jalens. Then Jalens crossed his hands and signaled with his eyes to let Han Jue choose the one he likes.

Han Jue didn't know if the apartment types on each floor were different.

But as far as the households on the fifth floor are concerned, there are a total of four doors in the corridor, and all four households have a layout of two bedrooms and two living rooms, with a large space and good light.

The set selected by Han Jue has a wooden floor and no basic furniture.

Originally, Han Jue thought that it would be good to have one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, but now he is standing in the middle of the empty room, hesitating in his heart whether he should change his foothold to a long-term residence.

However, when it came time for him to think about how to furnish this new residence, he couldn't care less about hesitating about other things, he just felt his heart come alive.

Because he found it difficult not to face the empty place, imagining the pattern of the residence in his previous life.

He firmly remembered every detail that was dormant in his memory, so that he could immediately jump out of it with a little recollection.

He just stood in the living room and kept walking around, his eyes were wild, looking at places as if he was looking at real objects.

He couldn't help thinking:

If a sofa is going to be put there, it should be dark blue and soft, as long as two people can sit on it. To face the TV, the TV is neither too big nor too small.

There is also a small dark wooden table in front of the sofa...

After thinking about the whole living room, from potted plants to carpets.

[There is also a bedroom! 】

Han Jue hurried to the room.

Fortunately, Jalens has already gone upstairs, and Han Jue is the only one in this place. Han Jue can do whatever he wants without worrying about being regarded as a strange person.

So Han Jue kept wandering around every corner of the room, like a spy returning from a mission to review a target location in the base, pointing his temples with his hands, and meticulously recalling.

He looked at the empty space and named out the corresponding furniture and objects, including the color and pattern of the furniture.

In the process of talking to himself, the language is sonorous and powerful, and every time he says something correctly, the smile on his face expands.

Bedroom, study, kitchen, bathroom.

Finally, after planning all the corresponding things in his mind for the whole residence, Han Jue showed a satisfied smile, even a little relieved in the smile.

He was very happy, he did not forget the most precious home in his previous life.

He never dreamed of going back to that home in his previous life, but he never forgot about it, which is good.

Although the light and orientation are not exactly the same as in the previous life, Han Jue is already very satisfied with being able to recover to a certain extent.

Han Jue let out a sigh of relief, leaned on the window and looked out, outside the window were undulating leaves, and the same apartment building across the street. Although Han Jue knew it was an illusion, he still felt that even the air was much fresher.

Looking around, Han Jue was about to go out and tell Jalens that he had decided to live here.

In this world, chances throw some people into an environment, but those people always miss a hometown that they don't know where it is.

He felt that this place was his safe island.

[Wake up every morning, exercise, have breakfast, lie on the sofa and read for a long time, happy, happy...]

Han Jue thought about it, and suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

His brows were furrowed, thinking about why he felt something was wrong.

【Exercise? So, where is the treadmill? 】

Han Jue suddenly woke up and wanted to slap himself on the head.

He has packed the whole new place so full that he can't put down the things he wants to bring from the old place.

After calming down and thinking about it, he wanted to bring far more than just a treadmill.

In addition to treadmills, there are other exercise equipment. There are also some musical instruments such as guitars and keyboards.

Han Jue must be reluctant to give up these things.

Han Jue suddenly realized that sports and music had become a part of his life unconsciously.

Running can go downstairs to run, but what about music?

In the days without music, he couldn't make his own BGM debut music, couldn't relax his mind after writing, and couldn't brag about his terrible talent while practicing guitar.

Han Jue wants to force himself to return to his previous life. He may be able to lie to himself for a while, but it will not be like this all the time. In fact, as long as he thought about it, he knew it was impossible.

With his current habit of unconsciously analyzing the components when he hears a piece of music, it is difficult for him to wear the earphones that come with his mobile phone and not be picky about the music.

This world has changed Han Jue unknowingly.

Sunlight poured in through the windows and fell on the floor. Without curtains, the dust floats in the sunlight.

Standing in the empty room except for the sunlight, Han Jue suddenly didn't know how to furnish this new home.

If he wanted to completely retain the appearance of his previous life, then he had to make up his mind to discard what he had brought. If you want to place things that don't belong to the previous life, it will definitely destroy the arrangement in Han Jue's mind.

The air suddenly became cloudy again.

Han Jue was at a loss.

We cannot have both fish and bear's paws, in the final analysis it is because of poverty.

Confused, Han Jue went out immediately, found Jalens, and asked if Jalens had another room with three bedrooms and two living rooms, or four bedrooms and three living rooms.

Jalens shook his head, ruthlessly told the reality, and told Han Jue that those house types already had residents.

However, there is a type of apartment with only one household on one floor.

Han Jue was overjoyed.

Jalens told Han Jue coldly that it was his own residence and he did not accept cohabitation.

Han Jue is walking home, and he has experienced a huge depression.

In fact, I was planning to post two chapters in succession, but the computer automatically went black in the middle, and more than half of the second chapter had to be recoded, which is a pity. Chapter Two is in the wee hours of the morning.

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